However, Lily Luca started her life of being forced to be a supporter, and Ye Ye also knew that Wallis, who was detained by Sonnis, must have been bought by Sonnis from Soma to buy divine wine.

Although it is said to have joined the Soma family, but if you want to drink the divine wine brewed by Soma, you still need to hand in a certain amount of Wallis to Soma. In fact, Soma did not intend to establish a family at the beginning, it was just a coincidence. The next is to establish this family that is not a family, and the adventurers in it are all for the sake of the gods.

The residence of the Soma family is neither dilapidated nor luxurious, it is just an ordinary place among Orari.

"Yo, Lily Luca, I'm finally back. How's your harvest today? Where's your backpack? Do you want to take it all by yourself? Don't you want to leave the Soma family?" Sonnis was watching After arriving at Lililuka, he came out to meet him, to be precise, he wanted to meet Wallis.

She looked kind, but she changed her face instantly when she saw the emptiness behind Lily Luca!

"Well, who is this? Could it be that you swallowed Lily Luca's Wallis? Hurry up and hand it over to me!" Sonnis saw that Lily Luca was not carrying the backpack full of magic crystals yesterday and the day before yesterday. , was annoyed at first, then saw Ye Ye, and saw that Lily Luca and Ye Ye were somewhat intimate, with a hideous look on their faces.

"You are challenging our Soma family, you know? You are colluding!" Sonnis seemed to be muttering to himself.

In the past two days, because of Wallis in Lily Luca's backpack, Sonnis had exchanged it for Soma. If he drank enough of the divine wine, he would have aggravated his pursuit of the divine wine in the end, so he did not hesitate to do so.

Lily Luca didn't carry a backpack today, so she couldn't exchange for the divine wine, Sonnis's head is now occupied by this, and then the anger that is guided out.

"Provocation of our Soma family, you are all going to die!" Sonnis has lost his mind. In lv2, he is not considered to be powerful, but he is relatively weak in it. And know.

The horror of the divine wine is here. Those who are not determined in lv1 and lv2 will be swayed by the divine wine. Somo is also disappointed because he sees his family like this. He is completely addicted to brewing the divine wine. .

Of course, not only level 3 and above, but those with firm will in level 1 and 2 can also block the divine wine and prevent it from being swayed by the divine wine.

"Bang!" The fist was still some distance away from Ye Ye, but Sonnis was already blown away by the momentum emerging from Ye Ye's body. A terrifying ice snake condensed on the ground, twisting and tying it up. The snake head stuck out the snake head in front of Sonnis, and the cold tongue touched Sonnis's face.

In an instant, that Sonnis felt a chill all over his body and woke up, but when he woke up, he was in pain. Several bones in his body were broken, and his legs were pierced by sharp wooden sticks.

But this was not what Sonnis feared. Before he was afraid of death, he looked in horror at the ferocious head of the ice snake in front of him. The first time he saw it, he almost fainted.

Ye Ye specially made the appearance of the ice snake to be extremely hideous. This is what Ye Ye saw in the demon world of the original Demon Clan. The poison was the first, and the appearance was super hideous. He was known as the snake devil!

Although Ye Ye used the ice, the charm of the original version was shown, and the deterrent was even stronger.

Sonnis just felt that the ice snake seemed to be able to pierce his head with his teeth at any time.

"I, I'm the head of the Soma family. If you kill me, you will really start a war with the Soma family!" Sonnis also wanted to make a last-ditch effort. Joke, the Soma family is famous for their divine wine. Just a mess of sand.

Even the previous Apollo Familiars were generally incomparable, threatening Ye Ye, just speeding up his own death.

Sonnis, when Ye Ye heard Lily Luca talk about his experience, he sentenced him to death. Even if he offended Soma, Ye Ye would kill Sonnis.

However, it is impossible for Sumo to decide with a big customer like Ye Ye for the sake of a disappointing child. For Sonnis and the others, Sumo has long been disappointed. No matter what happens, Sumo doesn't care!

ps: Ya Ya Ya Ya, No. [-], No. [-], the author wants to be No. [-]. Yesterday, the number of subscriptions increased by [-], which is a lot worse than the day before yesterday, but the author is also satisfied, everyone continue to support, continue to work hard, oh oh oh! ! ! ..

Chapter [-] You are no longer a member of my Soma family!

