"How could this be, poi, how could I be shining, poi!" Yuuri exclaimed, or something happened to him, and he became anxious for a while.

"Hey, what's wrong with me, do I have an incurable disease poi?" When Yuuri caught Kiso, he kept asking, and Kiso waved his hand to stop him!

"Yuri, this is a good thing, don't be nervous, this is a good thing, you have to reform, don't be nervous!" Under Kiso's persuasion, Yuuri calmed down!

"Remodeling poi?" Xi Li tilted her head, showing that she was extremely confused about her clothes. Not only her, but Qiuyue on the side was also very puzzled. After all, she was the ship girl who had just arrived at the guard house, so she was forgiven for not understanding.

"The meaning is also very simple, that is to become stronger. After the transformation, your strength will be greatly improved. Before you, you already had four ship girls, and the transformation has been carried out. After the transformation, your strength has turned a lot. Cut, don't worry." After Kizeng told the results of the transformation, Yuri no longer had the initial panic.

"According to what the Admiral said, when a ship girl has accumulated experience to a certain level, you can develop your own potential. This is transformation. Transformation is to guide your own potential. This is the reason for becoming stronger!" Mu Zeng continued.

Xi Li was completely relieved.

"It turned out to be a good thing, poi, it scared me to death poi, I thought it was me doing something else poi?" Xi Li patted his chest and said.

[Um, I'm asking for your support, I just slept, and I don't know how to express the author's current mood. I'll watch it at five tomorrow. Alas, I really don't know what's going on recently. I'll be fine tomorrow afternoon. It's not like I can't code like today, um, that's it] ..

Chapter [-] The firepower is already beyond the level of expulsion!

Chapter [-] The firepower is already beyond the level of expulsion!

Yutachi was sent to the underground factory for renovation. After the renovation, the change in Yutachi was really big, and it was almost unrecognizable that his firepower was greatly increased, as if it exceeded the scope of expulsion.

Approaching the battleship, he has become the most powerful expelling firepower, has the super dodge of expulsion, and still has high firepower.

In the battle, Yutachi will play a big role. However, this matter must be decided by Ye Ye in the end. The fleet is not static, so Ye Ye does not find it difficult to do anything.

After Yuri's transformation, Ye Ye took Jian Niang to the top of the cafeteria. The Jian girls were all excited, but Yu Li didn't know why. After all, he didn't know.

And then Ye Ye couldn't be idle anymore. With Yuri's arrival, her wedding dress and so on also needed to be made. This job completely fell on Ye Ye's body.

Although Ye Ye also wanted to press on for a while and wait for a little more to make it, but now it seems that doing so is absolutely not advisable.

It had to be finished as soon as possible, Ye Ye thought.

It was the same as when Yamato had just stepped in here. The ship girls were also flashed, and then looked at the wedding dresses in front of them, and each of them found their own wedding dresses.

"Hey, everyone, be careful, these wedding dresses are not easy to make, and they can only be worn when you get married, so this time you can't wear them, the first time you have to explain in the most sacred Isn't it time?" Ye Ye also saw the plans of the ship girls, and immediately said.

Ye Ye's words dispelled the thoughts of the ship girls. Indeed, they just wanted to try it on, but after hearing what Ye Ye said, they dispelled the idea. As Ye Ye said, it was left to the most sacred. better time!

Yuri looked at the scene in front of him with an envious look, and Ye Ye also saw what Yuri looked like now.

"Yu Li, do you want it?" Ye Ye came to Yu Li's side and said, and Yu Li nodded quickly, the same as Qiuyue's reaction back then.

"If you want to, go back and draw the wedding dress you want and give it to me. At that time, there will be a lot of benefits." Ye Ye said, and Yuri's expression became excited. It turned out that he could have it too. .

It's the same as the Qiuyue back then. Girls, that's how they all look. Ye Ye smiled a little and it didn't matter!

