Of course, Ye Ye didn't plan to do this job by himself. The big project was talking about the ghost clan.

The surrounding leylines are polluted, and the ghosts need to be repaired and purified.

Leaf pages will give the ghosts the means of purification.

Protecting the place where you live with your own hands is Ye Ye's original intention.

It didn't take long for the village chief to come over. After all, such a big thing happened, the village chief was a little flustered, and at the same time, he wanted to appease the villagers.

"What? It's the envy witch!" The village chief's face turned white, his body couldn't help shaking, and he recalled the fear at the beginning.

"Don't worry, the jealous witch has left and won't come again, but she didn't take away some small gifts before she left, and the land around the barrier was infected, and some powerful monsters may breed in the future. , I want to ask what you think, what are you going to do about it!" Ye Ye said.

"Naturally, we need to clean it up!" The village chief said without thinking.

This answer leaf page is still satisfactory.

"Tomorrow, I will mobilize the people in the village to deal with it. I will teach the witches how to deal with it. I will leave the village for a walk in the next period of time!" Ye Ye said.

"Understood!" The village chief didn't ask anything, what qualifications did they have to go to the root when Lord God decided.

After all, it's not like abandoning them.

However, the envy witch made the village chief still a little worried. What if the goddess left and the jealous witch came again. This time, it was because the gods survived.

If after Ye Ye left, the witch of jealousy came again, they wouldn't be able to hold on at all.

"Don't worry, I have drawn a realm around the barrier. The envy witch and her monsters can't cross the barrier to attack the barrier. All you have to do is to purify the surrounding land!" Ye Ye explained to the village chief. , and then went to make some changes to the mountain spring water behind the village.

Here Ye Ye has set up an enchantment that can absorb the fire element that is biased towards the light attribute in the air. In fact, water and fire are inextricably linked, but I want to make the fire element contained in water. That is, only a person like Ye Ye who has a superb grasp of elements can do it.

And Ye Ye just used the methods of Onmyoji.

The water containing a large amount of fire elements will have a very high purification effect on the surrounding land infected by Satila like holy water.

After all, the envy witch has already left, and the magic in the surrounding land has no source, and it is not too troublesome.

After teaching the witch how to use it, Ye Ye left irresponsibly.

Leaving the barrier and looking at the messy ground, Ye Ye touched his nose angrily. Well, he has some responsibilities of his own.

Not far from the village, Ye Ye encountered a group of people.

It's from the witch sect.

Ye Ye could feel this. After all, he felt a power similar to that of a witch.

"I'm under the sacrifice of the Witch Sect, the lazy priest, I've seen Lord Martial God!" The leader bowed his body and said when he saw Ye Ye.

He is the Archbishop of Sin, the Lazy Archbishop of Sin.

The Bishop of Sin was the subordinate of each witch, and possessed the same power as the corresponding witch, and this laziness priest was the Bishop of Sin corresponding to laziness.

Jealous of the confrontation between the witch and Ye Ye, he saw through magic that among the witch cultists, there is a witch cultivator with yin attribute magic, who can use the yin attribute witch to use a magic that can see distant scenes.

Of course, this also requires strong magic support.

They all saw Ye Ye's mighty power, which is the power that makes the envy witch unable to take a step forward. If they really fight, they also think that the envy witch will not win.

But you won't lose.

The seven deadly sins and the witch of jealousy in one, how terrifying, that is an extremely frightening power.

Even if the world is destroyed, the witch of jealousy will still live, immortal, and the witch of jealousy has already reached this level.

Witches, but it's not as simple as you think

ps: Fixed some bugs! ..

Chapter [-] Inheritance of the Seven Deadly Sins!

Chapter [-] Inheritance of the Seven Deadly Sins!

The sloth priest also did not expect to encounter Ye Ye directly.

Although he seems to be dealing with Ye Ye very calmly now, the lazy priest is very nervous now.

A powerful god who can't help even the jealous witch who has mastered the seven deadly sins, how could he be a little big sin bishop against Ye Ye?

However, compared to the forcible calm of the lazy priest, the Witch Cultist behind him seemed a lot more flustered.

After all, because of the envy of witches, witch cultists have a very bad reputation on the road now. From the beginning, the well water did not violate the river water, and now everyone is like a mouse crossing the street.

This is also the helplessness of the witch believers. After all, the jealous witch is wreaking havoc on them. They also hate the jealous witch very much. Because of the jealous witch, even they have been affected, and now they can only live with care.

This is a very dangerous sign.

If it goes on like this, even if the witch followers of the Witch Cult don't want to do anything harmful, they will eventually be forced into the dark direction, and they will become as bad as jealous witches.

"The Witch Cult? Is the jealous witch also taught by your witches?" Ye Ye raised his brows and said, but immediately denied it, "I think too much, how could the jealous witch need weak companions like you... ..."

Ye Ye's words were harsh, but they were right.

The envy witch doesn't want their weak and ant-like companions. In the eyes of the envy witch, the witches of the witch sect are like grass on the side of the road.

"To tell the truth, Lord Wushen, the envy witch was originally taught by our witches, but she has changed and become terrifying, and we don't know her anymore..." The lazy priest said, but his heart was secretly relieved. in one breath.

Fortunately, Ye Ye didn't regard them and the Jealous Witch as a kind of existence.

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