The number of times that Mutsuki and Kisarasu have actually faced the deep-sea habitat ship is very small, and it can be calculated with one palm, and they are not facing the front line. This time, it is the real front line facing the deep-sea habitat ship!

I was a little nervous. Of course, I had already experienced actual combat, but it was not like a newcomer with no actual combat experience.

"As long as it's trainable, it's good to behave like that!" The two were mentally prepared, and Fubuki, this kind of character was not a bad thing.

Right now, the Fubuki Fleet is in the fourth sea area in front of the garrison, while the deep-sea habitat ships are on the edge of the fifth sea area and are advancing, and Shokaku and the others are on the edge of the sixth sea area and the fifth sea area!

ps: This chapter is the chapter for the late ship girl. I’m really sorry. It’s a little late, but it’s still updated. There is still one update in the morning, the same in the afternoon, and two updates in the evening. The second author will update the morning and afternoon at a regular time, and write it out in advance, so that even if it is sleeping, it will not be delayed! ..

Chapter [-] Admiral Baka!

Chapter [-] Admiral Baka!

"Sister Xianghe, release the reconnaissance plane!" At Xianghe, Yu Hei said to Xianghe, they must master the movement of the deep-sea perch, such as where they have reached, so it is better to prepare early!

Now they are still at the critical point between the fifth area and the sixth area. There are some reefs here, and Shōkaku and the others are hiding here.

"Okay!" This time, what Xianghe released was not a loader that was faked as a deep-sea habitat ship, but a zero-type reconnaissance plane of the ship's mother. This kind of reconnaissance plane has undergone some transformations and will not be used by the air-to-air reconnaissance. find.

If you want to grasp the trend of the battlefield, you must use this kind of reconnaissance plane. Otherwise, Fubuki's air-to-air is extremely powerful. The deep-sea perch-like loader will be discovered soon. After all, it depends on the size and color. That said, it's easy to identify!

It was because I thought of this before, so I specially prepared a specially modified loader for use. Of course, this loader can also be used on the ship, and the deep-sea habitat ship can still be found.

The loader left, spread out and spread around, and soon found it, Fubuki and the others still have the shadow of the deep-sea habitat ship!

The three ordinary destroyer-type deep-sea perch ships are not high in the air, so in the case of very concealment, the three deep-sea perch ships of the follower have not been discovered.

"I found it!" Xianghe said, with a smile on his face, but now outsiders can't see the charming smile.

"Now Fubuki and the others are going to meet those deep-sea habitat ships, so let's start preparing, Ha-chan, Iku, we're ready!" Shōkaku said, looking at the Iks who were still frolicking behind him.

"Understood!" With Ha Sauce taking the lead, the Yis formed a fleet with Shōkaku in an orderly manner, and began to slowly approach the place where the two sides would meet.

The Fubuki Fleet has already entered the fifth sea area, and they are getting closer and closer to the deep-sea habitat ships. With the admiral's warning, Fubuki and the others are also extremely vigilant in the process of driving.

On Yutachi's body, there was a marine electric scout, the electric scout was activated, and began to search for the shadow of the deep-sea perch. Suddenly, the electric scout reflected, and the three deep-sea perch responded exactly as the admiral said.

"Fukiyuki-chan, we have already detected the whereabouts of the deep-sea habitat ship, and we will meet you soon!" Fubuki, as the flagship, immediately reminded Fubuki.

"Okay, I see, everyone forms a single vertical, and we will defeat the deep-sea habitat ship in one go, using torpedoes!" Fubuki said!

The torpedo that I have been in contact with for so many days at the Guard House can finally be used once today. Fubuki loaded the torpedo, and stared in the direction Yutachi pointed!

Three black dots appeared, getting closer and closer, blue eyes, that's right, it was a destroyer-type deep-sea perch!

"It's already within the firing range of torpedoes!" Yutachi suddenly shouted as the distance was getting closer.

"Torpedoes, all launch!" Fubuki gave the order as the flagship, and dozens of torpedoes were fired instantly. At this time, the deep-sea habitat ship launched a shelling.And they were easily dodged by Fubuki and the others!

