After the last incident, Fubuki started training more rigorously, hoping to become what Ye Ye and the ship girls wanted.

Even Tone and Tsukuma are amazed by the strength of growth. It seems that the last incident really promoted the discovery of Fubuki. This move is indeed quite good, but it has already been used on Fubuki once. Everyone knows this trick, so it is easy to be seen through if you use it again.

Ye Ye also started to get busy. In addition to planning the battle in the southern sea area, he still had to make the wedding dresses of the Flying Eagle sisters and Yunlong with blowing snow.

The same is true for diamond rings, all of which have to be made. Originally, this was a relatively easy job, but with the addition of formulating battles, it seemed a little embarrassing.

Ye Ye didn't even think about it, let's put the wedding dress aside first, and wait until the battle plan is finished before proceeding, but thinking of those ship girls, as soon as they arrived at the guard house, he made wedding dresses and diamond rings for them.

If she didn't do it for a long time, what would Feiying sisters, Yunlong and Fuxue think, especially Fubuki, who just inspired her, but don't get depressed again because of this.

After that, even if he remade his wedding dress and diamond ring, the popularity of Bukiyuki would not return to the current state, so he would lose sight of the other.

I finally played the bad guy once, promoted Fubuki's growth, and then made a fool of myself, but I didn't have time to cry.

You must know that after Ye Ye's encouragement, Chuixue is now approaching the transformation, and now Chuixue has become a role model for the guardsman.

The hardest part of the training, after the afternoon training, let Akagi use the loader to train her, commonly known as internal brushing experience!

However, this method can only be used on the current Fubuki, that is, only Fubuki's current enthusiasm, training and belief will make this training bear fruit.

Ye Ye stood up, walked to the window and looked towards the coast. From Ye Ye's eyes, he could naturally see that there was a training machine hovering above the arena.

This training machine was specially made by Akashi. It is similar to Zero War. The paint on the body is yellow if it is not enough, and the power of the shells has also been weakened to one-tenth of the original, but still retains one-tenth of the power. Akagi requested.

Akagi seems to have appointed Fubuki as his frigate, so he always tried his best to think of ways and take action in training Fubuki.

Fubuki himself seems to be very willing to become Akagi's frigate. Indeed, Akagi is still very handsome in normal times, except when he is eating!

This appearance made Kaga jealous, but this was Akagi's wish, so Kaga also helped to train Fubuki together.

ps: Today's four shifts are completed. If you like it, hurry up and reward it. This month's reward is only a pitiful [-] points. There is also a new book. The new book is asking for your support. Ah, I ask for your support, I bow to everyone, all the flowers are covered by new books! ! ! ..

Chapter [-] Blowing Snow Transformation!

Chapter [-] Blowing Snow Transformation!

In Ye Ye's eyes, Chuixue was about to reach the extreme, and there was a subtle light condensing on his body. After working hard, it was estimated that it would only be two or three days before Chuixue could be transformed.

You know, Akagi is enviable. Let Feilong and Canglong add Xianghe and Ruihe Taifeng, and Qiuyue still doesn't know who the flowers are now, and Fubuki was booked by Akagi.

Before the transformation, Fubuki had such potential, not to mention after the transformation, the ship girls all know that Fubuki definitely has a very strong anti-air force after the transformation.

Although it is unlikely to be comparable to Qiuyue, after all Qiuyue's air-to-air is too frustrating, and also because of Qiuyue's ship outfit, Qiuyue's air-to-air is not only in the destroyer, but also belongs to the first among all ship girls. one.

Even Yamato who is equipped with powerful anti-air equipment has become unwilling to admit defeat, Qiuyue's ability in anti-air is indeed stronger than himself.

However, Yamato is a low-speed battleship, not a high-speed expulsion like Fubuki Qiuyue. The frigate needed by an air carrier is a destroyer, especially a powerful one against the air.

