The followers of the witch sect's bardo magic power turned an area into darkness, and they also used the surrounding environment intentionally or unintentionally to create a sense of no disobedience.

Rem and Ram are rushing towards here.

A demon beast was escaping quickly, looking extremely panicked. Ram and Rem showed the horns of the oni and chased after using the power of the oni to a minimum.

Ye Ye came to this place ahead of time, and standing on a high place could clearly see through the dark magic power and see the people of the Witch Cult.

The people of the Witch Cult are really depraved.

They didn't dare to show their faces and put on a dark cloak to cover themselves.

One by one really looks like a cult follower.

Although the Witch Cult is called the Witch Cult, it sounds like a cult, but it is actually just a very ordinary sect. Among the first seven witches who showed their names, there are peace-loving ones, and most of them are neutral.

But now, under the leadership of the eighth unknown witch, it has completely become a cult-like organization.

What the hell is that witch trying to do?

The six dead witches are still affecting the world. The envy witch is only sealed. What is her intention?

Ye Ye is very interested in this, but will not pursue it. It is interesting to slowly solve the mystery.

The speed of this extremely fast beast suddenly slowed down because it also entered the encirclement.

"Finally stopped!" Ram's eyes revealed the madness of the ghost family, but the control was very good, and the instinct of the ghost family did not exceed the limit of her control.

Rem is the same.

This kind of control is something they have been trained for since childhood.

Of course, if you want to exert the strongest power of the ghost clan, it is necessary to release the instinct of the ghost clan, but this also has some consequences.

A wind blade penetrated the body of the beast from Ram's hand, and the blood flowed on the ground, and a blood-colored brilliance rose suddenly.

A scarlet enchantment was established, and then all the people from the Witch Sect appeared in the enchantment.

"You are the Witch Cult!" Ram and Rem had a hint of fear.

I don't blame them either. After all, envy witches are all told as ghost stories, which is still very deterrent to children of Ram and Rem's age.

Even the Witch Cult had some influence on the two of them.

"Do it!" The Witch Cult didn't say much, and rushed towards Rem.

"Rem!" Ram also abandoned all thoughts at this moment, letting the instinct of the ghost race quickly occupy himself, and his body was like a cannonball, and he was ejected towards the person who was closest to Rem's Witch Cult.

Rem was stunned with fright.

Even if he reacted, his body felt a little weak.

"I'm going to help my sister, I'm going to help my sister!" Rem splashed some blood on his face, which belonged to Ram.

There are more than a dozen people in the Witch Cult, and each of them is not an ordinary person. Ram is no problem to deal with two or three with all his strength, but together, Ram is really powerless.

"Use Rem to contain Ram, or even capture Ram?" As an outsider, Ye Ye had insight into the Witch Cult's thinking.

The Witch Cult keeps attacking Rem, and Ram has more and more scars on his body in order to protect Rem. Ram's counterattack has a condition, that is to protect Rem well, which limits Ram a lot.

Ram also became more and more anxious, and his fists were no match for four, not to mention more than a dozen people.


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and a sword slashed towards Rem's neck. Ram was dealing with other witch sects and could not spare his hands to repel that witch sect.

Even if he used it as a meat pad, he would probably be split in half with Rem.

But Ram couldn't care about that much at the moment, and directly ate two attacks from the followers of the Witch Cult, blocking Rem in front of him.

The blade suddenly changed.

A cold light flashed, Ram's eyes widened, his body trembled, his breath quickly weakened, and a single horn with a faint brilliance on his head fell to the ground.

From the very beginning, the purpose of the Witch Cult was Ram's horn, and if Ram's horn was cut off, Ram would be nothing to be afraid of.

There are a lot of manuscripts that record the ghost clan, and the Witch Cult, one of the oldest organizations in the world, even has records.

For example, horns are the source of the power of ghosts.

As a player in the game, Ram did not find out that more than a dozen people from the Witch Sect were together at first, but then three or four came together, and three or four took turns together. If they go together, Ram and Rem may be taken directly. down.

"Catch it alive!" After cutting off Ram's horn, the Witch Cult's 'hehe' surrounded Ram and Rem.

They give priority to capturing Ram and Rem alive, and finally they can choose to kill Ram and Rem in desperation.

"Lord God, save me, save Rem, save me!" Ram was severely injured and fell to the ground, and was held by Rem in his arms. Horns are too important for ghosts, especially Ram also consumes a lot of energy. Less magic power, and the lack of horns makes it worse.

Although Rem was holding him in his arms, he couldn't see the group of witches, but the sound of footsteps told Ram that they were approaching.

"Ah..." Ye Ye's sigh sounded, listening to Ram's prayers, he remembered the ghost girl he met when he came to this world.

enough. ..

Chapter [-] Remodeling!

Chapter [-] Remodeling!

The red barrier isolated everything from the outside world, and the voices that did not belong to the Witch Sect and Ramrem suddenly rose in the barrier, making the time pattern freeze.

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