Would you like to take a look?

It's not easy for a little girl to be outside like this.

However, it should come again.

Just now I found out that the little girl was stealing something to frighten the little girl, and she probably ran into the depths of the bamboo forest now.

Ye Yingzhi has a better way.

An onmyoji was arranged in this courtyard, and then Ye Ye stewed meat in the courtyard, and deliberately let the meat smell far away.

Now just sit back and wait for the little girl to take the bait.

Leaving the yard, Ye Ye was paying attention to Tokyo in the yard, and then a group of people appeared outside.

Ye Ye was also used to it, no matter how many came, the final result would be the same anyway.

If you want to use power, you really don't know how to live or die.

Even the prince of the royal family is dead, I believe that this time it really shocked those Xiao Xiao and playful children.

One hour, two hours, the backyard had no confidence, but Ye Ye lacked time and patience.

Three hours later, those men and horses had already left, and every face had a decadent look. After all, they were rejected by Kaguya, the beauty of the Ming Dynasty.

At the same time, there was finally movement in the backyard.

Of course, Ye Ye didn't go out immediately, but waited for a few minutes, let the little girl eat some first, and then went to the backyard.

The little girl wanted to escape, but the sudden restraint imprisoned the little girl. In the end, the little girl could only watch Ye Ye keep coming over with frightened eyes, trembling all over.

On the little girl's leg, there was a place where a rag was bandaged. The blood stained the cloth and it was already purple, and it looked like it was infected.

But when the accident happened, the little girl didn't show any pain at all, as if the injury wasn't on her body.

"If you don't get treatment, your life will be in danger!" Ye Ye approached the little girl with kindness.

However, in order to prevent the little girl from leaving due to her vigilance, Ye Ye did not untangle the little girl, and began to treat the little girl's wounds with goodwill.

The little girl was pale because of excessive blood loss and her stiff face was softened slightly.

Of course, vigilance will not disappear because of this.

"It's really serious, what's your name!" Ye Ye untied the little girl's restraints after wrapping them up. Before, she couldn't speak because of the restraints.

"Fujiwara, Fujiwara Meihong!" Fujiwara Meihong immediately distanced herself from Ye Ye after gaining control of her body, and did not relax her vigilance too much because Ye Ye treated her.

However, why is Fujiwara Mika's eyes always on the pot.


Fujiwara Meihong's stomach suddenly made a sound, if it wasn't for ischemia, maybe Fujiwara Meihong's face should be red.

"This pot of food is for you, eat it!"

Ye Ye tried his best to soften his tone.

Fujiwara Mika hesitated for a while, but she still couldn't resist the temptation of the food. Ignoring Ye Ye, who was generally still on guard, she ate a lot.

It looked as if he hadn't eaten for many days.

But also, a little girl who looks cold and vigilant, even if it is begging, it is difficult to get food successfully.

Survival in the wild, how could a little girl find food in the wild to feed her stomach, and she is thankful that she did not eat poisonous things in the wild.

This pot is indeed what Ye Ye specially prepared for Fujiwara Meihong.

Before discovering the bloodstains on the straw wall, Ye Ye boiled a pot of tonic meat and added some medicinal herbs.

That's why Fujiwara Meihong will forget about herself. Meat is very precious in this era. Ordinary people can't eat meat often. For example, Fujiwara Meihong can't eat it once a year. ..

Chapter Twelve Sister Red!

Chapter Twelve Sister Red!

Fujiwara Meihong left and didn't stay here at Ye Ye. That's right. Could it be that you still expect a little girl to stay at the house of a stranger you met for the first time?

What's more, Fujiwara Meihong's vigilance is so heavy.

In the next two days, Ye Ye didn't see Fujiwara Meihong. Of course, it didn't mean that Fujiwara Meihong just left, but just wandered around.

From time to time, Ye Ye can still feel Fujiwara Meihong's eyes falling on him, but he doesn't show up.

"Okay, don't look anymore, I already knew you were around, come here, the medicine for your injury is going to be changed!"

Ye Ye was in the yard, grinding the medicinal materials, when suddenly he opened his mouth.

In the bamboo forest not far away, there was a sudden noise. It was Fujiwara Meihong who suddenly collided with the bamboo when Ye Ye was exposed.

After the sound, there was no movement, Ye Ye didn't say anything, just grinded quietly on the spot.

It was also half an hour later, and finally, Fujiwara Meihong, who was still wearing some shabby clothes, approached, and at the straw wall, she first stuck her head out to look at Ye Ye.

"Why, are you afraid of me? If I wanted to, I would have arrested you long ago!" Ye Ye put down his work, looked at Meihong, and said with a narrowed smile.

Fujiwara Meihong suddenly felt that her body was bound again, and then floated off the ground and slowly floated in front of Ye Ye, this was the only way she could re-manipulate her body.

"You, are you a monster or a human!" Fujiwara Meihong leaned against the straw wall and distanced herself from Ye Ye for the first time, with fear of the unknown in her eyes.

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