All in all, the effect is very powerful, and Ye Ye didn't expect that after the transformation, the supernatural power occupied the title of Queen of Light Cruisers in one fell swoop, and the attributes far surpassed the level of light cruisers, and they were almost reaching the level of heavy cruisers.

The training period is set for ten days. During this period, the only thing that can be transformed is that you can join the battle in the southern sea area. The strength of the ship girl has been greatly enhanced after the second transformation. One ship girl transformation has little effect on the whole, but a lot of The transformation of the ship girl has a great effect on the whole!

This is enough to deal with the difficulty of southern discourse!

ps: It was a little delayed, so the update is a little late. I hope you will forgive me. If you ask for a subscription, it is Sunday today. The number of people should not be bad. If you ask for your subscription, I also ask for your support. , the new book has good grades, the old book can be updated, any volume can be! ! ! ..

Chapter [-] Night attack, night attack of deep-sea perch!

Chapter [-] Night attack, night attack of deep-sea perch!

When night fell, the sound of the alarm was pulled up, and the red light resounded through the entire garrison. Not only that, but also the sound of shelling.

asshole!Ye Ye's face was ugly. Looking at the current appearance of his guarding mansion, the inner layer was fine. Some buildings on the outside were destroyed, and it seemed that they were made by deep-sea perch.

As for what humans did, Ye Ye had never considered this, it was completely impossible.

A little pissed off!Ye Ye looked at the scenery in front of him with a gloomy expression. Although the main buildings were all intact, he was beaten to the door this time.

This is unbearable!Nagato, Kongo and Yamato entered the admiral's room. There is still an alarm outside. Although Mikan's face is still drowsy, they are now awake and know what they should do now!

"Admiral, the ship girls are already gathered in the open space, and the next is waiting for the Admiral!" Nagato said, she was also extremely annoyed by this attack.

This time, the detection in various sea areas turned out to be without an alarm, and it can be known that this detection has been destroyed, and the method of destruction is unknown.

As the secretary of the guard house, this incident can already be regarded as a challenge for her!

"Okay!" Ye Ye nodded. The attack this time was estimated to have come from the Southern Sea Area, because the sea area surrounding the guard house was now the Southern Sea Area and the Central Sea Area under the protection of the Southern Sea Area.

But even if you want to attack the central waters, you must first defeat the deep-sea habitat ships in the southern waters. It can be seen that the central waters is the final location of the deep-sea habitat ships in this area.

"Air raid?" Ye Ye led the three of Nagato to the open space just now. Suddenly, Ye Ye saw that a loader with a deep-sea perch was moving forward.

The target is above the open space. This is the bombing. The ship girls definitely have casualties. However, all the ship girls are gathered here, and the air is also extremely terrifying.

Even if it is a change, he can't take the air dominance. Even two more air carriers can't take the air dominance. What's more, in the guard house, there are still the previous air carrier Qi Ji, Bei Qi Ji and Gang Wan Qi Ji. .

Although the three of them have already turned into ship girls and their strength has declined, they are not weaker than Akagi Shokaku and the others in the air.

With the help of three people, if you want to gain air dominance with the ship girls, unless it's the kind of crazy lineup, the lineup that only appears in Ye Ye's brain supplement is fine.

As for reality, that's impossible.

After Ye Ye's prompt, the ship girls easily cleared all the loaders, and then it was time to fight back.

All the ship girls are afraid of who, even the top deep-sea habitat ships will do the same.

This time, the emergency sortie point was used directly. Originally, Ye Ye thought that the emergency sortie point would not be used in the future.

It was extremely dark outside, perhaps because of the gathering of deep-sea habitat ships, so the sky above the garrison was covered with clouds, just like a deep-sea habitat.

Perhaps, after this place is taken down, it will become a deep-sea habitat ship, but no matter how you think about it, it is impossible, because there is Ye Ye here, and there are ship girls here.

Ye Ye also sighed that he had been at ease for too long. The attack at night was only awakened after the loader of the deep-sea habitat ship bombed the surrounding buildings, perhaps because he just wanted to be an ordinary admiral now. reason.

In the end, Ye Ye had no choice but to remove the loader, which was why the surrounding buildings were all blown up, but the inner buildings were all intact.

The other party also wants to rely on the sneak attack while the ship girls are sleeping, and let the loader bomb the dormitory and the guard house completely to kill the ship girls directly!

Although Ye Ye had to admit that this plan was indeed very good, and the deep-sea habitat ship seemed to have received a lot of support, it turned out to be able to invalidate the detectors in the sea area, but although the plan was good, they succeeded in angering them. Leaf pages out!

Jianniang is Ye Ye's inverse scale, whoever dares to let them die, Ye Ye is in a hurry.

Since it was speculated that this came from the southern sea area, I couldn't bear it any longer, and I waited for all the deep-sea perch vessels that were besieging the garrison to go to the southern sea area.

This time, we will defeat the southern discourse and the central sea together, and completely liberate all the adjacent seas around the guard house.

Originally, Ye Ye wanted to implement this plan slowly, and it would take at least half a year to defeat the southern sea area and the central sea area, and the time for formulating and preparing the plan was also taken into account.

The combined area of ​​the southern sea area and the central sea area is very large, at least equal to the sum of the area in front of the garrison's mansion, the sea area of ​​the Nanxi Islands and the western sea area.

It is even more than that. The power of the deep-sea habitat ships in it can be imagined. This is the real base camp of the deep-sea habitat ships.

For example, the deep-sea habitats in the waters in front of the Guard House, the deep-sea habitats in the Nanxi Zhudao waters, and the deep-sea habitats in the northern and western waters are all like those affiliated bases that Ye Ye made.

The southern sea area is equivalent to those guard bases that Ye Ye set up around the guard house, and the central sea area is equivalent to the main base of the guard house.

This time, he broke through the guard base and came to the guard house. Ye Ye also has to return the gift. As for how to return the gift, it is to return him in the way of a human being!

ps: I ask for your support. In the evening, there will still be an update of the dungeon, the update of the ship girl, and then the update of the big teacher who has two updates. It can be regarded as an apology for the unfavorable updates of the first two days. The first two days were force majeure, I hope you can forgive me! ! ! ..

Chapter [-]: Autumn Moon Blows Snow for Merit!

Chapter [-]: Autumn Moon Blows Snow for Merit!

"Is it already out of the nest? I'm just saying, an ordinary human being, it is also because of the strength of the ship girls that I can beat you, right? That kind of brainless strategy is really laughable!" In the direction of deep sea perch.A human is standing on a destroyer-type deep-sea perch.

However, the strange black lines all over his body make it hard to imagine that he is a human being, and there is a blue flame in the pupil of his right eye, which is like a wo-level change behind him.

He was manipulated by the wo-class Kai, and was fooled by the wo-class Kai's use of his own powerful resentment to let him use him as a puppet for the deep-sea perch.

Of course, the reason for finding him is very simple, that is, because this person is a naval admiral, a rear admiral stationed in Africa, and commanding naval battles is undoubtedly his specialty.

Controlling human beings, this is what they can do with their wo-class reforms, and other deep-sea habitat ships or the most advanced deep-sea habitat ships can't do it, this kind of thing.

This time, it was also the luck of the deep-sea habitat ship and the others. It turned out that they directly captured a ship of humans. At that time, when the humans were captured, they still looked like they couldn't believe it.

In their eyes, the deep-sea habitat ship is the kind of human who has no wisdom and only knows to attack. Unfortunately, they were disappointed. At that time, the official WO-class change as the flagship was a deep-sea habitat ship with no inferior to human intelligence. .

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