The sudden supergravity was imposed on the medical hall. If Ye Ye hadn't reacted in time, I am afraid that the medical hall would have long since become dust under this supergravity, including the patients here.

"Do you want to die?" Ye Ye opened his eyes and looked at the guy who was shrouded in a black mist in front of him, with a sharp look in his eyes.

On the contrary, the other party felt the feeling of being oppressed by supergravity.

The contempt for Ye Ye completely subsided.

"What's your relationship with that group of witches!" Ye Ye didn't directly attack him, but asked directly.

The power of power like witches.

The opposite is probably the witches and the others.

But he was also bold enough to walk directly in front of him.

You know, even a fake witch with a bug-like ability to change things doesn't dare to show up in front of him.

There was ice on the ground, and ice thorns rose up here. Outside the medical hall, a line also rose. The brakes stood next to the line, isolating the medical hall from reality and temporarily blocking the existence of the medical hall. The hospital is on the other side of the realm.

The entire medical hall seemed to be suspended by time, only Ye Ye and the witch-like fellow on the opposite side remained normal.

He actually felt a bone-chilling cold in this ice, is this power still within the scope of magic? ..

Chapter [-] Who gave you the courage?

Chapter [-] Who gave you the courage?

The hazy mist also turned into cold stars, and the cold air exhaled was clearly visible. Looking at Ye Ye, this fellow like a witch, Yan Ran, almost became an ice sculpture, and it was about to be fragmented when it moved.

The power of this guy is quite dangerous, at least, in this world, the combat power is definitely in the forefront even among witches.

But having power is one thing, having brains is another.

Without brains and strength, nothing can be accomplished.

The guy in front of him is a model.

Stupidly ran in front of him, thinking that he couldn't kill a witch.

"The power of ice, this power can be compared to the legendary final beast of permafrost!" trembling.

His strength was as unstoppable as the cold, and he felt as if his consciousness was becoming numb from the cold.

It was just a face-to-face, and he was already defeated.

What he cares more about now is frustration than his own life.

He came to Ye Ye with confidence, and then the truth gave him a slap, the hateful pretentious witch, she really calculated herself!

He is also a witch's companion, but the devil who is called melancholy is also one of the witches who are present, and like the pretended witch, he is hidden in history and unknown!

Moreover, he is male. Yes, there is a traitor among the witches. He and the witch are the same concept, and then they are male in terms of gender.

This guy is also tough.

He didn't open a harem among witches, and he had the highest combat power among witches, but he just couldn't integrate into the circle of witches.

It is not because he is low-key and has a plan like a witch who pretends to be a witch, but he has always lived in frustration.

"It also lost to me in this regard!" Ye Ye replied simply.

The demon couldn't help but shake his cheeks, and the ice chips shook for a while.

She was really pitted by that bitch. Sure enough, there is a problem. If the god of war is really so unbearable, she can't let the variable of the god of war live in this world.

How can you be so stupid.

"It was me who offended me just now, but I have information here about the comfort of your disciple, the Sword Saint. If you kill me, you should wait to hear the news of your disciple's death!" What comforts the devil's heart is that he still pays Good to have messages that can be used to save lives.

"Reinhardt?" Ye Ye smiled and didn't take it to heart, but he was also somewhat interested.

It is impossible for him not to know Reinhardt's strength, but he is still so confident, which means that they have something that can restrain Reinhardt.

Needless to say, Ye Ye knew something.


According to Reinhardt's temper, it is really possible that he will be threatened.

But I'm not too worried about Reinhardt's consolation. The phoenix's protection has never been used once, which means that Reinhardt still has two lives.

An extra life can play a big role, but if Reinhardt is really in the game he envisaged, it is estimated that giving up this life will not make Reinhardt a pity.

After all, it is for justice.

It doesn't make much sense to Ye Ye that this guy who is like a witch dies or not. Of course, Ye Ye still prefers to let him die.

"Hey, what do you mean by your indifferent tone, isn't Reinhardt your disciple? Don't you even care about An Wei, your own disciple? If you promise to let me go, I can tell you now that you are Where is his disciple, now you still have a chance to save him!" The devil's heart suddenly raised.

Ye Ye's expression was indifferent just now. This was not because he doubted the truth of his news, but because he really didn't care about the safety of Reinhardt's life.

Now he has some lack of confidence.

"Furthermore, we still have a public enemy, a pretentious witch. She is eyeing you for the god of war, and she will definitely attack if there is a chance. This time I was also instigated by her. How about this, Your Excellency the god of war? , we form an alliance, I will take you to rescue you and your disciple, and at the same time, be your inner responder, and work together to get rid of the pretentious witch!" The devil did not understand Ye Ye's calmness.

But he couldn't stand it anymore.

In the face of Ye Ye's overwhelming power, seek a chance to survive.

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