After all, he killed a high-level executive. In the capital of the moon, it was more serious than touching Penglai Medicine.

The high-level is one of the managers of the Moon Capital. Killing the manager is equivalent to provoking all the Moon Capitals.

How to find your own!

Ye Ye thought of the time when she gave Meihong a boost a few days ago. Was it noticed at that time?

Attracted by the flames of the phoenix and the gathering of big monsters.

That's right, the flames of the phoenix soared into the sky at that time, and it is estimated that it was also detected by the capital of the moon.

He said that he was disgusted and disdainful of the Moon City on the ground, but he was actually wary of the ground.

The Moon Capital did not deny that the powerhouses on the ground still pose a great threat to the Moon Capital.

"These are, on the moon!"

Sister Hong seemed more intense than Ye Ye's emotions.

Because of Kaguya's sake, she also has a basic sense of disgust towards Yuedu people.

"Are they trying to catch you?" The heat around Meihong increased, the air tumbled under the high temperature, and the white hair behind her fluttered in the rising heat. Meihong was full of horsepower from the beginning.

The scarlet pupils are very conspicuous in the night sky, looking gloomy, and Meihong seems to have changed into a person.

"That's the only thing I won't allow!" said Meihong.

Ye Ye didn't say anything either. Looking at Meihong's current condition, he frowned, and after a few breaths, he sighed again.

Ye Ye can understand Meihong's current situation.

It's really not the right time for the people from the Moon City to come here. I can't say anything about the inverse scales that have touched Meihong. It just so happens that now Meihong has just endured the fire of the phoenix's fire and her strength has increased.

Although that Moon Rabbit's ability is a bit tricky, it's still not enough compared to the strength of Meihong's crushing.

Well, Ye Ye began to pray for these poor moon rabbits, hoping that they could survive in the hands of Mei Hong.

As for the people of the Moon City surrounded by the Moon Rabbits, I pray that I can go back alive.

Ye Ye is also ready, ready to let the people of the Moon Capital surrounded by the Moon Rabbits all bury on the ground they hate.

In fact, there is one thing Ye Ye doesn't understand. He clearly knows that his strength is not something he can take down, so why did he still come to die?

Could it be that I still feel that I have some nostalgia for the moon.

Before the people from the Moon Capital had fully arrived, Mei Hong had already risen into the sky on a phoenix.

"What a pity!" Ye Ye glanced at the food that was scorching hot due to the spread of Meihong's flames, and then raised his head.

In the hand, the bow has been silently condensed, and the huge spiritual power in the body has been activated by Ye Ye.

The blazing brilliance bloomed in the air, and the chasing soldiers of Meihong and the capital of the moon had already collided.


"Although I'm sorry for Ouni-chan as the prey to attract the Moon City, but this is also for the new life of the Moon City, right, Feng Ji!"

"Yes, Yiji!"

"This month's capital is already rotten. I have been disappointed with the current month's capital since Teacher Yonglin left it!"

"Then, the unfinished business of Kaguya, Teacher Erin, and Oni-chan is for us to complete, let us complete the transformation of the Moon City!"

In the capital of the moon, Sister Mianyue also started to act, and the momentum exuded from her body was extraordinarily strong.

If Ye Ye and Bayi Yonglin were here, they would definitely be shocked, but it wouldn't be surprising for Sister Mianyue to have such an achievement.

After all, when Ye Ye didn't come, the two sisters were the appointed managers of the next Moon City, and they were considered to have enormous potential.

The current strongest men in the Moon City, Mianyue Fengji, Mianyue Yiji!

ps: There is only one update today, and there will be another update in the early morning. Well, there is another update. If you have an extra story, it depends on when my mood will be updated. This may be the case. I have been working hard to adjust recently, and try to restore the third update, and then continue. Fourth shift, it's been too long to relax, give me a little more time to adjust. ..

Chapter [-] Changes in the Moon City!

Chapter [-] Changes in the Moon City!

"Mianyue Fengji, Mianyue Yiji-sama, what do you two want to do here!"

In front of the high-rise building, the Moon Rabbit Guard stopped Mianyue Yihime and Mianyue Toyohime.

"Boom!" Before Mianyue Toyohime could make a move, Mianyue Yiji did it, the gods relying on the power to activate, summoned Bishamonten on her body, and then blasted the moon rabbit into the air in an instant.

"Sister, take it easy, take it easy!" Mianyue Fengji looked at the moon rabbit who was hit and had some distress in her eyes.

"I know, I controlled the strength, and she just fainted, don't worry!" Mianyue Yiji said, and then the gods on her body were released by her ability.

Looking at the airtight building in front of her, Mianyue Yiji nodded to her sister Mianyue Fengji to indicate that she was ready.

The ability to connect mountains and seas.

Mianyue Fengji used her ability, and in an instant she brought Mianyue Yiji to the building.

In front of Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji was a table, and there were some chairs beside the table. The chairs were all the most important people in the capital of the moon.

Of course, there were also some vacancies in the chair, the high-level leader who was killed by Ye Ye, and the high-level leader who was following the chasing soldiers in the lower realm.

The sudden appearance of Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji did not attract the attention of the high-level officials.

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