Just put it there!Ye Ye thought of a good place, well, the cafeteria. There is a lot of space in it, and it is also very gorgeous. It is enough as a textile wedding dress and a surprise for the ship girls.

I avoided Jianniang Ye Ye and came to the top floor of the cafeteria. Although the top floor was renovated, nothing was placed. The reason was very simple, because the size of the cafeteria could not be used.

When it was built, Yamato deliberately expanded the size of the canteen. After the construction was completed, it was discovered that the scale was a little bigger. The one that was left on this floor didn't think about what to do, so it was always there. It's vacant!

"Admiral?" The sound of footsteps came, it was Yamato, and you could clearly hear the footsteps approaching, but Ye Ye didn't do anything, so he placed the wedding dresses one by one on his own!

The interior of the house instantly became bright, even a little dazzling. After Ye Ye put everything out, Yamato also came. Entering the room, Yamato covered his eyes and was a little uncomfortable with the strong light. .

But it was only for a moment. Immediately, Yamato had already adapted to this kind of strong light. When he saw the scenery in front of him, Yamato was instantly stunned. These, the wedding dress...

"Admiral, what is this..." Yamato murmured, as if in a dream!

"The wedding dress, the finished product, not the inferior product you were wearing at that time, Nuo, that's yours!" Ye Ye said, pointing to a wedding dress, Yamato walked over, and Yamato's name was indeed written on it.

Moreover, there was still a Q version of Yamato's image on one side. In an instant, complex feelings filled Yamato's heart. She didn't know how to describe her current mood.

I'm very happy, but it's not that simple, but in short, I'm in a good mood.

"Do you like it?" Ye Ye walked to Yamato's side and said, Yamato nodded quickly.

"I like it, I like it, but now the welcome party is about to start. There will be time to watch it in the future. Let's go now!" Ye Ye said, making Yamato calm down.

"By the way, Yamato, don't tell me about the wedding dress. This is the finale of the party I'm preparing, but don't screw it up for me!" Ye Ye said.

"Understood!" Yamato nodded, showing understanding.

The wedding dress has already been made, that is to say, is the Admiral going to marry them?I'm really happy, but I'm really shy, Yamato blushed, thinking wildly!

"It's so lively, poi!" Jian Niang landed on the coast, which happened to be on the coast near the playground. When other Jian Niang came to the guard house, they would go to the underground factory under the guidance of Dadian.

But this time, they were all holding a party, so there was no one in the command room, and the ship's mother didn't receive a reply. After seeing the liveliness here, she landed from the sea!

"Who is it!" Suddenly, a knife was placed on the neck of the ship girl, feeling the coolness on the neck, and the ship girl instantly became hairy.

"I'm not a bad guy poi!" She hurriedly explained!

"Are you Jian Niang?" Looking at Jian Niang Yuri, Mu Zeng frowned and said, and Yuli nodded quickly.

"That's right poi!" Xi Li nodded.

It's not really a ship girl, is it a new ship girl?But why didn't they arrive here from the front, oh right, Oyodo and the others don't seem to be in the command room, so that can be explained!

"There are some mistakes in this. I didn't expect that the ship's mother will arrive at this time. You came at the right time, and today also happened to have the ship's mother. We are about to have a welcome party." Mu Zeng put away the knife , Looking at the valiant Kiso, Yutachi felt a burst of pressure.

"By the way, I still didn't ask what your name is?" Kiso said again.

"My name is Yuuri poi!" Yuuri said, poi?It's the end of it, mouth addiction, just like electricity.

Kizeng is also not surprised!

"Kiso, who is next to you?" After arriving at the venue with Yutachi, the ship girls looked at the new face of Yutachi and began to ask.

"Yuri, let me introduce myself." Kiso said, pulling Yuuri.

"Hello everyone, my name is Yuri, I'm new here, please take care of me!" Yuri was very nervous!

"Well, that's it, Yuuri is the ship girl who just came to the guard house, and there is no one in the command room, so Yuuri also doesn't know what to do. After watching the lively here, he landed on his own." Mu Zeng explained.

"Is that so? It's really welcome, just right, your welcome party is to be with Qiuyue's welcome party. Well, you are also a destroyer, right? It's really fate, Qiuyue is also a destroyer!" King Kong said.

"Well, I'm the destroyer-type ship girl poi!" Yuri said.

"The venue has already been set up, why the Admiral still hasn't come, and he couldn't find it when he went to the Admiral's room. He was there just now!" King Kong pouted.

Now it's Cha Yeye who hasn't been there, and Yamato who hasn't been there yet!

Ye Ye King Kong has already searched for it, but he couldn't find it!

"Let's go, it's already so lively, it looks like we're going to be late!" Ye Ye said to Yamato when he heard the voice from the venue, Yamato nodded and Ye Ye quickened his pace!

[Forgot to update, I'm sorry, there are still two extra updates this afternoon. It's another two extra updates. Today will definitely be the five updates. That's it, I don't know why it's getting more and more recent. I'm lazy, it's really embarrassing to say! ! ! ] ..

Chapter [-] Just come to transform?

Chapter [-] Just come to transform?

"Admiral, Yamato, you are finally here, really, just where did you go, Admiral!" Ye Ye and Yamato came to the venue, and King Kong immediately began to complain after seeing Ye Ye.

"Well, it's not too late, and I'm not here all the time?" Ye Ye sneered, and then saw Yutachi beside him!

This ship girl, the child you don't know, is the newly arrived ship girl?But why didn't he receive the notice, Ye Ye's eyes dropped on Yuri.

"What's wrong with me, poi!" Xi Li looked at Ye Ye's eyes and looked at himself, there was nothing strange, and then Xi Li just felt uncomfortable being stared at.

"You are also from the ship's mother. When did you arrive? Are you the new ship's mother?" Ye Ye asked, and Yuli nodded quickly, nervous, nervous, nervous!

"poipoipoi!" Yuuri looked at Ye Ye and swallowed, sweat on his forehead. It was all because of nervousness. As the one who invited Yuuri, Kizeng naturally wanted to come out and explain!

"Because everyone is here, there is no one in the command room, so there is no response to Yuuri's request, so Yuuri just landed from the coast, which happened to be discovered by me!" Mu Zeng said, Ye Ye nodded, agreeing with this explanation , so that Yuli could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Is this the Admiral?It doesn't seem to be too bad, poi!Yuri thought, seeing Ye Ye and her other shipgirls laughing and laughing, they didn't look so vicious.

When he arrived at the guard house, Yuuri was the one who imagined what the Admiral looked like. Originally, he imagined that he was a middle-aged uncle, but he did not expect Ye Ye to be like this, but this made Yuuri even closer.

A middle-aged uncle can't communicate well with an elderly uncle. Well, that's it!

Someone like Ye Ye is the best admiral choice.

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