And what they couldn't have imagined was that this Wo-level change had a special power that could control many people, without one exception, they were all controlled.

Even if some of them are determined, they are controlled. The grievances accumulated by the deep-sea habitat ships, especially the grievances accumulated by the wo-class deep-sea habitat ships of this level, are not small.

At least even the most determined human beings will be instantly overwhelmed by the surging grievances and manipulated by the Wo-level change!

Underwater is a deep-sea habitat ship with a submarine type. No matter what, humans can't escape!

After trying one by one, the wo-class change finally found what he wanted, that is, the current rear admiral, he has the knowledge to meet the standards of the wo-class change.

Therefore, the wo-class change has always controlled him. As the military division of the deep-sea habitat ship, at the same time, the wo-class change is also learned by himself. Of course, the power is still in the hands of the wo-class change. How can humans order the deep-sea habitat ship.

Humans and deep-sea habitat ships can never cooperate, the only exception is being controlled by the wo-class change, and then kicking away when they get what they want!

Sadly, now this Rear Admiral is completely irrational, and the rest is some willpower instilled by the wo-level reform, and there is only one fate waiting for him.

Ye Ye also doesn't have much affection for human beings. In fact, Ye Ye will still do such a thing!

Taking this rear admiral under his control away, the remaining human beings are left to fend for themselves, but there is only one ending.

Don't expect to have a small island in the middle of the sea, even if there is, it is not a distance they can reach.

And they let this wave of humans go. Who knows if the other deep-sea habitat ships encountered by these humans will let them go.

Moreover, in the current situation, the probability of encountering a ship on the sea is infinitely close to zero, which can almost be said to be abandoned.

In fact, the detectors in the Ye Ye sea area were all modified based on human detectors. After all, if you develop it yourself, it will take Akashi several days. The repairs accumulated during this period, but It will make Akashi hurt, maybe Akashi needs an assistant too!

But this is not in a hurry for the time being. The most important thing now is to destroy all the deep-sea habitat ships that are now entering here. The rest will be discussed later!

As a Rear Admiral, the Rear Admiral controlled by the wo-class change naturally knew about this kind of detector, so he taught the deep-sea habitat ship how to crack it.

This kind of detector actually just made Akashi strengthen its concealment and transmission ability, and the rest is basically no different from the original.

This is also the reason why, in this attack, I have received news of the deep-sea habitat ship in advance.

"Hey, this time he will definitely gather the ship's mother together to attack, so it happens to be the target of the loaders. The next step is to release a large number of loaders!" The human rear admiral said.

Raid with tons of loaders?The wo who was behind him changed the message and passed on the message. Immediately, all the light air carriers and wo-class sent out their own loaders, gathered together and drove towards the place where Ye Ye and the others were!

The number is terrifying, and many of them have advanced loaders. For example, the wo-class loader is a very advanced loader!

But what they didn't expect was that among the ship girls who had just arrived at the guard house recently, there were these two ship girls who were very high in the air, and they were also based on Qiuyue's Qiuyue Cannon, so that the whole ship girls could get the air. strengthened.

There is no doubt that Qiuyue and Fubuki are in the air, and there is still one thing that is, Qiuyue and Fubuki are very strong in the air, but they are still reflected in one aspect.

That is air detection. After all, even a human rear admiral, an extremely experienced rear admiral, cannot escape the flaws of his own cognition.

After all, he didn't take this aspect into account, so although his idea was very good, he would eventually lose.

Fubuki and Akizuki were discovered after the loader approached a certain distance!

ps: I beg for your support, I beg for your support, today's update, tonight is also a new update of the ship girl, a new update of the dungeon, two updates, please support, I have eaten a bad stomach today. Damn it, I went to the toilet several times, it's really unpleasant! ! ! ..

Chapter [-] Humanitarian Destruction!

Chapter [-] Humanitarian Destruction!

Fubuki and Qiuyue's air-to-air probes are extremely powerful, and they found that the distance between the loader and themselves is still a long way off, but the time used by the deep-sea habitat ship's loader to span this distance is long enough for the ship's mother. We're ready, isn't it for the sky?This kind of thing has been specially strengthened before.

After the destroyers, light cruisers and heavy cruisers were equipped with anti-aircraft guns based on Qiuyue guns, they also trained several times to master the capabilities of this ship!

Those who should be in the air should be in the air, and those who should use the three-type bomb are the three-type bombs. As for the Yi, they stayed under the water and watched the discovery, but immediately, a few people began to look for deep-sea habitat ships!

Since the attack could not attack them, the only deep-sea perch loader that could attack their light aircraft carrier was already destroyed by Akizuki and Fubuki at the beginning.

In a short period of time, there will be no second wave of deep-sea habitat ships, but now the problem is coming, and it must be to find out who is behind the scenes.

As the divers of the Yi, it was the best choice to carry out the reconnaissance mission. This time, it was a mission, so Ye Ye put the world into a dead end.

"Ship girls, start shooting at the air, this time go all out, let the deep-sea habitat ship see how powerful our ship girls are!" Nagato shouted, and countless cannons sounded.

A frame of loaders were shot down, and almost all of them were sunk by Fubuki and Akizuki plus Yamato and Musashi's powerful anti-aircraft ships.

"The loader was wiped out, impossible, how could they have such a powerful air-to-air capability!" In the wo-level change, the human major general got the information through the contact with the wo-level change.

All the loaders were sunk by the ship girls, which made his face look ugly, and his previous high spirits also disappeared, but he didn't expect that in the previous few days, the ship girls' anti-aircraft was It has been strengthened, and there is still a lot of time to strengthen it!

No matter how bad it is in the air, the ship girl has a good air-to-air capability, and then combined with the best in the air, the comprehensive air-to-air is naturally unbreakable, and the air dominance is guaranteed!

"Is that so? It's a human being!" After seeing the Rear Admiral who was controlled by the wo-level change, Ye Ye sent out these cold words after reporting the matter to Ye Ye.

Although I know, there must be something strange, and even humans may be controlled by the wo-level change, but the blame is still on the rear admiral.

It was because of this guy that the deep-sea habitat ship was able to enter here and bombed the guard house. Ye Ye's face became ugly, and the look in the eyes of the Rear Admiral was extremely dangerous.

To kill, it must be to kill her, even if it is not his original intention, this plan should come from his mouth, and it is because of him that it is the first time that the guard house has received such damage.

Now that we know, the other party is the main person who attacked the guard house, so there is no reason to go to him to trouble him.

The strength of this Rear Admiral is absolutely unquestionable, but if he is unable to adapt to the battle between the ship's mother and the deep-sea habitat ship, even if he is a powerful faction, it is useless!

After all, what you have learned and are good at can't come in handy!

"Admiral, the enemy has already been discovered, is it the approval to take off the transshipment plane?" Xianghe suddenly raised his eyes and said to Ye Ye. In the moment just now, combined with the Yi numbers provided by Ye Ye, he brought it back. The Zero reconnaissance plane she put in the past was destroyed, and she still saw the last scene.

The Zero-type reconnaissance plane was destroyed after entering the perimeter of the deep-sea habitat ship modified by the wo-class. After all, it was just an ordinary reconnaissance plane!

Facing those deep-sea habitat ships that can face air, and golden or red destroyers or light cruiser-type deep-sea habitat ships, now the Zero reconnaissance aircraft is a little behind.

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