"We are all clear Admiral!" Xianghe said, the voice came from the outer shell of the WO-level change, perhaps because it was separated by a layer, so the voice seemed to have some changes. If it is not a familiar person, it should be inaudible. Come out!

"Okay, let's head to the sixth area first!" Ye Ye nodded, then watched Xianghe and the others leave the underground base wearing the shell of a deep-sea perch.

Then Ye Ye immediately gave Fubuki and the others an expedition mission, and went to the sixth area to retrieve the resources from that place. As the first mission to the guard house, although it was not an actual combat mission, Fubuki was also very excited.

"I don't know what will happen when Fukiyuki-chan knows the truth of the matter. I'm a little worried. The Admiral's plan is really okay!" Mutsuki looked at Fukiyuki happily in front of them, and couldn't help but face Kisaragi and Kazuyuki on the side. Shirley said.

"No way, since it's the plan made by the Admiral, there won't be any problems, trust the Admiral!" Yuuri said, Mutsuki paused, then nodded.

"What are you talking about, the voice is too low, I didn't hear it clearly just now!" Fubuki suddenly turned around, looked at Mutsuki and asked.

"It's nothing, nothing, we're just talking about where this mission is going!" Mutsuki said perfunctorily, and Fubuki had no doubts.

The three of Mutsuki breathed a sigh of relief. If they leaked it out, it would be troublesome.

"Indeed, I hope it's a little farther away, so that I can see a lot of places!" Fubuki looked forward to it.

And Mutsuki and the others were just doing it, and when Fubuki discovered the truth, they wouldn't be too shocked!

"Yours are all ready!" Suddenly, Yuri asked in a low voice again, Mutsuki and Kisaragi both nodded, Mutsuki pulled up her sleeve, revealing signs of injury, of course, this was all fake .

"En!" Yuuri also pulled his sleeves, and on the body and the body under the clothes, they all faked some marks of injury.

Of course, these were all done by Ye Ye Rang, and they were added after a day of filling the loopholes.

"Admiral, the special-class destroyer Fukiyuki reports, go to perform the mission!" When he came to the underground base, he saw Ye Ye, and Fukiyuki gave a serious military salute.

"Oh, Fubuki, you are here. It seems that this mission has not yet been explained to you in detail. This expedition mission is to go to the sixth area to retrieve the resources we left there. It can be completed. , Fuxue!" Ye Ye took out the map and said to Fuxue.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!" Fubuki looked excited!

Alas, Mutsuki, Kisaragi and Yutachi, who were behind Fubuki, both sighed psychologically. I hope you can still maintain such optimism and passion after this mission.

The three of them couldn't help but meditate like this in their hearts!

"Destination, here, Fubuki, as the flagship, let's start the expedition..."

[Cough cough, since Chuixue is the protagonist, it is natural to have some special treatment, so I specially gave such a training, the animation is terrible, I have to write it myself, to ease my still very entangled mood , otherwise I'm not in the mood to watch the second season of continuing to feed shit] ..

Chapter [-] begins!

Chapter [-] begins!

"Dadian, tell Xianghe and the others that Fukiyue and the others have already set off!" Ye Ye said after Fukiyue and the others disappeared. Dadian nodded and communicated with Xianghe.

"My first mission, I'm so happy, so happy!" Fubuki hummed all the way, and behind her, Yutachi and Kisaragi and Mutsuki looked a little weird.

I hope that after this time, Fubuki won't hold a grudge against us!The three of Yutachi prayed like this, and the four of them moved towards the sixth area. Because of the mission, Ye Ye deliberately placed some resources in the sixth area.

Otherwise, the resources had already been emptied before, so where are the resources for Fubuki and the three to carry them.

"Fukiyuki, you look too excited, calm down, calm down poi!" The higher the expectation, the harder the fall will be when hit, Yutachi can't help reminding Fubuki, hoping to reduce the heat of Fubuki, or wait until The truth arrives...

