It won't endanger their lives, but it will cause them unbearable pain.

In order to clean up all the way, Reinhardt had to knock them all out before heading out.

"Damn Witch Cult, they are a bunch of lunatics, and they are really getting more and more outrageous. They have become more and more rampant in the past few years!" The knight standing beside Reinhardt also glanced at the carriage behind and then said through gritted teeth.

Being able to become a knight also shows that his nature is not bad, otherwise Reinhardt would not let him be arranged by his side. Reinhardt is still confident that he can identify the quality of human nature.

"There are still a group of hostages in the hands of the Witch Cult. I don't know how they will suffer!" Reinhardt also held the sword of the Sword Saint with the dragon pattern.

If it wasn't for these people in need of treatment, he would have found the Witch Cult by turning the world upside down.

However, fortunately, the master is not far away, so things are much simpler.

With a master taking care of these patients, he can also rescue another batch of hostages.

During the conversation with the knight, the town was already in sight.

Seeing Reinhardt, the guards at the gate also gave the green light to quickly let Reinhardt's carriage pass through.

The three carriages made a creaking sound all the way to the hospital.

"Long time no see, master!" Looking at the figure in the open hospital door, Reinhardt jumped out of the carriage and then half-knelt on the ground.

Even in such a large audience, he didn't kneel down at all to avoid it. ..

Chapter [-] Melancholy Demon!

Chapter [-] Melancholy Demon!

"Long time no see, Reinhardt, you can already be on your own, but you still haven't made a friend who can open your heart!" Ye Ye greeted Reinhardt with a teasing when he came in.

With the power to destroy a country, anyone will be in awe of Reinhardt, not to mention that Reinhardt can feel goodwill or malice. Those who approach him with some purpose will be caught by him immediately. insight.

Then these times passed, let alone friends, even people who could be called friends were not made.

Although the light is infinite, there are actually many people who slander Reinhardt behind the scenes. After all, who makes Reinhardt too jealous.

Juggernaut, also has the power to destroy a country.

"Master is joking!" Reinhardt was also used to Ye Ye's ridicule.

"The sword saint, the pillar of the kingdom, came to the border town. It seems that a lot of things have happened. Those patients outside have your subordinates carry them in!"

Ye Ye said that he had already sensed the bloody smell in the carriage outside.

Although they were all knocked unconscious by Reinhardt's beating, their bodies were still trembling, and the nerves on their bodies were gathered in a hideous and twisted look.

The Witch Cult is really getting more and more wicked.

Except for the Witch Cult Ye Ye, I really can't think of anyone who has such a bad taste. Moreover, Reinhardt has been dispatched, who else is not the Witch Cult.

"Trouble master!" Reinhardt asked the knights to carry the wounded in.

"Felix came out to pick up the guests!" Ye Ye saw the wounded being led to the ward by Ram and Rem, and shouted upstairs, "No, come out for treatment!"

Reinhardt looked a little strange, as if he was holding back something, especially after seeing Felix, his expression was even more strange.

Looking at Ye Ye's eyes changed, could it be that the master still has such interest?

It is not difficult for Reinhardt to see that Felix looks like a cute cat girl, but he is actually a blue child.

"Master, well, you already have Ram and Rem by your side, how come you still have such an interest?" Ye Yeh couldn't help twitching Reinhardt's face as he hesitated to speak.

"Who are you as your master, how could I have such a hobby, what do you think, just leave the patient with me, you should hurry up and do your thing, the witch sect won't give you much Time!" Ye Ye put his foot on Reinhardt's body cursingly.

Reinhardt didn't feel any power either, but flew out abruptly and uncontrollably, and then stabilized on the carriage with his own balance.

Touching his nose, Reinhardt smiled bitterly. He seemed to have said something incredible, and the master was still as unfathomable as before.

The water-type magic power fluctuations appeared in Reinhardt's senses, and the very pure and huge magic power made Reinhardt sigh again.

It is true that the masters who can see are not ordinary people.

No wonder the master asked the blue boy in women's clothing to treat him on his behalf. This kind of magic power, the healing magic that can be used in actual combat, is enough to deal with those injuries.

"Lord Reinhardt!"

The knight was shocked that Ye Ye kicked Reinhardt out with one kick just now, and then came to Reinhardt with the other knights.

"Let's go, those wounded are taught to the master, let's continue to track down the sinful bishop of lust!" Reinhardt said.

"Okay!" The knight replied, and he took a deep breath to suppress his fear of the sinful bishop.

After all, the other party is a terrifying guy who can fight with Reinhardt. He also witnessed the horror of the lustful Bishop of Sin with his own eyes, so who can break the absolute defense except Reinhardt.

And that terrifying attack, the sin bishops of the Witch Sect are all monsters, and sure enough, only monsters can defeat monsters.


Ye Ye watched Reinhardt and the others leave.

Felix's treatment of the patient has also ended, and they have also woken up one after another, but they have been tortured for a long time, and their spirits are also damaged to a certain extent. Most of them wake up for a while and then continue to sleep.

Ram, Rem and Felix also went to buy medicinal herbs, and Ye Ye was alone in the entire store.

Closing his eyes, Ye Ye enjoyed the peaceful tranquility.

However, I didn't enjoy much time.

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