Having figured this out, Yutachi seemed to have thrown away some shackles.

"Admiral, the party can start!" This time the host is Kirishima. As for Naka, he lost again in this competition, but fortunately, the opportunity to sing is reserved for himself. Thinking of this, Naka is psychologically balanced. Some!

The idol in the ship girl is still herself, and Naka is still very confident in her status, which is absolutely unshakable!

As the protagonists, Qiuyue and Yutachi were familiar with the ship girls in the crowd, however, Ye Ye saw some differences, there was a faint light converging on Yuuri's body.

No, right after arriving at the guard house, the transformation started. Ye Ye knew that this was the prelude to the transformation, and then the light would shine, indicating that Yuri could carry out the transformation.

Looking at Yu Li, Ye Ye thought to himself that when the renovation was done, he was not in the guard house. What should he do? Maybe the time for the renovation was missed. a live target.

Especially at night now, if Yutachi really showed this kind of light when he was on the sea, it would definitely attract deep-sea habitat ships. There are not many deep-sea habitat ships in these seas.

But if the remaining ones are attracted, the end will be bad. As a scavenger, the firepower is not high, the armor is not high, that is, the torpedo is better and faster.

After running out of torpedoes, and being surrounded by deep-sea habitat ships again, this is not a dead end, so Yutachi's luck is a little better!

Of course, it's still not as good as Xuefeng. What happened to Xuefeng can be explained by miracles and deep-sea habitat ships are both blind.

Ye Ye is a little bit looking forward to what Yuri will look like after the transformation,

As a destroyer, Yutachi quickly fought with the destroyer girls, especially Kazuyu and the others. Yutachi was a destroyer like Shigure, and his stature was considered tall among the destroyers.

"Admiral, what are you looking at!" Nagato walked to Ye Ye's side and said.

"Xili." Ye Ye said.

"What's the matter, Admiral, does Yuri have anything to worry about?" Nagato said again, but she couldn't see what Yuri had to care about!

"Yuri is about to be remodeled, and the brilliance of transformation on her body is about to bloom. Go and tell Akashi and let him prepare. Today is a good day. Two ship girls arrived at the guard house, and there is another one that can be transformed soon. Become a middle force!" Ye Ye said with a smile, but Nagato was surprised.

Has Yuri just arrived at the tutelary fort to be remodeled?After a careful look at Xi Li, she still didn't notice anything, but she also had no doubts, since Ye Ye said it, there was no mistake!

Nagato has always been a firm believer in Ye Ye's words. That's right, no matter what Ye Ye said, Nagato would handle it without hesitation.

This is Nagato's trust in Ye Ye. In fact, the ship's mother, who is currently guarding the mansion, has been with Ye Ye for a long time, and she is so determined to Ye Ye.

Nagato is not the first, nor will it be the last.

"Nagato, come and taste the spicy curry I made, it tastes very good!" Ashigara suddenly grabbed Nagato and took a plate of curry, and Nagato broke into a cold sweat instantly.

She has always been helpless when it comes to spicy curry. She likes sweet curry, but the Admiral and Mutsu knew about it. Looking at Ashgara, Nagato slowly asked for a plate!

"Ashigara, I just happen to be hungry, do you want me to eat this curry? I really like your spicy curry, Ashgara!" Ye Ye's voice suddenly rang, and the moment Ashigara's eyes lit up, he shifted his target, and Compared with Ye Ye, Nagato immediately abandoned it.

[Take a rest and start working. There will still be an update of game life later. I ask for your support, the next update will be at a little over [-]:[-], and there will be another update at [-]:[-] pm , the evening is updated at [-]:[-], please support! ! ! ] ..

Chapter [-] Transform poi!

Chapter [-] Transform poi!

"Really? Admiral, you like my spicy curry. I'm so glad. Come on, Admiral, try it. If the Admiral wants, Ashgara can make it for the Admiral every day." Ashgara is happy, it should be said It was a surprise!

The first few sentences are fine, but the last few sentences are causing problems, what?It is unbearable to want to make curry for the Admiral every day, doesn't that mean that you have to be responsible for Ye Ye's three meals a day?

No matter which ship girl this position is, they have been eyeing it for a long time. For a long time, it was Mamiya and Irako who were in charge. When they heard that Ashgara was going to take this position, they couldn't bear it.

You must know that Ye Ye eats the dishes they make every day, which is already a goal of Mamiya and Irako, so that Ye Ye can eat their best dishes every day!

Whether it's Ashigara or another ship girl, if they want to fight for this position, the two of them won't let go during class.

This is unbearable. It is related to the best position close to Ye Ye, and at the same time, it is also the position that can easily develop feelings with Ye Ye. It is absolutely unbearable!

"Ashigara, your craftsmanship is getting better and better!" Ye Ye said while eating the curry, Ye Ye is not some so-called sweet pie, or spicy pie, whichever tastes better is what Ye Ye eats.

Ashgara's curry is indeed very delicious, but unfortunately, because most of the ship girls are sweet pie, especially Nagato is a sweet pie, so the spicy pie has been suppressed and cannot be turned over.

But now the time has come, as long as you identify with yourself, then the opportunity for the spicy pie to turn around is coming. That's right, the rise of the spicy pie is about to begin, and the guard house is about to be shrouded in its own spicy pie curry!

The brilliance gathered on Yutachi's body stopped and began to move outwards. Some ships who were very sensitive to light could see it. On Yutachi's body, there was a faint glow of light blooming.

But now this kind of light is negligible, and it is almost impossible to calculate it.

But soon, this kind of light is about to bloom, and the time is up, Ye Ye's eyes once again stayed on Yutachi's body. Following Ye Ye's gaze, some of the ship's girls also set their eyes on Yutachi.

The light suddenly bloomed, and the light symbolizing transformation lit up. The girls on the ship all opened their eyes, and Yuri just arrived at the guard house, right? This is the transformation to be made.

After Xiang and Shiyu and Oi went north, the fifth remodeled ship girl, Akashi is already ready at this time!

After Ye Ye caught Ashgara's attention, Nagato found Akashi, and the timeline went back to three minutes ago...

After Nagato breathed a sigh of relief, he was looking for Akashi in the venue. Akashi was checking the safety of the venue. He had been wandering around and drilling into some hidden places, but Nagato was easy to find.

Well, in fact, Nagato finally got in touch with Akashi through infinite connections. Nagato believes that his ability to hide and seek is poor. In such a venue, a venue that can be played in one minute, he is stunned. Find Akashi.

Of course, Nagato can be sure that Akashi is definitely here, but this is the only one that can be sure, because she has seen Akashi before, so she is sure!

That's why I kept looking for it in the venue. As for the girl who was going to leave, I had to talk to Nagato, but Akashi didn't find him, so I thought it was still in this venue.

It is also Nagato who has patience. Otherwise, if the other ship girls would have thought that Akashi had left the venue, she would never do this. In terms of abiding by the rules, Akashi is the most advanced among all the ship girls!

Finally, finally, after Akashi checked the last facility, she was discovered by Nagato, and then she was told that the newcomer of the ship who had just arrived at the guard house was going to be remodeled.

Hearing this news, Akashi was also very surprised, but he just came to the guardian mansion to transform, what a coincidence, and it can be said that Yuri has such good luck!

However, since you want to transform, you have to prepare yourself.

Yuuri was about to transform, and looking at the light on his body, Yuuri was full of fear of the unknown.

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