Lily Luca was surprised, she had never used her own magic when she was in front of Ye Ye, but Ye Ye actually knew, did Ye Ye investigate herself?Know what happened before!

Lily Luca's excited expression suddenly dimmed. She used to be a thief, so she would be disgusted by Mr. Page.

I thought I could escape the Soma family, but in the end I couldn't?

Lily Luka is too sensitive and thinks too much. If Ye Ye no longer wants to recruit her into the Hestia family, then there is no need to bring her to the eighteenth floor today.

"The symbol of this wine glass, you belong to the Soma family!" Ais saw the family symbol hidden in Lilyluca's gray linen robe.

Because the backpack was taken off, the loose robe also revealed a considerable gap, and the place where Lily Luca's logo was located was also very close to the neck.

It is worth mentioning that Ais still found out that Lily Luka's figure is very good, and it seems that she and her own Opie are not too stubborn, Ais' eyes narrowed, this move made Lily Luka With a shudder, I still thought that Ais and the Soma family had a grudge!

"Familiar logo!" Ye Ye's gaze was also directed at the gap, Lily Luca blushed, and took off the gray linen robe.

Taking off this rustic robe, Lily Luca's temperament changed completely, the two dogs on her head trembled, and her back also had the common feature of orcs, the tail.

Lily Luca is the dog-human race among the villains.

The human race can be divided into two branches, one is the current human race like Ais, and the other is the small human race. Finn in the Loki family is the small human race.

The only difference between the human race and the human race is that the human race is petite, roughly equivalent to the size of the human race's Zhengtai and Lolita. That is to say, Lily Luca is actually a legal Lolita!

Among the human races, there are orcs such as canines, werewolves, and pigs, and there are also orcs such as canines, werewolves, and pigs in the little human race.

Being stared at by Ye Ye and Ais, Lily Luca seemed a little embarrassed. After taking off her gray robe, Lily Luca was wearing a white dress. Although it looked a little bleached, it was considered a match for Lily Luca. Make Lily Luca look fresh and refined.

It is also because she knows her appearance that Lily Luca is wearing a gray robe that has been abandoned to cover herself, adding her own Cinderella magic.

"The Soma family? That Soma is the god who likes to make wine. I've seen it at the banquet!" Ye Ye said, the divine wine brewed by Soma is well-known in Orari.

The influence in the wine is equivalent to the Hermes family in the props, and it is similar to the Hephaestus family in the weapons industry.

Because when Ye Ye came out of the dungeon at that time, he still had a lot of excellent brewing materials in the dungeon. At a banquet, Soma found Ye Ye and exchanged the divine wine for Ye Ye's materials.

There are still a lot of divine wines in the manor, all of which were exchanged for Soma at one time last time.

ps: Oh no, I didn't see a bottle of water poured on the table. It happened that there was a notebook on the table. Although a part of the base was not soaked by water because of the support of the notebook, there was still a part of it because of the table. The crevice of the water got into the water, I wiped it, I hope there is no problem, what a fool! ..

Chapter [-] Coming again!Thirtieth floor!

Chapter [-] Coming again!Thirtieth floor!

At that time, Soma had almost handed over half of his inventory to Ye Ye. That was the inventory of divine wine that Soma had brewed in the more than ten years since he came to the world. Half of it can be imagined.

Of course, it also shows the preciousness of Ye Ye's materials!

With this relationship, Ye Ye wanted to see Su Mo more easily. As long as he went to the high-rise, he would definitely see him immediately when he went to Sumo.

Otherwise, based on the degree of Suma's intoxication with the divine wine, I am afraid that the only way to see Suma is to go to Suma in person. For brewing the divine wine, Suma has already reached the level of infatuation.

After all, it is a god who has brewed divine wine for hundreds of millions of years in the heavens.

"Lord Ye has seen Master Soma? Then can Master Ye still see Master Soma!" Lily Luca was actually worried that if she couldn't see Soma, if she couldn't see Soma, it would be nonsense to switch family members. .

"Actually, I know that I hand over every delivery to Sonnis, and the head of the Soma clan is actually swallowed up by him. Sonnis said it was handed over to Master Soma, but even he sees it. Not until Soma-sama!" Lily Luca thought of unhappy things.

"Sumo is addicted to brewing divine wine, and usually doesn't know where it is, but if you want to see him, it is very easy. I will go to the [-]th floor for a walk. If I remember correctly, the materials I got for brewing before are all I got it on the [-]th floor!" Ye Ye said, a trivial matter, in fact, even if it is the [-]th to [-]th floor, it is equivalent to the first floor for Ye Ye.

"The [-]th floor, it's too dangerous! It's just Lord Page's words..." Lily Luca suddenly thought of Ye Ye's identity, Ice Emperor Ye, only on the [-]th floor, there is no threat to Lord Page. Yes!

"Lord Page, please allow me to go with me!" Ais asked for orders. Among their Loki Familia's commissions, one of them had been commissioned for half a year, and it has not been completed until now.

The commission is to obtain the unique spar in the boss's room on the [-]th floor, and the remuneration for the commission is also very objective. In fact, more than half of each family's income comes from various commissions.

And while taking advantage of the entrustment, you can also kill some more monsters to get some spar, which is the source of income for each family.

The floor master on the [-]th floor, like the [-]th floor, is a floor master who can drive miscellaneous soldiers. This kind of floor master needs to form a team. Otherwise, unless he has the power to crush, it is impossible to defeat the floor master.

Maybe Finn can do it if he cooperates with her and lv5 teammates, but as a top-level Loki Familia, there are countless requests, and Finn also doesn't have time to do this, which requires gathering a certain high-end combat power. task, and Riviria is also addicted to magic and has no time to spend with her.

Each has its own task, which has caused this commission to be delayed until now.

As the manager of Loki's family, Ais naturally thinks about the family. Every time she completes a task, she can add a little reputation and money to the family.

And with Ye Ye, how safe it would be, Ais naturally didn't want to give up this opportunity.

"Familiar's mission? You help me take care of Lily Luka, and I'll help you!" Ye Ye said, this is the eighteenth floor, all of them are high-level adventurers, and the dragons and snakes are mixed.

Lily Luka is so cute again, it would be bad if something happened, and it would be inconvenient to take Lily Luka to the [-]th floor.

Although Ye Ye can take care of him even if he takes Lililuka, but in this case, he can't easily kill monsters.

The monsters on the [-]th floor are already relatively powerful, and they are relatively easy to fight, just to relieve Ye Ye's boredom. If you bring Lily Luka with you, you will not have such a feeling. After all, you have to pay attention to Lily Luka at all times.

"I understand, Lord Ye!" Although it was a little regretful that I couldn't go to the [-]th floor with Ye Ye, Ais was also a reasonable person, so she agreed.

With a level 6 by yourself and taking care of Lily Luca, Master Page will feel at ease.

Indeed, if an lv6 is taking care of Lililuka, Ye Ye is indeed more at ease. Although this is the residence of the Loki Familia, even if Lililuka is left alone, no one will dare to touch the tiger whiskers of the Loki Familia.

The Loki Familiar are not sleeping tigers. Once they are provoked, they will be attacked.

Even the destruction of the family is not impossible, and the intrigue between the family members in Orari is also commonplace, and the family before Lyu was destroyed by many adventurers.

In addition to the main god among the family members, only Lyu survived, and the matter of Lyu was also taken as a warning by all the family members.

Although the Loki family has never destroyed a family, everyone knows how tragic it will be for the Loki family.

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