Akagi has great hopes for Fubuki, and she also believes that Fubuki will not disappoint her hopes!

"Chicheng, you really take care of Fubuki!" Ye Ye said, looking at Chicheng in front of him, Chicheng found the kind of training machine he wanted to give her again.

I remember that it was approved once yesterday. The connection is a little big. The date of Fubuki's renovation should be very near. Ye Ye got up first and looked in the direction of the training ground. Kaga was training Fubuki, some Kan Niang watched and cheered Fubuki!

Fubuki is already about to burst into light, and sure enough, the amount of training has increased, so the date of the transformation that he predicted is also accelerated.

"Chicheng, don't need it anymore, Fubuki is already going to be remodeled!" Ye Ye turned to face Chicheng and said.

"Really? I understand!" Akagi left the admiral's room with a happy expression.

As Ye Ye said, just as Chicheng reached the seaside, Fubuki had a ray of light blooming on his body, and the nearly half-month connection to hell was not wrong, he really did it.

After the transformation, Fubuki lived up to expectations, and it did have a high improvement in the air. As a frigate of Akagi, it was more than enough.

To verify the current air-to-air capability of Fuxue, the results are touching. The number of loaders that Fuxue barely coped with before is now extremely easy, and anyone can see that Fuxue's air-to-air has been greatly improved!

On the other hand, Feiying sisters and Yunlong also adapted to the guard house. Feiying sisters got a dojo. Although they were light air carriers, they were treated the same as regular air carriers.

Yunlong, on the other hand, lived with Dafeng. The dojo was set up by two people, while the other dojos were all with two people. Dafeng alone seemed a little out of place.

Therefore, it is simply to let Yunlong and Dafeng live in a dojo!

The plan for the southern sea area has already been formulated, and this time Nanfang Discourse is one of the two deep-sea habitat ships that have not been cleaned up in the sea area around the guard house.

That is to say, as long as the deep-sea habitat ships in the southern waters are cleared, then there is only one obstacle preventing Ye Ye from entering the world.

But in contrast, the deep-sea habitat ships in these two sea areas are absolutely powerful, and this deep-sea habitat ship from the southern sea area can be known.

With my change, maybe there are other deep-sea habitat ships that have been upgraded. The most advanced deep-sea habitat ships will definitely not be rare, and it is impossible for that kind of deep-sea mines to be rare.

This is a huge challenge. Not to mention the WO-level change, even the deep-sea mines can cause a lot of trouble to the ship girls. If the WO-class change and the deep-sea mines are combined, this is super tricky.

These are purely Ye Ye's speculations, but they are very likely to happen. The WO-level reform has already acquired a lot of wisdom, and it is also possible to form the most powerful fleet by oneself, and deep sea mines will definitely be photographed by then. Bar!

In a short period of time, it was unrealistic to expect that there would be a very strong one among the ships who came to the guard house, so Ye Ye decided to start the transformation plan.

Nagato Yamato, Musashi and Taiho also participated in the plan, and worked out the training plan for the ship girls together. Looking at the plan discussed by the four, Ye Ye felt that he was still too young.

The plans they made were more perverted than those made by Ye Ye, but it was undeniable that they were all made according to the characteristics of the ship's mother, and they definitely had a miraculous effect!

And then it started. Later, the ship's mother positioned the training of black history. The instructors for the training were the four King Kong sisters, Yamato Musashi, plus Akagi Kaga plus Taiho, and then Tone and Tsukuma, plus Nachi sisters.

It's already been remodeled. Of course, Jianniang is not part of the training, such as Hibiki and Oi and Beishang and Shiyu.

After seeing the training, a few people were sober. Fortunately, they had already been transformed in advance. Otherwise, they would be shocked when they watched the training scene.

Dangrang, the effect is also extremely powerful. On the first day, Kawauchi was transformed, the second day, the magical power was transformed, the third day Saratoga was transformed, and the fifth day was transformed by Naka.

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