Because it was very simple, Ye Ye decided to go to the southern seas by himself to explore, because no matter whether it was thinking back and forth, it would always be inappropriate for the ship's mother to go.

The power in the southern sea area is probably extremely powerful. If you send a fleet of ship girls, if they are discovered by deep-sea habitat ships, wouldn't it be very dangerous.

How many deep-sea habitat ships are there in the southern sea area, Ye Ye is not clear, and this is also difficult to figure out.

And Ye Ye is going to go to the southern sea area this time, record some of the information, then make a plan, and finally start the strategy plan for the southern sea area!

Although they had already made a decision to do their best to defend the manor and also take down the Southern Sea Region, it didn't mean that Ye Ye wouldn't go to the mobile phone for information.

If you should do your best, you still have to do your best, but before that, there is still one thing, let’s talk about the data first!

Not only ordinary information, but also information about deep-sea habitats, Ye Ye also wanted to obtain this time.

The southern sea area is roughly, Ye Ye still sealed five areas, the first area to the fifth area, this time through the western sea area to go to this southern sea area, the sequence is to start from the first area.

Of course, Ye Ye will also look for a place to build a temporary base for raiding!

Perhaps it was because of the large number of deep-sea habitat ships in the surrounding waters of the Guard House, the reason why they had briefly approached the deep-sea habitats had always attracted some scattered deep-sea habitat ships recently.

These are all handed over to wo Jiang, so that she can adapt to her current status as a ship girl. Wo said that the current reaction is actually similar to when Kong Ji Hao Qinggui just arrived at the guard house and was transformed by Ye Ye.

But now, it is still not very good to adapt to the guard house.

At the beginning, Wo Sauce was quite resistant to this matter, but she still accepted and completed the task very well. During this period, Wo Sauce was also accompanied by three destroyer-type ships.

Ye Ye didn't worry about Wo-class escaping or something. No matter what, Wo-Jiang knew that she had already become a ship girl, and it was irreversible, at least in her opinion, it couldn't be changed.

And even if there was a way to turn her into a deep-sea habitat, she wouldn't be able to know. Even if there was, only Ye Ye would know, but would Ye Ye tell her?impossible!

After that, wo sauce will gradually accept the guard of the government, there must be a process.

Even wo sauce still retains the memory of the previous, knowing that he was a wo-class change before, the deep-sea habitat ship is second only to the most advanced deep-sea habitat ship, and is still the mortal enemy of the ship girls, but with the change of his identity, both It was changed, it was turned upside down in an instant, I became a ship girl, and I became an enemy with the deep-sea habitat ships.

Wo Sauce has also tried it, and now she has entered the attack range of the deep-sea habitat ship. As long as it is found close to the deep-sea habitat ship, it is attacked.

This made Wo Sauce completely believe that she is a ship's mother. Wo Jiang, who was a deep-sea habitat ship before, was naturally very clear about this kind of thing. Only the ship's mother is like this!

Soon, Wo Sauce had her first ship-girl friend in the guard house, a friend who was very compatible with each other. That's right, Shimakaze.

Shimakaze's most spoken words or words are 'oh oh', and wo-chan is also like Shimakaze's words or always saying 'oh oh'!

To outsiders, it sounds like a language that has broken through the dimensional barrier and is completely incomprehensible, but Shimakaze and Wo-chan can understand each other's 'oh' and 'oh' what they want to express mean!

This is an eye-opener for the ship girls!

Because of this, every time Shimakaze and Wo-chan met, they would use 'oh' and 'oh' instead of speaking. Outsiders couldn't understand it, but the two of them understood. !

After all, when Wo Sauce and Shimakaze were chatting with each other, he really felt that he couldn't intervene, even Ye Ye couldn't understand what Shimakaze and Wo Sauce were talking about.

It can only be said that the two are too compatible.

This is not a bad thing, at least, it makes Wo Jiang begin to accept the guard house.

"The establishment of the frontline base is in this place!" Ye Ye found a small island in the western sea area near the southern sea area, and was very satisfied to engrave his mark on this small island.

So that when the time comes, when you come to this place to build the frontline base, you can find it more accurately!

"The place where the front-line base is to be built has been found, and the next step is to go in and explore!" Ye Ye's eyes entered the infinite sea level in front of him, and that side belonged to the southern sea area.

It can be seen that the color of the sea water is obviously heavier than that of the western sea area, and even there is a clear appearance, and the two sea waters do not violate each other.

The reason for the change in the color of the sea water on that side is actually full of resentment. That is to say, because of the existence of a large number of deep-sea perch vessels, when it was attacked before, the sea area around the guard house also appeared. Such a situation!

ps: The update is complete, rare customer repairs, today at [-] o'clock we are going to have a power outage here, damn, damn, I'm really not reconciled, I can't live with the ship for a day, it's obviously going to be an event, it's really coming Timely, rely on, rely on, rely on, tens of thousands of resources are lost every day! ! ..

Chapter [-] What a terrifying lineup!

Chapter [-] What a terrifying lineup!

Putting his hand in the slightly heavy sea water, it was bitingly cold. The cold here is much more than the one in the guard house. If the Rear Admiral was thrown into this place by Ye Ye, I am afraid he would be frozen to death. Then it sank to the bottom of the sea.

Not to mention that the vitality in the sea has a miraculous effect on humans. Take a sip, and the resentment in the sea will affect humans, causing them to hallucinate and then die.

It is only effective for humans. These resentments are resentments against humans, resentment against humans, resentment for why humans sunk them in the first place, and why they have been in the icy seabed for a long time!

It is this kind of grievance that exists in the sea, and of course there are only individual areas, and this is the case in the sea.In most places, there are not many deep-sea habitat ships and powerful deep-sea habitat ships, so they are not big for sea water.

The sea water in the southern sea area is the most resentful sea water Ye Ye has ever seen so far. The dark blue sea water is completely different from the light blue sea water on one side, as if there is a line separating the two. generally.

The seawater with resentment is obviously much heavier in quality than ordinary seawater, so this is the situation.

Of course, it also shows how terrifying the lineup of deep-sea habitat ships in the southern sea area is. The resentment contained in the sea water here is at least five or six times more than the impact of the wo-class change on the guard's side.

In other words, the overall strength of the southern sea area is also five or six times stronger than the overall strength of the fleet led by the wo-level change last time. You must know that the wo-level change is still included.

That is to say, in the southern discourse this time, there is at least one high-level deep-sea habitat ship, and four upgraded deep-sea habitat ships, or there are two or three highest-level deep-sea habitat ships. .

That is, only this lineup can make such a big change in the sea!

And the more troublesome thing is in the back. The southern sea area is adjacent to the central sea area. The number of deep-sea habitat ships in the central sea area may be small, but the quality will be very high at that time.

In the central waters, there is absolutely no shortage of the highest-level deep-sea habitat ships and upgraded deep-sea habitat ships, and perhaps the lowest-level deep-sea habitat ships are also golden.

This time, it seems that the strategy is to be carried out part by part. Otherwise, if we do it together, even the battle strength of the current garrison may not be able to withstand it!

So it's a headache. It turned out to be like this. It seems that it is impossible to destroy a sea area with the same force as the last few times.

Ye Ye didn't go into depth, but it also recorded some information about the first area of ​​the Southern Sea.

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