And when he died suddenly, he would still explode like a bomb.

If you see this kind of thing, then you can take care of it. Moreover, the surrounding [-] meters includes the place where Ye Ye lives, and Ye Ye doesn't want to do too much.

"Alright alright, let's go to work!"

"The first day of work, but you have to enjoy it!"

Looking at the two people who had been knocked out by him, Ye Ye shook his head. The magic power that he had just smashed the magic guide legacy would probably attract attention. I hope these two have good luck.

"This, what happened, the company!"

Ye Ye walked all the way to the place where the company was supposed to be, but now there is only a rubble left, and you can still see the burning wreckage.

There is still magic left in place.

Magical terrorist attack.

No wonder Ye Ye met very few people along the way, all of them had already evacuated.

Hey, what a pity, Ye Ye turned around a little disappointed and wanted to leave because he really wanted to experience this job.

"Look what I found, an office worker, um, that's funny!"

Among the ruins, there was a man standing in it at some unknown time.

Yellow hair, wearing a black church dress, a perverted smile all over his face, and a sword pinned to his waist.

Demon-devouring holy artifact.

Speaking of which, Loki is also interesting. As his creation, he has the right to control the Devil-devouring sacred artifact. If the evil spirit in front of him does not have the Devil-devouring sacred artifact, his strength will be greatly reduced. For Loki's men For heresy inquisitors, this is extremely advantageous.

However, Loki didn't do anything, allowing his own personnel to damage the fierce body.

Fierce, a dangerous person wanted by S-rank, possessing the magic attribute called despair, and a demon-devouring holy artifact.

His appearance has spread widely, and Ye Ye has not only seen a wanted notice about Xie Sha on a TV show once, but also with Xie Sha's visual appearance, it is difficult for Ye Ye not to recognize it.

"Hey, how do you want to die, I can give you the right to choose, you see I am very kind from time to time!" Fierce Sha said to Ye Ye.

As stated in the announcement, having mental problems is an out-and-out pervert.

"Have you heard of the Kusanagi family?"

Ye Ye didn't show the expression he wanted, the expression of despair.

"Kusanagi?" Fierce furrowed his brows, he wouldn't know, there was a Kusanagi in his team.

"The swordsmanship of the Kusanagi family is very sharp, have you ever experienced it!"

Ye Ye continued to speak words that made Xie Sha puzzled.

"The way you divert your attention is really unprofessional..."

Fierce Shagang wanted to mock Ye Ye.

But the oncoming is a sword of light.

Time seems to have passed for a long time, and it is the fierceness that stretches out his hand and wipes it on his chest, with a puff, blood spurts.

"Kusanagi's... swordsmanship?"

"I did know..." ..

Chapter [-] It is necessary to pay attention to the Kusanagi family!

Chapter [-] It is necessary to pay attention to the Kusanagi family!

ps: The new book has been released, please support it. Well, I am a little embarrassed to ask for support with my update, but I still have the cheek to ask for support.

"This wound is the swordsmanship of my Kusanagi family!"

A man dressed in ancient clothes like a samurai appeared next to Fierce, who did not know whether to live or die, and immediately saw that the wound on Fierce's chest belonged to the swordsmanship of the Kusanagi family.

After all, he has also cultivated the Kusanagi family's swordsmanship to the realm of mastery, so naturally he will not admit his mistake.

It's just that the residual feeling on the wound made his heart sink, and his swordsmanship was still much better than his.

"I didn't focus on the key points, is it merciful? Otherwise, it is impossible to avoid the key points with such good luck!" The man dealt with the evil spirits a little and carried the evil spirits on his back.

Fierce isn't dead yet.

In Ye Ye's eyes, fierceness is just a joke.

This thing belongs to Loki, but Ye Ye won't be freed by Loki to get rid of a trouble, so let's keep the fierceness and let Loki trouble him.


"Ah, ah, it really hurts, it's been a long time since I felt this kind of pain!"

Fierce Sha was panting heavily, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, and the pain from his chest seemed to be like a stab at Ling Chi. Under this kind of pain, Fierce Sha showed a look of enjoyment.

"I can't get rid of the rest of the sword intent. The person who shot it is still much stronger than me. It is estimated that it is an old monster of my family who survived from nowhere, but I have never heard of it before!" Kusanagi Orochi is fierce said beside.

He is also aware of the pain that Fierce Demon is suffering now. The sword intent moves in the wound, hindering the healing of the wound and irritating the nerves at the wound.

It is estimated that Fierce will suffer for a few days.

"The Kusanagi family, it seems that your family is not simple, but it is, after all, it is recorded that your Kusanagi family was involved in the war a hundred years ago, but it still survived, and it is not impossible that some power has survived. Yes!" Fierce Sha said, the pain from the unstoppable nerve made the body tremble slightly.

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