The rest is to wait until the time of the Raiders!

"Admiral? Admiral? Admiral?" In the guard house, King Kong was looking for Ye Ye, but found nothing. There were some tired King Kong who sat on the seats in the playground with doubts.

Where did Ye Ye go? Nagato was in the command room of the underground base. Ye Ye went to the southern sea alone, and only Nagato knew.

"Go to Changmeng, Changmeng should know!" King Kong said to himself, then got up and ran towards the underground base.

Without seeing the Admiral for a day, King Kong just felt uncomfortable.

At this moment, Ye Ye was already on his way back, although he was delayed for some time on the way, it might affect the time it takes to return!

Ye Ye has met the ship girl, and she is still the one she has never seen before. In other words, it is the new ship girl, Gu Ying and Jiagu, the heavy cruiser type of ship girl!

So it was because of this that it was delayed for a while, but it didn't take much time. The speed of Jiagu and Gu Ying was not slow, and at this time, they had already entered the waters of Nanxi Islands, and they could enter the guard house soon. The second area of ​​the frontal sea area.

Then in less than ten minutes, he came to the guard house.

Back at the guard house, Ye Ye was troubled. King Kong was entangled with him, and he looked pitiful, saying that if something went wrong, Ye Ye should do it.

Ye Ye looked at Nagato helplessly, didn't you tell me to cover it up for me?Why did you tell King Kong all of them directly?

Nagato is actually helpless. After King Kong finds him and her, he will ask Ye Ye's whereabouts. If Nagato doesn't say anything, King Kong will always haunt Nagato, non-stop, which really makes Nagato helpless.

And some of the perfunctory methods he came up with were ineffective. King Kong was very keen to deny the reasons that Nagato came up with.

After all, it is King Kong, and in the end, in desperation, everything is speeding up King Kong, and then it is like this.

In the end, after a long period of comfort, King Kong forgave Ye Ye, but Ye Ye also noticed that King Kong seemed to be a little tighter towards himself.

As an admiral, I did have some disqualifications, and I actually made King Kong worry about myself. It seems that next time I should not tell myself to go quietly.

Ye Ye also understands the difficulty of Nagato. After all, if King Kong makes such a fuss, no one can bear it, not to mention that King Kong always shows extremely accurate intuition in his own affairs.

This is also the reason why Kongo would reject Nagato's fabricated reasons for the first time. Under such circumstances, it would be extremely difficult to hide from Kongo.

Not to mention the pitiful appearance of King Kong at that time, even Ye Ye would choose to tell King Kong.

ps: It is said that this event has eight pictures, which is a bit painful, but it will be known the day after tomorrow. It’s hard work. If it is really eight pictures, I really want to give up, and it seems that it is three. Duan Suochuan, can't be so fierce, ah ah ah ah, bless Ami Tofu, otherwise this time, even salted fish really can't be made! ! ! ! ! ! ..

Chapter [-] The third big change!

Chapter [-] The third big change!

Today is the time to prepare the southern seas to attack the base. Akashi is already ready, and the escort fleet is also ready, but Ye Ye sees something wrong.

The ships Bismarck and Prince Eugen have strange fluctuations. The fluctuations are very strange. At least Ye Ye has never seen such fluctuations, but as time goes by, they feel the same as the ship's mother.

Not only that, Z1 and Z3, which are the frigates of the two ships, also produced such fluctuations. Could it be that this is the birth of a ship girl?However, if Ye Ye remembered correctly, the birth of the ship girl was during a great change.

Could it be that?Ye Ye looked at the sky outside, but there was nothing unusual, but when Ye Ye let go of his perception, he didn't feel anything wrong!

Is it your own delusion?Ye Ye thought about it for a while, and sure enough, it's better to give up today's task for now and talk about it later.

"Admiral, we are ready!" Nagato said, this mission is led by Nagato. After all, it is the southern sea area. In this large area, the last two sea areas in the area close to the guard house one of them.

So Nagato's leadership is the most reassuring, but now this mission is a bit troublesome and must be cancelled, Ye Ye will not risk letting the ship girls go out.

"The mission is canceled, I'm afraid something bad is going to happen now!" Ye Ye said, is it bad?Nagato was interested in this, but since it was an order from the Admiral.

Until the afternoon, nothing happened, except that Bismarck and Prince Eugen, as well as Z1 and Z3, all began to shine, and suddenly, the light was bright.

Ye Ye had been waiting here all the time, the light suddenly burst out, Ye Ye's eyes were looking at the outside world, it was still the kind of thick dark cloud, and the huge resentment was in it.

If Ye Ye can see the current appearance of the deep-sea habitat ships, then you can know that these grievances actually come from the body of the deep-sea habitat ships. Now each of the deep-sea habitat ships is stiff in place, with a black vitality. Bursting into the sky from the body.

It was that kind of disgusting atmosphere again. The ship girls looked at the gloom in the sky and felt their own pressure, and couldn't help frowning. Of course, they were already the ship girls who had seen the first and second big changes. It is also calm.

However, there are also some concerns. If the place has already been cleared, will there still be a deep-sea habitat ship? If so, it will be troublesome! ! !

Are you going to clear the deep-sea perch again?To be honest, the ship girls really don't want to do it again. It's really tiring. They still remember clearly what they were like last time!

If you want to do it again, you will really feel bad!

The black clouds in the sky are the same as the last time, and they persisted for nearly a few days before disappearing. However, the bad picture imagined by the ship girls did not appear. The deep-sea habitat ship did not appear in the place where it was cleared. Where exactly did it happen? If it changes, it is unknown, at least not as tired as last time!

However, Ye Ye's current situation is not good. In front of him, two little loli and two royal sisters are lying on the ground, their skirts are wrinkled, revealing their fat times, um, black, white, white, white.

What a feast for the eyes!

That's right, they are Prince Bismarck Eugen and Z1Z3. In the big change, they all became ship girls, and the blond and busty Royal Sister has no one.

Bismarck is a high-speed battleship type ship girl, Prince Eugen is a heavy cruiser, and Z1Z3 is a destroyer girl, which added a lot of strength to the garrison at one time.

"Hmm!" The four of Bismarck woke up, as if they didn't realize that their fat times had been completely wiped out by Ye Ye.

"Here, where is it!" Bismarck stood up, the folds of the skirt were still not closed, and the fat time was completely displayed in front of Ye Ye.

Oh, with the perfect proportions, she has a place among all the ships guarding the mansion. In addition to the image of her blond big sister, Ye Ye also looks uncontrollable.

But after all, he had seen so many ships, and King Kong used his seduction every day, but Ye Ye still had not survived.

"Who are you?" Bismarck noticed Ye Ye in front of him, and then also noticed Ye Ye's gaze swept over his lower body, glanced at him, and suddenly Bismarck yelled, half squatting on the ground, his face flushed red.

"I was seen, I was seen!" Bismarck muttered, er, Ye Ye didn't expect that Bismarck turned out to be the character of a soft girl.

Fortunately, the misunderstanding was resolved in time, and Jianniang was really naive. After knowing that the guard house was Jianniang's paradise, she lost a little bit of defensiveness towards Ye Ye, the owner of the paradise, and instead met Ye Ye. got closer.

In fact, Ye Ye already has a passive skill, the favorability of Jian Niang, even a newcomer Jian Niang, the first sight of Ye Ye will have a good feeling, and if you get along every day, you will soon become obsessed. upper leaf page.

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