Otherwise, I am afraid that all the staff will be damaged here.

"You guys aren't just here for sightseeing, right?" However, Ye Ye's words made the lazy priest nervous again, but he didn't dare to hide Ye Ye.

"I just felt the magic power of the envy witch here, and I want to come and take some!" said the sloth priest, carefully looking at Ye Ye's expression.

He expects to find some inheritances belonging to some of her corresponding seven deadly sins in the magic power of the jealous witch, and obtain some witch factors.

In fact, the lazy priest also thinks too much.

Although Ye Ye is a god, he is not the god of this world. The only refuge now is the ghost clan. As long as there is no problem with the ghost clan, the world will be as it should be.

Ye Ye doesn't have much hostility towards the jealous witches, and towards them witches, as long as they don't take the initiative to provoke Ye Ye.

"Her magic power is not that easy to use. If you don't make it right, you will be infected by the magic power of the society!" Ye Ye said.

Surprisingly kind.

The lazy priest and the witch priest behind him also gradually let go of their nervousness.

Originally, they would have thought that Ye Ye would hate them because of envy of the witch, but in fact it was the exact opposite of what they thought, this god is not too cold, well, it is a good god.

Ye Ye didn't know yet, but if he was not careful, he was issued a god card.

"I will pay attention, thank you Lord God for reminding me!" The lazy priest obviously didn't take it to heart, and Ye Ye didn't persuade him anymore.

He had already reminded him. Since he didn't take it to heart, he would be blackened by the envy witch's magic power. Don't blame him for not reminding him.

They still think too simplistically about the magic power of the jealous witch.

The magic power that gathered the seven deadly sins can be called the worst magic power in the world. Even if you are a witch, you can't stand it.

Even the lazy priest who is the subordinate of the witch of the Seven Deadly Sins.


The Witch Cult is going to the elf tribe.

Ye Ye was also in a state of aimlessness, so he also followed the Witch Cult to the elf tribe.

The Witch Cult didn't seem very unwilling to follow Ye Ye, at least, in the eyes of the witch believers of the Witch Cult, Ye Ye was not the kind of guy who would kill people if they disagreed.


This is the label they give to Ye Ye.

But they will not forget that Ye Ye is still a strong man who can fight against the jealous witch, so although he thinks Ye Ye is easy to get along with, he is still careful everywhere and restrained all the way.

This made Ye Ye feel a little embarrassed, but his persuasion was fruitless, and he didn't say anything.

"Ah, are they here?" In the elf tribe, a silver-haired little loli half-elf ran out of his room very quickly when he heard the arrival of the Witch Cult.

Let her elf adoptive parents feel helpless for a while.

Although they were not hostile to the Witch Cult, they were actually worried about Emilia's contact with the Witch Cult.

After all, Emilia's appearance is exactly the same as the jealous witch who is raging, and some of them cannot be explored clearly, but this matter is not small.

If it wasn't for Emilia being too young, she would be considered a witch of jealousy.

This is also what Emilia's parents are worried about.

After all, it is necessary to be defensive, not to mention that the other party is a witch sect.

Not all witch cults are wicked people, but just being jealous of witches makes them have some barriers to witches, witch cultists and so on.

The envy witch doesn't have much time left.

Everyone in the whole continent knows that the three legends of the sage, the hero, the dragon, and the continent will join forces to fight the jealous witch.

Even the envy witch, facing the legends of the three continents, is impossible to win.

Even if the envy witch is immortal, she will definitely be sealed by sages, heroes and dragons.

They still don't know about the envy witch and Ye Ye. Now, the legends of the three continents are also rushing to enchantment, hoping to join forces with Ye Ye.

ps: Fixed some bugs! ..

Chapter [-] Ice Magic!

Chapter [-] Ice Magic!

The appearance of Ye Ye is good news for the entire continent, a powerful being who can stop the envy witch, can be called the title of the god of war.

However, I hope they will be so happy after finding Ye Ye, but Ye Ye will not interfere in the battle between them and the jealous witch.

Persuasion is also futile.

After coming to the elf tribe, Ye Ye also understood why the Witch Cult cared so much about this small elf tribe.

Ye Ye also saw Emilia.

Ye Ye had seen the Envy Witch before, and saw the Jealous Witch in her original form, with silver hair, pointed ears, and a half-elf.

The little girl in front of her is completely like a jealous witch in her childhood. It is hard to imagine that there really is exactly the same existence in the world.

In other words, is Emilia another self separated from the jealous witch?

It is the positive personality that represents the envy witch.

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