The Witch Cult and Ramrem were stagnant for a while.

"Someone crossed the barrier?"

"Why doesn't the enchantment respond!"

The members of the Witch Cult were a little flustered.

It's being caught off guard by the unknown.

Of course, to appear is to create a little mystery, and the gilded mirror on Rem's body can be used.

The mirror itself is also a key, allowing the holder to instantly return to the enchantment.

In the same way, Ye Ye, the creator of this mirror, can even use this mirror as a channel to appear.

If he appeared directly, Ram's shrewdness would probably have noticed something, but if he appeared through a mirror, there would be nothing to do.


The mirror in Rem’s arms was suspended in the air, and a hazy brilliance enveloped Ram and Rem. The scars left by the broken horns on Ram’s head also stopped flowing magic power, reducing Ram’s pressure a little. .

The magic power of oneself is constantly flowing away.

There were some cracks on the mirror, and then it shattered abruptly, and a figure appeared in the daylight that the mirror shattered into.

"Lord God!" Ram's eyes widened, as if he had put down some burden, showing a relieved expression.

"Sister, we can go back alive!" Rem also felt secure behind Ye Ye, and vented his suppressed fear with emotion.

"It's all my fault, if it weren't for me, my sister's horn would not have been broken!" Holding Ram's broken horn, Rem's sadness continued unabated.

I am so useless.

In the end, it became Ram's fuel bottle.

If he could be useful just now, perhaps Ram's horn wouldn't be cut off.

"The ability to change the image of things, is this the ability of the eighth sin witch hidden in history? No wonder you are all so determined to step into the depravity, so he is the same, Emilia …”

Ye Ye recognized him when he glanced at the Witch Cultist who was holding a sharp blade and chopped off Ram's Horn.

Although I don't remember his face, I still vaguely remember the aura of magic power. Isn't this the Witch Cultist who was brought by the Lazy Sacrifice when he first encountered the Witch Cult many years ago?

Then Ye Ye shook his head, Emilia couldn't have anything too big.

Really think Parker, the final beast of the eternal frozen ground, is a display.

"Master Valkyrie, did you still find out?" The witch cultist who cut off Ram's horn dropped the blade in his hand.

In front of Ye Ying Ying, it is ridiculous to admit resistance. Although there is no chance of survival if you do nothing, he is very clear that in front of Ye Ying Ying, in front of this powerful person who makes jealous witches helpless, they will survive. The odds are zero.

Ye Ye would never let them go if he attacked the ghost clan.

"I just don't bother Lord Wushen to dirty his sword. Since it was discovered by Lord Wushen, then there is no way to do it!" He smiled strangely, then put his palm on his cheek, and slammed it. With a crisp sound of bone breaking, his body fell to the ground.

With him taking the lead, the other witch cultists also committed suicide.

This scene gave Rem and Ram a great shock.

Just standing here is a deterrent, which can make them choose suicide without hesitation.

This is the god that their ghost clan serves, the god of war!

The blood-colored enchantment disappeared, and the person who hosted it also turned into pieces and disappeared.

The monsters wandering around seemed to instinctively sense the danger, and they all moved away quickly.

The monster who manipulated them had committed suicide.

"Let's go, go back!"

Ye Ye turned around and looked at Ram and Rem.

The two little guys were very embarrassed and looked pitiful, especially Ram.


"What should I do, Ram's horn is gone, she is the hope of our ghost clan in history!" The former village chief blamed himself and then became restless after knowing the situation.

I originally wanted to leave a name for thousands of years, but now it will be smeared for thousands of years.

Even the strongest geniuses in the ghost clan's history were not optimistic, and they were attacked by the Witch Cult.

Although what Rem and Ram did was a bit too much, they were no longer in the mood to blame them.

"Lord God, please agree to my request. Rem is willing to exchange himself for her sister's recovery. I hope that Lord God can restore her sister's horns. She is the future of the ghost clan, and she can't live without her horns!" Rem prayed in the shrine on.

He was obviously just a child, but unexpectedly he felt steady.

Rem has grown up.

is a good direction.

The same is true for Ram, and Ye Ye's attention to them is not in vain.

Rem is very self-blame now, because of himself, Ram's horn is broken, and he is very clear about the importance of the ghost clan compared to Ram.

Ram claims to be the future of the ghost clan, and she is just an ordinary member of the ghost clan, oh, not ordinary, after all, she is also a unicorn.

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