When Fubuki and the deep-sea habitat ship played against each other, the command room had already received the news reported by Shōkaku. If there was any situation, Shōkaku would report to the command room!

As Ye Ye said, the three ordinary destroyer-type deep-sea perch vessels were no threat to Fubuki and the others, and they were sunk with a quick knife.

All Fubuki members were unhurt.

"It's really dangerous. If Fubuki didn't react in time just now, that torpedo would have hit us!" Yutachi said with a bit of fear, and when their torpedo was about to hit, the deep-sea perch also sent a torpedo.

If Fubuki didn't rely on his knowledge reserves to see that there were torpedoes, I'm afraid they would all be hit, and the worst result would be a small break!

Fubuki has solved the deep-sea habitat ship here, and it's time for Shokaku and the others to appear!

"Haguro, Ha-chan, Iku, 59, Imya, let's go!" Shōkaku said, and at the same time, the loaders in the shape of deep-sea habitat ships rose into the air, forming a formation and rushing towards Fubuki and the others. past!

On the loader, there are some signs to identify it as a fake deep-sea habitat ship loader, and Yutachi and Kisaragi and Mutsuki also rely on this to identify whether it is a real deep-sea habitat ship loader!

"Kizuki, Mutsuki, here we come!" Yutachi saw the loader and all the markings on it, and said to Kisaragi and Mutsuki.

"I see, Yutachi-chan, Shōkaku-san and the others are here!" Looking in the direction Mutsuki pointed, he saw a Wo-class, a heavy cruiser, and a deep-sea perch with four destroyers.

That's right, it's Sister Xianghe and the others, it's not the first time they've seen the shell, and they've recognized it!

"It's an air strike, a lot of deep-sea perch ship loaders!" At this time, Fubuki showed his anti-air capability. He has a lot of potential, and there is still a lot of development. This is why Ye Ye went to great lengths to make these preparations. Willing.

Develop the potential of blowing snow.

"Mutsuki-chan, Yutachi-chan, Kisaragi-chan, you all have to be careful!" Fubuki was circling among the bullets fired by the loader, but the bullets were actually dumped on the three of Yutachi's bodies, and it was only individual loads that attacked Fubuki machine.

No harm was done to Yutachi and the others, but the clothes made of human cloth were torn apart, revealing the skin, revealing the scars that he had faked before.

"Admiral BAKA!" However, in the three-year-old guarding mansion, Fuxue looked at Ye Ye and couldn't tell what mood he shouted out this sentence!

ps: Ahem, I will update one chapter and another tomorrow. This episode will be updated three or five times a week. I will update it irregularly. Maybe I will update it every day, or maybe every other day. It’s purely up to the author. The mood is updated, Jianniang must be updated every day, and sometimes the dungeons are written about the key places, and I will also write about the dungeons first! ..

Chapter [-] Come again?

Chapter [-] Come again?

"Fukiyuki-chan, don't you get angry?" In the cafeteria, Yutachi, Kisaragi and Mutsuki were asking Fuyuki to be a cake in order to calm Fubuki.

The three of them looked at Fubuki and kept trying to curry favor. The three of Yuuri began to complain about Ye Ye, which caused their relationship with Fubuki to suddenly become tense. Of course, this was only superficial, and Fubuki only made some small comments. Just temper.

The picture flowed yesterday. Shōkaku and the others appeared after the deep-sea perch that the Fukiyuki fleet defeated. One Wo-class plus a heavy cruiser with four destroyer types of deep-sea perch, this was an unprecedented enemy for Fubuki.

The loader mainly attacked the three of Yutachi, Mutsuki and Kisaragi. The clothes were broken, and then the scars on the body were exposed. It looked like it was broken.

At the time, Fubuki had no doubts, but thought that Kisaragi and the others had already made a big break. Xianghe was very accurate, and spent more than three hours with Fubuki. Almost everything Fubuki learned was forced out and used in actual combat. superior.

For this reason, Kisaragi performed a shipwreck, Yutachi and Mutsuki exercises, and inspired Fubuki. In fact, Kisaragi was rescued by the Yis.

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