Chapter [-] You are no longer a member of my Soma family!

Soma has tested his family members many times, and now he is extremely disappointed.

The test is also carried out without the members of the family being aware of it. It is to give them divine wine, and then see if they are still influenced by the divine wine. The final outcome can be imagined.

In the family, all people cannot escape the control of the divine wine.

In the residence of the Soma family, Ye Ye took Lily Luca's hand, looked at Sonnis coldly, and then moved towards the interior.

The ice snake kept swinging his head. Sonnis was speechless because of his panic. Death had never been so close to him as it was today. There is no doubt that Sonnis knew the identity of the ice snake in front of him. The teeth are deep enough to pierce their own heads, and they can still reach extremely deep places.

In fact, this kind of snake devil has a very interesting point. Its teeth are extremely long, but most of the time it shrinks in its own flesh and blood. Only when it enters the fighting state, all the teeth are exposed. , Ye Ye now only makes ice snakes, which are like snakes and devils in combat state.

Ye Ye took Lily Luka into the interior of the Soma Familiar's residence. At the same moment as he stepped into it, the ice snake also moved. Its slender teeth pierced through Sonnis' head fiercely, and then a huge cold air leaked out. The ice snake and Sonnis' corpse turned into ice slag and disappeared.

After entering the Soma Familiar, the adventurers inside did not stop Ye Ye. They all saw the scene outside just now, adhering to the custom of bullying the soft and fearing the hard. When Ye Ye was so hard, it was naturally soft.

The breath of Soma was mixed with the breath of divine wine behind. A passage from the ground to the underground was blocked by a door, which should be Soma.

Although the door was closed, Ye Ye regarded it as nothing and was opened by Ye Ye, and there were rows of torches on the wall of the passage leading to the underground.

The aura of the divine wine was strong and spread out in an instant. The entire Soma family was filled with the aura of the divine wine, and the same was true for the surrounding distance.

The adventurer in the Suma family's residence was swayed by the aura of the divine wine, lost his reason and rushed here quickly, but stopped in front of the door and was awakened by the dangerous aura emanating from Ye Ye.

will die!They didn't forget that Ye Ye ruthlessly killed Sonnis' murderer. Although they didn't know Ye Ye's identity, they also understood the danger of Ye Ye.

Even if the door is open, there must be the divine wine they dream of, but they still don't have the courage to walk in.

"Sonis, I told you, don't come in without my consent!" At the end of the passage, he saw Soma, but Soma turned her back to Ye Ye and Lily Luca. Think of Ye Ye and Lily Luca as Sonnis.

"Lord Sumo, long time no see. This time, I take the liberty to visit and hope to make a win-win deal with Soma!" Ye Ye said.

This sound!Soma turned around, and it turned out to be the Ice Emperor page of Hestia's family.

"The Ice Emperor page of the Hestia family, do you want to buy my divine wine this time? If you use Wallis, I can only give you a limited amount of divine wine. If it is a high-level material, how many materials are there? , I will take out the equivalent divine wine and exchange it with you!" Soma said.

"The little girl next to me, Lily Luka, is a member of your Soma family. My transaction this time is to exchange these high-level materials with you for Lily Luka to convert the family!" Ye Ye said, waving his hand, the space on the side fluctuated. , dropped out high-grade brewing materials, although it was incomparable with the high-grade materials exchanged between Ye Ye and Soma last time.

However, these have already excited Sumo. He had almost exhausted the materials last time. Although the materials that Ye Ye took out were not too many, they were enough to complete the latest type of divine wine by himself.

The pages of the Hestia family have the ability to enter high-level numbers and obtain advanced materials that are only available in high-level numbers. Unfortunately, the Hestia family does not accept the entrustment. Otherwise, their future materials will also be lost. Somo sighed. !

"Okay, I agree, Lily Luca, right, from now on you are no longer a member of my Soma clan!" Soma didn't know why Ye Ye chose Lililuka, but Lilyluka said in the Hestia clan. , it will be better than in the Soma family.

The two sides reached an agreement, which can be regarded as a very harmonious transaction.

After leaving the Soma family with Lily Luca, Ye Ye took her back to the manor. This time, without Lyu, with Bell, with Lily Luca, Cassandra and Daphne, just right It is possible to form a team of four.

Of course, it is also possible to let Lyu lead the team and go to the dungeon to hone them.

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