"If I were a monster, why didn't I stew you when I saw you for the first time? A little girl like you is a monster's favorite!" Ye Ye said jokingly, but he was really scared Arrived Fujiwara sister red.

After all, she is still a little girl, and she is wandering on her own.

"Don't worry, you've been here for a few days. Have you seen monsters all the time? It's very safe here!" Ye Ye said, and then placed his palm on top of the powder that had just been ground. The light was blooming, and when Ye Ye moved his palm away, a salve appeared.

This kind of method made Fujiwara-san terrified.

"Come here!" Ye Ye waved to Fujiwara's sister Hong.

Fujiwara Meihong still hesitated for a few breaths, then walked to Ye Ye and sat down, and let Ye Ye start to check the injury on her leg.

The layers of cloth were lifted, and the wound on Fujiwara Meihong's leg was almost healed. This time Ye Ye just gave Meihong a medicine to ensure that there would be no scars.

"This wound is very deep. If you're not careful, it will leave ugly scars. The medicine I put on you this time will prevent the scars from appearing!" Ye Ye explained. Fujiwara sister red pressed on the wound.

The effect of the medicine still made Fujiwara Meihong feel discomfort a little, and the itchy feeling came from the wound, which made Fujiwara Meihong want to scratch.

"It's not good, it's itchy, right? It's a normal recovery. If you scratch, you'll leave scars. As a girl, do you want to have ugly scars on your legs?" Ye Page took Fujiwara Meihong's hand and said.

"I understand!" Fujiwara Meihong listened and nodded.

After bandaging, Fujiwara Meihong left again.

There are a lot of bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest. In the past few days, Fujiwara Meihong discovered this kind of food and survived.

It was also fortunate that Ye Ye had chased away all the monsters around here before, and gave him a warning, otherwise, it would not have been so easy to spend these few days in the bamboo forest.

Three days a day, the relationship between Ye Ye and Fujiwara Meihong is also progressing layer by layer.

Ye Ye also took in Fujiwara Meihong.

Let Fujiwara sister red flow down and become the helper of this pharmacy.

"Tata!" The voice of a horse came from outside the bamboo house. Sister Hong was grinding medicine in the bamboo house, and when she heard the movement, she glanced outside, but her expression suddenly stiffened.

But immediately, Meihong returned to her icy cold appearance and continued to grind the medicine.

"The reason why you came to this village is because of the aristocratic children who just passed by outside. Let me guess, you are his daughter!" Ye Ye didn't know when he was behind Meihong, and he was startled when he suddenly spoke. Sister red jumped.

"I'm one of his many children!" Fujiwara Meihong put down her work, was silent for a while, and replied.

"Then, what are you trying to do here, shouldn't it be better to enjoy it in your own home!" Ye Ye said.

"I want to see what Kaguya is like, who can make my father abandon everything to pursue, and can make my father abandon our family, and the life in that family is actually not as good as my life in the wild! "

In the second half of the sentence, Fujiwara-san's expression darkened.

Yes, her father and children are numerous, and there is no shortage of her. The father who lacks her sister Hong will not remember that there was a daughter named Fujiwara Meihong.

Among the many children, Fujiwara Meihong is the one with the least sense of existence and the most desolate one. Even some servants in the family are inferior. They wear shabby clothes. .

It's a lack of love, Ye Ye understands, what Fujiwara Meihong wants to express, in terms of the situation Fujiwara Meihong said, this is quite normal.

It's rather pitiful, Ye Ye stretched out his hand and rubbed Fujiwara Meihong's head twice, Meihong's head was lower, and the face covered by black hair was red.

Sister Hong likes the life here a little bit.

It was also born, and then the idea of ​​staying here.

The idea of ​​wanting to get his father's attention seems to be being replaced by Ye Ye's shadow lock.

When Meihong's father's men passed by again, Meihong didn't turn her head to take a look this time. ..

Chapter [-] The arrival of the messenger!

Chapter [-] The arrival of the messenger!

"Master Bayi Yonglin, it's coming soon!"

Moon Rabbit reports to Bayi Yonglin beside him.

Yayi Erin just nodded and looked at the house on the ground that was getting closer.

Bayi Yonglin has already seen Kaguya standing in the courtyard.

Compared with the Kaguya in my impression, the current Kaguya is softer and more like a princess. However, Kaguya no longer has the identity of a princess.

With a guilty look in her eyes, Bayi Yonglin seems to have made a decision and should not be indecisive anymore.


Meihong left a month ago, and when Kaguya finally felt impatient and clearly rejected all the nobles, including Meihong's father, she went back.

I heard that Meihong's father was the most embarrassing one.

Kaguya put forward a request to the nobles who were still insisting, and what she put forward to Meihong's father was to obtain the Penglai Yuzhi, which is a unique plant that can only be found in the capital of the moon.

However, Meihong's father was a fraud, and was finally found out and left in shame.

Then there is no more.

"It's finally here today!" Ye Ye looked up at the sky in his small courtyard. The bright moon in the sky seemed to exude a special brilliance, as if it was conveying something.

Kaguya's sentence has expired, and tonight, it's time for those in the Moon City to take Kaguya away.

Ye Ye wouldn't let this happen.

Looking at the small bamboo house where he had lived for several years, Ye Ye stood in the house for a while, and finally took out a piece of paper and wrote on it.

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