"No way, she can't calm down at all, she didn't listen at all!" Mutsuki said, Yuuri showed a helpless expression, Fubuki was so excited, I'm afraid she wouldn't listen to anything!

"Very good, there are still three or three destroyer types of deep-sea habitat ships, everyone works harder, we can go back after sinking them. Mamiya and Irako have already prepared dessert for us, and it's too late to go back, Maybe it was Akagi and the others who got on board first!" Nachi said to the ship girl behind him in the waters of Nanxi Zhudao on the other side.

They came out to carry out the mission, the destroying mission of the deep-sea habitat ships in the first area of ​​the waters of the Nanxi Islands, and some scattered deep-sea habitat ships also appeared in the waters of the Nanxi Islands.

Their mission requirement is to completely eliminate these deep-sea habitat ships. As for consumption, there are subsidiary bases and a lot of resources in the waters of Nanxi Zhudao, which can allow them to replenish the already reduced ammunition and rest at any time.

The sea area of ​​the Nanxi Islands is very large, and they have already performed the mission for two days. After all, it is such a large sea area, and the deep-sea habitat ships are running around every day, so they can only follow.

That's it, after two days, the radar installed in the waters of Nanxi Zhudao showed that there were still three destroyer types of deep-sea perch. for a second.

I really miss the residence of the custodian, and the dishes and desserts of Irako and Mamiya. Although it was only two days, for the ship girls who have already had their appetites high, eating the food in the attached base is completely boring.

Sure enough, it's still the garrison base.

"It's not good, Sister Ashigara, these three deep-sea habitat ships have already left the waters of the Nanxi Islands and entered the front of the guard house!" Returning to the affiliated base, to check the whereabouts of the remaining three deep-sea habitat ships, the magical power suddenly shouted.

"What? Went to the front sea area of ​​​​the guard house, communicated to the admiral, and told him!" Ashgara said.

In the guard house, in the command room, Oyon received a report.

"Admiral, the driving route of these three deep-sea perch vessels will probably be ahead of the encounter between Shokaku and Fubuki, what should we do!" Dadian said.

"Don't worry, it's just three ordinary destroying deep-sea perch vessels, four against three, and even among them, Yutachi has the most powerful destroyer after the transformation. It's impossible not to win!" Ye Ye didn't care.

"And!" Ye Ye showed a smile, "Tell Shōkaku and the others, and let them appear immediately after Fubuki and the others destroy the three deep-sea perch!"

"Also, let Nazhi and the others return, and the remaining three deep-sea perch vessels will not use them!" Ye Ye said again, Dadian nodded and started to contact.

Ye Ye sketched it out, simulating, Fubuki and the others defeated the three destroyer-type deep-sea habitat ships, and then Shokaku and the others reappeared, so Fubuki and the others would not be able to detect the fraud.

But before that, I have to inform Yutachi and the others that these three deep-sea habitat ships are real, not fake!

"Admiral, the notification has been completed, the Nachi fleet is already returning, and Shokaku and the others are also preparing!" Dadianhui reported.

"Very good, then connect with Fuyuki Yuri and the others, and inform them that there are three destroyer-type deep-sea habitat ships that escaped from the cleaning of the Nanxi Islands. They are going to meet them and prepare to destroy them. This time it is an actual combat. They are actually fighting!" Ye Ye said, Dadian understood what Ye Ye meant, just because he was afraid that Xili and the others would mistakenly believe that they were pretending to be his own!

The news was well conveyed, and it reached the ears of Fubuki and Yutachi.

"Wow, the first actual combat!" Fubuki burst out with more intense firepower.

"Hey, Yuri, this time, is it true?" Mutsuki asked in a low voice.

"Didn't the admiral say it all, this is an escape from the waters of the Nanxi Islands, and if it is said to be an actual combat, it should be a real deep-sea perch!" Yuuri said, she has nothing, but Mutsuki and Ruyue just took a breath. tone.

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