"Lily Luca, follow Ais well, Ais will protect you!" Ye Ye said.

Although Lily Luca is a little full, it's the first time she's been cared for, and it's not bad. However, I'm not a child anymore, can you please stop talking about me in such a childish tone.

Lily Luca is fifteen years old. Although her body looks like a ten-year-old loli, she is undoubtedly a legal loli!

Of course, although Ye Ye was a little unhappy when he spoke in a childlike tone, Lily Luca was very useful to Ye Ye's concern.

"I'll be here waiting for the return of Lord Page!" Lily Luca looked extremely well-behaved, just like a wife when her husband left, Ais' eyelids twitched, looking at Lily Luca as if something had happened Change!

ps: There is still an update at [-] o'clock in the evening, and it is also an update of the dungeon. Today, this guy must be hanged, sad, and this bastard must be hanged. His word count is really insane, really It's a little fake! ..

Chapter [-] See Soma!

Chapter [-] See Soma!

This look is like looking at a rival in love.

In fact, it was extremely easy for Ye Ye to go to the [-]th floor, but within an hour, Ye Ye came back from the [-]th floor. This is because Ye Ye deliberately slowed down the speed!

The spar that Ais needed was also obtained. No wonder this spar was hung on the notice board of the Loki family with a super high reward. I did not expect this spar to be a precious ore that can be used to make props. .

This is not a one-time item, but a reusable item. Due to the limitation of materials, there are not many such items even for the Hermes family.

Ye Ye estimated that the Hermes Familia was the one who issued the quests from the Loki Familiar. Although I don't know what kind of props this material is made of, it is not a low-level prop. Now, among the Orari, there is only Hermes Familiar. The Hermes family has the ability to use this material to make high-level props!

And it is the Hermes family that can be so rich and powerful.

In fact, the overall strength of the Hermes family is not high, and the head of the group is only level 2, but there are too many props, and there are also threats to level 6, so they are still in peace.

"Aisi, spar!" Ye Ye went from the eighteenth floor to the [-]th floor at a terrifying speed. After killing the floor master, he returned from the [-]th floor to the [-]th floor. Although Aisi knew Ye Ye's power , but it was only an hour, and the shuttle was equivalent to twenty-four floors, and there were still a lot of monsters...

Well, Ye Ye can't use common sense to understand it. Ais took the spar, and the spar is round. At the floor master on the [-]th floor, Ye Ye found it after searching for a while. of.

Ais also didn't say that this spar was actually buried in the wall of the floor. In fact, although this spar was at the floor master on the thirtieth floor, so far only the Freya family have ever obtained it. once.

So the specifics are that only the Freya family is clear, the Loki family and the Hermes family are not aware of it at all.

In the end, in order to please Ye Ye, the underground city took the initiative to force the spar from the wall, and Ye Ye found it. Otherwise, if Ye Ye returned empty-handed, it would be a shame.

The dungeon is so interesting, maybe after mastering this world, he will choose to detain the consciousness of the dungeon and let it be reincarnated.

As for liberating the body of the dungeon, it is impossible. The body of the dungeon plays an extremely important role in the discovery of this world. No matter how much you please yourself, Ye Ye will not release the body of the dungeon.

"This spar is easy for me to find, but you didn't tell me that this spar is inside the wall!" Ye Ye handed the spar to Ais and complained.

"Really, I'm really sorry, we don't know where the spar is, we just know that the spar is in the floor master's room on the thirtieth floor!" Ais's face was slightly embarrassed, but she didn't expect it. There are still some twists and turns when looking for spar!

Ye Ye also got a lot of brewing materials this time, but seeing Somo was more than enough.

"Lily Luka, let's go, go to the residence of your Soma family, and find your current main god Soma!" The goal was achieved, and Ye Ye had to leave.

Although Ais got the spar, she still stayed in the station. This time the spar was just an accident. Her current task is to take the new members of her family to sweep the nineteenth and twentieth floors.

Most of Ais' tasks now are actually to bring new people, either adventurers who have just advanced to level 2 or adventurers who have just advanced to level 3. They will often come to the eighteenth floor and the nineteenth floor and the twentieth floor.

This time is to give them some experience!

As for those commissions, they are all handled by the other two level 6s in the family, namely Finn and the adventurer Gareth, who is a dwarf. As I said before, Rivia does not go out for missions, so it is not counted. in.

"Let's go, go back to the manor of our Hestia family first, and change your clothes for you. I will also change your clothes back!" Ye Ye said, holding Lily Luka's hand, feeling like a brother and a sister, but Lily Lu Cards don't want to stop there!

"En!" Lily Luca seemed to be saying that she was obedient to Ye Ye's words.

"Brother!" Restia and Esther rushed out after approaching the manor. Restia kept her ladylike appearance, while Esther charged directly at Ye Ye.

When Ye Ye was walking towards the manor, they already knew it, and when Ye Ye approached the manor, they also followed.

"You are Lily Luca, we are elder brother's elf and elder brother's sword, you are welcome to join us!" Restia has long been interested in Lily Luca.

Yes, she is indeed very cute. Lilyluka is not wearing a gray robe now. When Restia uses such eyes, Lilyluka feels a little embarrassed.

At this time, Hestia, Lyu, Bell, and Cassandra and Daphne were all there. Ye Ye introduced Lililuka, a new member, although Lililuka is still a Soma family now.

Lyu, Bell, Hestia and the others did not show unfriendly attitudes towards members who joined the Hestia family from other families. After all, Lyu, Kassandra and Daphne were all from other families before. .

More importantly, Lily Luca was brought back by Ye Ye, and they all believed in Ye Ye's vision.

Ye Ye changed his current rudimentary clothes and weapons into his previous clothes. Bell and Liu knew about Ye Ye's change of clothes and went to the dungeon, and Hestia naturally knew too.

ps: The update in the evening is here. I hope everyone's full support. Don't let sadness blow me up. I'm going to hang sadness tonight and make a reservation. I ask for your support. what! ..

Chapter [-] The power of divine wine!

Chapter [-] The power of divine wine!

The manor also had clothes that could be worn by Lily Luca, and the outfits other than Hestia's white dress seemed to fit perfectly on Lily Luca's body.

"Lily Luka, let's go, take me to beg the residence of your Soma Familiar!" Ye Ye had already changed his clothes and said after seeing Lily Luka come out.

"Understood, Lord Page!" Lily Luca said, and then took Ye Ye to the other side of Orari. The Soma family was not a powerful family, that is, it was famous for its divine wine.

The main god of the family, Soma, is also addicted to drunkenness. Regardless of other things, most of the adventurers who join the family join the family because of the sake.

Divine wine, called Divine Wine, you can know the taste of this wine. After singing it once, the taste is like immersing in the soul, which makes ordinary adventurers fall for it.

Of course, adventurers of level 3 and above are all determined people, so divine wine is a luxury for adventurers of level 3 and above. When they have spare money, they may buy some, which is different from being obsessed. Like a fallen adventurer, he is crazy about it, and if he doesn't drink it for a day, he will feel uncomfortable.

However, Lily Luca has never drank the divine wine. The reason why she joined the Soma family is because she had nowhere to go when she came to Orari, and finally, under the temptation of Sonnis, she was the one who joined the Soma family!

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