"No, by the way, how do you know that I have died once, uncle? Didn't you say that when I die, I will return to the previous time?" Cai Yueang said, his mind also turned.

"I'm special." Ye Ye just responded.

Although Cai Yueang is reckless, arrogant, and sometimes doesn't think about other things, he is not a fool himself. He knows that Ye Ye must know some information that is very important to him.

But it looks like Ye Ye definitely won't tell him.

"Is this my special ability?" Cai Yueang didn't know whether to be happy or what, he didn't have a golden finger, but this golden finger was passive, but it was also very powerful.

Think about it, go back to the previous time point once you die, and know what happened next to avoid it. That is to say, as long as he keeps dying, no matter what kind of challenges and difficulties, there will be ways to solve them.

"Although this ability is relatively powerful, I advise you not to rely too much on this ability, otherwise you will cry." Ye Ye seemed to understand Cai Yueang's thoughts, and she kept thinking in a good direction. Hit him in the head when comforting yourself.

"Isn't it just death? You'll be familiar with it after dying a few times." Cai Yueang didn't care.

Or too young and naive, haven't you experienced the feeling of death once?

"I ask you, were you an ordinary person before?" Ye Ye asked.

"Yeah..." Cai Yueang said vaguely.

"Do you have extraordinary qualities?" Ye Ye ignored Cai Yueang's vague answer and continued.

Cai Yueang was silent.

"I won't say anything else. I'll just tell you one thing. It is irresponsible for me to use death as a means." Ye Ye didn't plan to talk much to Cai Yueang, and he was not a spiritual mentor. It is also impossible to give Cai Yue Ang psychological counseling, I believe that Cai Yue Ang will understand what her words mean in the future.

Death is not as simple as being familiar with.

Even if he was familiar with death as Nai Yue Ang said, but at that time, he was no longer him, he should be crazy at that time.

After hearing this, Cai Yueang followed Ye Ye without saying a word.

"When are you going to follow me? Don't you still have your own things to do?" After walking for a while, Ye Ye paused and said.

Cai Yueang raised her head at this time.

"Uncle, can you help me once?" Cai Yueang said.

"Go to Reinhardt, I believe he is also interested in arresting the sausage hunter," Ye Ye said.

"Reinhardt?" Nayue Ang seemed to have heard this name from a sausage hunter before he died.

It seems to be very powerful, and it is not easy for the hunters to be jealous.

"He is a guard in this city now. If you want to find him, it should be easy to find. After all, he is also a famous person. Well, it's getting late. If you don't act, you won't have much time." Ye Yexia Eviction order.

Cai Yueang took a look at the sky, but it was not good.

"Although uncle just gave me some advice, thank you so much, uncle." Cai Yueang ran away quickly with the bag in hand.

"Thank you..." An illusory voice recalled beside Ye Ye.

The witches sincerely thanked Ye Ye, and now, Ye Ye took the initiative to get Nayue Ang and Reinhardt into a relationship.

Otherwise, if you want Reinhardt and Nayue Ang to have a relationship, at least one death is required. Ye Ye can say that he indirectly caused Nayue Ang to die once less.

As the strongest player in the world right now, if Reinhardt and Nayue Ang maintain a certain friendship, it will be of great help to Nayue Ang.

If there are a few transactions, nothing can be considered a matter for Cai Yueang.

Unfortunately, Reinhardt's sexuality is normal.

It's just that there is no girl who can make him fall in love with him.

You must know how many noble girls are willing to marry Reinhardt in the royal capital. When the royal family was there, even the king wanted the princess to marry the next generation Sword Saint Reinhardt.

However, maybe it will bend?

Ye Ye shook his head and threw his own brain hole away, what was he thinking about, it was too dirty.


"What's the matter, Emilia." Parker asked while sitting on Emilia's shoulder.

From just now, Emilia has been a little strange.

"Nothing." Emilia shook her head. "Come on, Parker, and go after the thief."

"Well, let's go, that thief has the protection of the wind. Although I am the great elf in charge of fire, I can still feel a little bit. The protection of the wind is actually here to do this kind of thing." Parker nodded, Then looked annoyed.

But what it looks like now, it's just showing off cuteness.

Parker definitely chose this image on purpose.

This scheming bitch. ..

Chapter [-] You are really lazy!

Chapter [-] You are really lazy!

ps: When I wrote this volume, I wanted to write a lot, but it collapsed before I knew it. I don’t know how to write it later. No matter how I wrote it, I felt a little watery, so let’s end it like this.

What the Witch Cult is like now is actually not very useful to the current witches.

After all, they are already what they are now.

The melancholy devil Ye Ye has never summoned a melancholy devil since he was enslaved by Ye Ye.

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