Because they were all attentively looking at the painting on the table, the phoenix and the chasing soldiers of the Moon City collided, and what appeared on the entire screen was the phoenix that must be very hot just by looking at it. The flame also has Fujiwara sister red in the flame.


"That's right, this girl is from Penglai!"

"He actually abused Penglai medicine to ordinary people!"

"No wonder it can be merged with the flame of the phoenix, and it turns out to be a very sinful person who took the undead medicine!"

The Fujiwara Meihong on the screen made the executives furious, and they naturally saw that Fujiwara Meihong was a Penglai person who took Penglai medicine.

"Catch her, the sinner who took the Penglai medicine must be punished!"

"And the Son of God, maybe you can still know the information about Kaguya Ji and Bayi Yonglin from him!"

The voices of the high-level people are very clear in this space.

Mianyue Yiji's eyes became colder and colder, even the mild-mannered Mianyue Fengji couldn't help frowning.

It was Ye Ye, Kaguya and Bayi Yonglin, but they couldn't be quiet anymore.

"If it weren't for you, Oni-chan, Kaguya, and Master Yonglin would not leave the Moon City. You are the sinners of the Moon City, forcing away those who lead the Moon City to prosperity!"

Mianyue Yiji's cold voice sounded, and it took a long time to dissipate in this space.

"Mianyue Yiji, Mianyue Fengji, how did you get in here!"

This well-protected conference hall has been invaded.

Obviously, only the key should be able to enter.

A combination of the highest technology in the capital of the moon.

"It's just a building, how could it stop us!" Mianyue Yiji said, looking at the high-rises in front of her with arrogant eyes, as if she was the master.

"With my ability, it doesn't matter how far it is!" Mianyue Fengji said, the distance connecting the mountain and the sea is like this.

"Are you two sisters trying to rebel?"

A senior scolded angrily.

"Yeah, we are going to rebel. After today, there is no need for this building to exist. All of you are buried here. Without you, Moon City can develop better!" Mianyue Yiji's words were filled with murderous intent.

"You are outrageous!"

The high-level people are not people who are powerless, and they have some good combat power.

"Just you? What can you two do!"

"Then you can try it!" Mianyue Yiji used the power of the gods to summon Amaterasu to her body.

The breath that is above the world blooms on Mianyue Yiji, the clothes on her body gradually change, and a round of sun rises behind Mianyue Yiji.

The breath made the seniors shiver.

It's just the same for Hachi Eirin.

"You, you!"

"I'm not interested in listening to your last words!" Mianyue Yiji waved her hand, and the hot flame burst out, instantly filling the space. From the outside, the building turned red, and then Gradually deformed, and finally melted to reveal the space inside.

This high-tech building that condensed the Moon City was violently destroyed by Mianyue Yiji.

Mianyue Yiji made the move all by herself, and Mianyue Fengji also had strength no less than that of Mianyue Yiji.

After Bayi Yonglin left, Mianyue Yiji and Mianyue Fengji were preparing. Now, the moon rabbits in the entire Moon City are almost all supporting Mianyue Yiji and Mianyue Fengji.

Although the movement caused by the flames is not small, it is located in the very center of the Moon City. As long as it is concealed a little, no one will notice anything.

Now, the capital of the moon is also ushering in the latest era.

"Go after those pursuers of Oni-chan!"

Mianyue Fengji thought of this again.

"With the attitude of Oni-chan, it is estimated that they will not be able to come back, but this is also better. We will apologize when we see Oni-chan next time!"

Mianyue Yiji said.

The people of Moon City traced Ye Ye to the credit of the two of them, because now Ye Ye is the only one who can divert the attention of high-level officials.

Only in this way can the two of them carry out their own plans in the Moon Capital, such as getting the support of all Moon Rabbits.

ps: It's been cold recently. I originally planned to write in the middle of the night, then fell asleep and caught a cold. I slept for a long time today and took medicine. Now my thoughts are a little confused. (resolute expression) ..

Chapter [-] Kusanagi eldest son!

Chapter [-] Kusanagi eldest son!

The Kusanagi family, a family famous for beheading evil spirits, all members of the family have superb swordsmanship.

These swordsmanships were trained by the Kusanagi family in order to kill ghosts in the ancient times. They are powerful swordsmanships that can crusade ghosts. Of course, because of the burden of swordsmanship, there are very few generations who have truly inherited the swordsmanship of the Kusanagi family.

This generation also gave birth to a member of the Kusanagi family who completely inherited the Kusanagi family's swordsmanship.

"Oh, page, this mission goes well!"

Ye Ye was walking in the Kusanagi family's mansion, and the people of the Kusanagi family who passed by greeted Ye Ye.

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