In terms of endurance, Fierce Sha is indeed a relatively terrifying guy.

"It is necessary to know something about the Kusanagi family!"


"Goodbye owner!"

Kusanagi said excitedly, taking the salary handed over by Ye Ye.

To be reasonable, it was the first time I met Kusanagi Xiao, the store manager who helped Ye Ye to help the clerk. Even though he came to work here for the first month, he was given a normal salary increase. For Kusanagi, it was really helpful. .

He is very short of money.

"Be careful on the road!" Ye Ye smiled and waved at Kusanagi, watching Kusanagi leave and sighed.

It was unexpected that the Kusanagi family had already reached such a bottom.

Sure enough, the Kusanagi family still couldn't escape.

The war a hundred years ago survived because of Ye Ye's relationship with Loki, but now it perished because of the curse of the ghost.

In this generation, the curse of ghosts is already so powerful.

If it wasn't for Kusanagi's roaring encounter a month ago, perhaps Ye Ye still wouldn't know what the Kusanagi family looked like now.

They are twins again, just like the fate and serpent a hundred years ago, but the difference is that this generation is even more tragic.

Ye Ye has his own way to find out.

The one with the ghost body of this generation, Kusanagi's sister's own curse has reached the level of immortality. It seems that all the curses for thousands of years have erupted in this generation.

The eruption is completely enough to make this world suffer from a huge calamity.

The Kusanagi family was also destroyed.

After hearing the news before, Ming was also silent. Although it has nothing to do with the Kusanagi family, but spiritually, the Kusanagi family still has good memories of life.

Now Ye Ye is considering whether to accept the current mess of the Kusanagi family.

After all, after all, the matter of the Kusanagi family is also a part of Ye Ye, even though Ye Ye has left the Kusanagi family for many years.

Now, only the name Kusanagi page recorded on the genealogy of the Kusanagi family can prove that there was such a person in the Kusanagi family.

"The owner of the shop is such a good person!" Kusanagi Kao used most of the salary to pay off the debt to the Kusanagi family after leaving the shop.

Now the Kusanagi family is not only destroyed, but also owed a lot of debt.

And these debts all fell on Kusanagi Assassin.

Now Kusanagi is also working hard to repay the debt, which is why Kusanagi was so excited when Ye Ye gave him a raise.

"Now, it's time to see my sister!" Kusanagi came to the heretic inquisitor's prison, kicking the salary that had shrunk by more than half.

"Chairman, I can understand the reason why you let Kusanagi roar in, this can stabilize Kusanagi Shuxi's mood, but why can't we start from Kusanagi Shuxi, such an existence is also a disaster to stay here, we should directly find and kill Instead of being like a nanny now!" The man in the black suit said to Loki beside him.

"Of course I think so too!" Loki shook his head, looking at Kusanagi Roar and Kusanagi Shuyu's conversation through the glass, helplessness flashed in his eyes.

"The Kusanagi family is not as simple as you think, but there is a guy in it that even I don't want to mess with. Now I don't want to fall out with him, which is very bad for me!" Loki said.


If it wasn't for the fear of Ye Ye, Loki would have already started to find a way to kill Kusanagi, and would have kept Kusanagi here?

Although this forbidden realm cage is extremely strong, it is not enough to face the completely runaway Kusanagi Shuyu.

As the designer of this prison, Loki is very sure.

"The Kusanagi family, didn't they all perish?" The man in the suit lowered his head and fell silent.

Even if the chairman is reluctant to face it, it seems that it is necessary to have some understanding of the Kusanagi family. ..

Chapter [-] Loki's Dread!

Chapter [-] Loki's Dread!

ps: The new book The Oldest King of Humanity is being serialized. I ask for your support to subscribe and reward the collection of flowers. I am grateful. The link is below.

"Perhaps, that sword can be handed over to Kusanagi Roar!"

Loki looked away from Kusanagi Kou and Kusanagi Shuyu below, and walked out talking to himself.

The man in the suit also glanced at the scene below and left.

Kusanagi Kou and Kusanagi Shuyu left after chatting for a while.

When Kusanagi left with a hopeful smile on his face, everything was on the right track.

According to the current speed, he will be able to pay off all the debts owed by the Kusanagi family in about a year or so, and then he will be able to work hard on the Magic Academy and become a heresy inquisitor.

Originally, Kusanagi's purpose was to become a heretic inquisitor first, because after becoming a heretic inquisitor, there are various ways to obtain a large amount of money.

But working there and getting paid is more realistic than being a heretic inquisitor.

Because he is a 'waste wood'!

Kusanagi gave a wry smile when he thought of this.

He has nothing else but a talent for swordsmanship.

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