"Please teach me master!"

Kurotsu Ikki said and bowed.

"The magic power is not enough, that is to make up for it with explosions, to burst out all of your magic power, and let your magic power burn in a short period of time!" Ye Ye said.

"But, but if the master is like this, the time I can fight..." Hearing this idea, Ikki Kurote was excited, and then he thought of the shortcomings again, and he couldn't help but calm down.

However, if he burns mana, he can only fight for a minute at most.

"Aren't you confident? Solve each other within a minute!" Ye Ye asked, and Hei Tie Ikki's face suddenly turned red.

Yes, since the duration of the battle after burning mana is very short, as long as the opponent is eliminated during this time, it is fine.

"However, burning magic power will also cause a lot of burden on the body, so if you want to use this trick, you can't do it without a good physical foundation. With a human body, using it once will reduce your lifespan!" Ye Ye's eyes narrowed like a fox.

Heo Tie Ikki had an uncomfortable feeling of being targeted by something, and looking at Ye Ye, who was now exuding some ominous feeling, Heo Tie Ikki couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"However, since human beings are not good enough, as long as you surpass human beings, that's fine, Heiro Tie Ikki, do you want to become a real powerhouse?" Ye Ye said, then looked at He Tie Ikki, his sharp eyes seemed to be Can see through Kurotsu Ikki's thoughts.

"I want to become a real powerhouse!" Kurotie Ikki looked solemn.

"Even if you go to the Asura Dao or the Rakshasa Dao, is the inhuman Dao worth it?" Ye Ye asked again.

"As long as I can get the power to break all the injustices and shackles that have been placed on me, I am willing!" Heote Ikki said with a firm expression.

"Then come with me!"

Ye Ye turned around and walked towards the distance.

Heiroi Ikki turned his head and glanced at the mansion of the black iron clan in the snow, then he also resolutely turned his head and followed behind Ye Ye.

It's not all decided, why are you still reluctant to give up now?

ps: Today's first update, there is another update, and tomorrow there will indeed be a third update. ..

Chapter [-] Asura Road!

Chapter [-] Asura Road!

This is a canyon in a remote place.

It is snow season again, and no one will come here at all.

If someone came here, they would see that the temperature in the snowy valley turned out to be like summer.

Heat rises, transpires.

In the canyon, there is a blood pool, and all the heat is transmitted from the blood pool.

"Master, aren't you trying to trick me, let me in here, I'll be cooked!" Heotie Ikki felt the temperature of this canyon, and then looked at the blood pool in front of him and said.

"You have already made up your mind to enter the Asura Dao. What's the matter? This kind of thing is stumbling you? Do you think your master will cheat you? Let me in!"

Ye Ye didn't say a word, just kicked Hei Tie Ikki into it.

Looking at Kurotsu Ikki who was puffing in the blood pool, he said.

"Ahhh, it's so hot, I feel like my body is about to be cooked!" Kurotsu Ikki screamed, he felt like he was throwing himself into the fire now.

More than that, there was something irritating his body, the tingling, the tingling from the outside to the inside of the body.

"If you can't come out of this blood pool alive, then that means you are not qualified to be my disciple. If you can come out of this blood pool, Shura Dao and Rakshasa Dao, then you can be on the inhuman way. getting Started."

Ye Ye said, then turned around and left, leaving Ikki Heiro in the blood pool.

These blood are not ordinary blood.

They are all blood containing powerful vitality, the blood of high-level creatures.

This blood will transform Kurotsu Ikki's body, making Kuro Tie Ikki's body transcend human beings and become inhuman.

Then, using an inhuman sword skill with an inhuman body is no longer a problem, and the negative effect of reducing life expectancy no longer exists.

Of course, the premise is that Ikki Kuro Iron can hold on.

The next step is to see the willpower of Ikki Kuro Tetsu, whether he can maintain his original heart under the washing, until the end of the baptism.

one day.

Ye Ye returned to the valley, took Kuro Tie Ikki who was in the blood pool out of the blood pool, and then threw Kuro Tie Ikki back in when he regained control of his body.

Even if Kurotsu Ikki's will has been maintained, it is useless if his body can't take the lead.

So every time after a while, Ye Ye would take Heo Tie Ikki out of the blood pool to let Heo Tie Ikki's body get used to it a little.

Then throw him in again.

The first time was a day, the second time was a day.

The third time was two days after the second time.

The more Kurotsu Ikki's body adapts and is transformed, the longer it can endure.

The time lasted two months.

For two months, Kuro Tie Ikki didn't eat or drink in the blood pool, and he was baptized all the time.

Finally, it is over.

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