"Really? Admiral, can I have it too?" Yuri's tone stuttered a little, because he was too happy.

After getting Ye Ye's confirmation again, Yu Li was looking forward to it.

Soon the exhibition will end, and all the girls are reluctantly saying goodbye to their wedding dresses.

Recently, fresh meats have arrived at the guard house every day, and today is no exception. The destroyers named Mutsuki and Kisaragi arrived at the guard house. Ruyue was seriously injured.

It was already a big break, and if you were a little careless, it would be sunk, but fortunately, it came to the guard house, so such a fate would not occur. Mutsuki and Kisaragi are sister ships like Yayoi Uzuki.

Ye Ye still remembered Mutsuki's expression when he just arrived at the guard house. Besides not letting himself show such an expression, Ye Ye was also trying his best to prevent the ship's mother from showing such an expression.

Ye Ye attaches great importance to ship girls. This ship girl who has been with Ye Ye for a while knows very well that Ye Ye cherishes every ship girl!

For Ye Ye, every ship girl cannot be duplicated, so urgent repairs or something, Ye Ye has been letting Akashi develop it, and now it has quite an extraordinary amount, although it consumes a huge amount of it. Resources, but this kind of thing can be said to be the life of a ship girl, so it is worth it.

In some of the more dangerous missions, Ye Ye always asks the ship ladies to bring emergency repairs, and also prepares a rescue fleet, etc. This shows that Ye Ye is concerned about this!

Mutsuki and Kisaragi were assigned to a dormitory together with Yutachi. The dormitory was for four people. When Yutachi came, there was just one vacant person, so it was a one-person dormitory. Mutsuki and Kisaragi also happened to be destroyers, so they were compiled by Yuri. Come together!

The same goes for the Kanniang Academy. Mutsuki and Kisaragi were assigned to Ashgara's class, and they were still next to Yutachi, and the explanation of the guard house was also left to Yutachi.

Even though Yuuri didn't understand anything, so let Lei assist Yuuri again. It can be said that Lei is the clearest one in the guard house. After all, she was the first ship girl who arrived at the guard house just after the guard house was established.

This is not wrong. It is not the first fleet to arrive at the guard house, but the first person. When he first arrived at the guard house, Lei was the first to land, and then came to the Jianniang Academy. Such a culprit!

Although Ye Ye also thinks this is a cute point.

Xiaoxiang Raiden is one body, Ye Ye asked Lei to assist, and Xiaoxiangdian also proudly and bravely explained the affairs of the guard house to Muyuki and Kisaragi, especially on Beijiang Gangji and Kong Ji Qinggui, and even more so. enough to explain.

When they heard that Sorahime and the others were the most advanced deep-sea habitat ships, Yutachi, Mutsuki and Kisaragi were all startled!

Next, I heard that when they were purified to become ship girls, they were even more surprised, that is, who are they, are they partners?

That's right, to become ship girls Beijiang and the others, they are ship girls partners!

[For those who want to subscribe, is it wrong to expect to meet in a dungeon? Do you not like this anime or light novel?I strongly recommend everyone to make up the novel, it is very good-looking, really very good-looking, the author strongly recommends it, otherwise you think the author wants to open this story in the next volume] ..

Chapter [-] Double Submarine Arrives!

Chapter [-] Double Submarine Arrives!


At a certain distance from the garrison, there is a group of deep-sea habitat ships marching above, which are deep-sea habitat ships composed of heavy cruisers, aircraft carriers, and battleship types of deep-sea habitat ships.

"Deep-sea habitat ship fleet, found, Lu Jiang, do we want to carry out lightning strikes!" Under the seabed not far from the deep-sea habitat ships, two dead reservoir water ships were talking.

"Lightning strike!" Said the ship girl called Lu Jiang. The other ship girl seemed to be headed by Lu Jiang. After Lu Jiang agreed, the lightning strike started, and several torpedoes charged towards the deep-sea perch fleet that was discovered!

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