Ye Ye asked.

"In order to become stronger, to prove myself, and also, I love swords!" Kurotsu Ikki's trembling voice in the cold wind revealed unusual firmness.

"Then, let me look forward to it, when you use the sword in your hand to break all the injustices in the world!"

Leaf pages disappeared, Edwise disappeared, the little house disappeared, and the gust of wind disappeared.

When Kuro Tie Ikki regained his senses, the surrounding area was just snow, the sky was clear, and there was only a breeze.

If it weren't for the sword dance that suddenly appeared in his mind, perhaps Ikki Kurotetsu would have thought that it was all fantasy.

What kind of powerful people are they, Kurotsu Ikki took a deep breath.

Master, you will see that when I broke all the injustices in the world, Ikki Kurotetsu stood up, and his eyes had changed.

Standing in the snow, Kuro Tetsu Ikki summoned his inherent spiritual outfit Yin Tie in his hand, and slowly swung it according to the sword dance in his mind.

"My lord, is he really going to hit as hard as you said?" Edwise and Ye Ye stood at a high place, looking at the dancing Kurotsu Ikki in the snow.

In any case, Edelweiss would never think that Ikki Kurotetsu could achieve what Ye Ye said.

"Then let's wait and see!" Ye Ye said with a smile, then looked at Edweiss and said, "You're almost at the end of your studies, the only thing missing is the actual combat experience. Go to the Heavenly Dynasty and get the Battle God Cup. champion!"

"I will definitely not live up to the expectations of the lord, the champion of the God of War Cup must be mine!" Edweis nodded heavily and clenched his palm.

ps: Two or three changes a day for the next two days. ..

Chapter [-] One Sword Asura!

Chapter [-] One Sword Asura!

The Dou Shen Cup is the most valuable game among the great powers and celestial dynasties, and it is also the most valuable game in the world.

There are powerful swordsmen from all over the world in the God of Fighting Cup. Ye Ye asked Edwise to go to the God of War, not only for Edwise to gain practical experience, but also for Edwise's own wishes.

If you want to pursue the pinnacle of kendo, the Dou Shen Cup will go without Ye Ye reminding Edelweiss.

The pure white Valkyrie is about to reveal her blade.

"Not enough, not enough, my magic power is too low!"

The Yin Tie in Kuro Tie Ikki's hand fell into the snow, his wrist cracked open, and blood dripped into the snow.

Even if he used the sword dance on the iron stone in front of him, he only left a few finger-deep marks on it.

Although it is good to do this at his age, what Ikki Kurote knows is that now even if he grows up, it will only be limited to this point, which is his limit.

It's been a month.

Ikki Kurotetsu has been in the snow for a month.

During this period, Ye Ye also appeared several times to remind Kuro Tie Ikki.

As for why to maintain such a sense of mystery, how can I say it, bad fun.

Since you want to be Goldfinger and Grandpa, how can you use that ordinary way when you come into contact with Kuro Tie Ikki? This way of meeting is not more mysterious, that's why you can be Goldfinger and Grandpa. Feel.

"No, there must be a way, there is a way!" Heotie Ikki picked up Yin Tie regardless of Hukou's wound.

What Ikki Kurogi satisfied Ye Ye the most, apart from his savvy about swords, is his own willpower.

"The haste is not enough, if you go on like this, you may abolish your palm!"

Ye Ye appeared in front of Ikki Kuro Tetsu.


Kurotsu Ikki immediately stood up and lowered his head to show respect for his master.

Not just willpower, but Ikki Kurotetsu's personality is also very likable.

"Is Senior Sister still participating in the Celestial God's Cup?"

Ikki Kurotie glanced around, with a look of envy in his eyes.

The God of Fighting Cup, the best fighting place that swordsmen yearn for.

It can almost be said that all the famous swordsmen in the world emerged from the Dou Shen Cup.

This is not just a game of slashers, but also a grand event for swordsmen.

Kuro Tetsui Ikki once fantasized about whether or not he might one day stand on the battlefield of the God of War Cup and fight against the powerhouses from all over the world, so that the world would recognize him.

This dream is also one of the pillars of Kurotsu Ikki's current willpower.

Ikki Kurotetsu has goals and dreams, and for these, no matter how he fails, no matter how many times he falls, he will stand up and move on.

If Kurotie Ikki has a talent for magic, it is possible that he will become the strongest in the world. Even if he does not have a talent for magic, he will go to the world, not to mention, Ikki Kuro has met him now.

"Do you want to participate in the Dou God Cup too? But you are still far behind, let alone participate in the Dou God Cup, you don't even have the qualifications to participate, even the weakest swordsman in the Dou God Cup. It can kill you now!"

Ye Ye mercilessly attacked Ikki Kuro iron.

Heote Ikki just smiled helplessly, he was used to the character of his elusive master.

Moreover, just as Ye Ye said, let alone standing on the Dou Shen Cup arena, he didn't even have the qualifications to participate in the competition.

The lack of magic power is really a big flaw for him, and the poor magic power he possesses is simply not enough to support him to grow to a very high level.

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