Cai Yueang didn't know why, but she felt that her body did not belong to her, and she blocked the black blade of the sausage hunter with a speed that exceeded ordinary people and a reaction that exceeded the limit.

The blade pierced through the body and through the heart!

That's it, the witch's blessing, the death return was triggered for the first time.

"What the hell happened, I am, what's the matter..." Cai Yueang looked at the uncle who was buying apples in front of him, a little stunned.

Didn't he die by the blade piercing his heart, why is he still alive?

Moreover, Cai Yueang glanced at her handbag, and the food inside was intact. It was as if she had really returned to the past.


Having just experienced a death, Cai Yueang's head was a little confused, and no matter how she thought about it, some of them couldn't turn around.

Cai Yueang hates this feeling.

"Yo, we meet again, boy."

When Cai Yueang heard this voice, she suddenly trembled, turned around, looked at Ye Ye, and became even more confused.

"How about it, the feeling of dying once, is it a lot of experience?" Ye Ye patted Cai Yueang on the shoulder, and the words in a mocking tone made Cai Yueang's eyes keep widening.

" do you know that I died once, what exactly happened and what am I doing?" Cai Yueang grabbed Ye Ye's sleeve incoherently and asked.

What revealed in his eyes was the panic and fear of the unknown, the normal performance of a normal person.

Well, do better.

So why do you want to pull Cai Yue Ang over, just pull an otaku over here, the reaction ability should be better than that of Cai Yue Ang, what about the return of death, it must be an easy reaction.

Of course, although there are doubts, these are the choices of the witches. Since Cai Yueang was selected, there must be their reasons.

"As I said, you've already died once. You were pierced by a black blade in your heart, and you died at that instant. Why, didn't you feel it very clearly?" Ye Ye said, and suddenly Cai Yueang I felt my heart twitch.

Ye Ye's words reminded Nayue Ang of some extremely bad feelings.

Death is really a terrifying feeling.

That kind of feeling as if to fall into the abyss, the feeling of floating nothingness.

And the pain that pierced through the heart at that moment.

"But, but I'm alive right now." Cai Yueang pinched her cheek, um, it hurts a little.

Cai Yueang didn't notice that, except for them, everything around seemed to be still.

Not even the surrounding environment turned gray.

It seems that it really has a great impact on Cai Yueang, this time's death.

"Young man, do you remember what I said to you? You still have a talent that you haven't discovered yet. You are indeed dead, but now you are indeed alive, indeed living in this world, it's just, It's back to the previous time," Ye Ye said.

Cai Yueang didn't seem to know how to accept some of Ye Ye's words, and her erratic eyes finally noticed the strangeness around her.

Then his eyes fixed on a figure not far away.

"Satila?" Cai Yueang murmured.

Suddenly, the gray and white colors all subsided, and Cai Yueang couldn't prove whether it was an illusion or reality just now.

Now he wants to ask for proof of one thing.

Ye Ye stood behind Cai Yue Ang, quietly watching Cai Yue Ang running towards Emilia.

"Satila? Did you use a fake name? Emilia is really naughty, she actually took the name of the jealous witch." Ye Ye couldn't think of how things would develop.

"It's so rude, what are you trying to do by calling me the jealous witch." Emilia got a little angry at the words 'Satila' by Nayue Ang.

Maybe Satila was just the name Emilia said casually when she was dealing with Nayue Ang, but at least Emilia said this to Nayue Ang deliberately at the time. Before she returned, Nayue Ang used the name of the jealous witch. Emilia, Emilia doesn't have any emotions.

But now, when Nayue Ang didn't know Amelia yet, a word of Satila would offend Amelia severely.

After all, Satila and Emilia are both silver-haired half-elfs, and Emilia is also very taboo to be called like this.

"Yeah, brother, it's really too much to call this girl by the name of the jealous witch."

"Yeah yeah."

Cai Yueang was stunned in this situation, he believed what Ye Ye said. ..

Chapter [-] Hidden Identity!

Chapter [-] Hidden Identity!

Emilia left with a look of anger, leaving Nayue Ang to stay where she was, not knowing what to do. After a while, she turned her attention to Ye Ye.

Ye Ye's gaze had just taken back from Emilia, that guy Parker really loves Emilia, can't he tolerate a world without Emilia?

He even made the strictest contract for himself and Emilia.

Ye Ye changed his appearance, and his aura was like a different person. Not to mention Emilia, even Reinhardt could not recognize Ye Ye. At most, Ye Ye felt like he was one person.

"This..." Cai Yueang also cleared her mind a little.

"This is the talent you acquired when you came to this world." Ye Ye glanced at Cai Yueang and said as he walked towards it.

Cai Yueang hurriedly followed behind Ye Ye.

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