Yuichiro Suzuki is really scared, and he plans to rule the world for a while. It seems that he still needs to continue to accumulate energy. He is still a little unwilling, although he is greatly overshadowed.

He believed that with the energy he accumulated for a few years, he would definitely be able to turn defeat into victory.

Ye Ye didn't pay attention to Suzuki's escape, but don't let the toys break once, take your time, take your time, Suzuki is so playable, he can't be sure how many times he can play.

Now, let's deal with this dragon-like spirit.

Ye Ye clapped his hands, and then walked into the cave that was already spread by the ice. Well, the scenery inside is not bad, but that Suzuki Tongluo put in some effort. There are some radiant crystals in it, which were caught by the cold. Wrapped in ice, the light became even more hazy.

If it weren't for the smell that permeates the air, this place must have become a good attraction.

Ye Ye looked at the dragon-like spirit at the end of the cave. It was still sleeping, and a gust of wind was blowing between its breaths.

I believe that those two guys are also impatient to wait.

It's not that I'm impatient, now those two guys have weak legs, and the movement made by Yuichiro Suzuki really scared them both.

If it was inside, it would probably turn into powder right away.

Now they are somewhat grateful that Ye Ye didn't let them follow him in, otherwise their little hearts would not be able to stand it, they were all middle-aged people, and they were just one step away from the elderly.

It is everyone's responsibility to take care of the heart.

ps: Accidentally, the style has become a little more joyful. ..

Chapter [-] Training and training!

Chapter [-] Training and training!

The ice gradually spread to the past, and at the extreme, it froze the spirit in an instant and caused it to fall into a state of seal.

Spirits of this level are extremely hard to find, and I finally came across one. It would be a pity to destroy it without using it.

In any case, he is handsome, with a ferocious face and a sense of deterrence.

It is also very good as a gatekeeper dragon knight.

High-end atmosphere on the grade.

As for that or something, Ye Ye, who wanted revenge, hoped that he would come over.

Ye Ye came over and knocked on the ice cubes. He nodded tiredly after listening to the sound of the ice cubes. He went back and trained Ram. I believe Ram and Rem, who were bored, would like it very much.

"That, Master, may I ask, the result..." The employer was already extremely nervous while waiting anxiously, and now he was afraid that Ye Ye would reply with a word like failure.

"It has already been resolved, but there is still no one to live here in a short period of time. If you are willing to pay another [-] million yuan, I can help you solve the follow-up." Ye Ye said, although it looks very easy, but The two who had felt Ye Ye's power did not dare to have any other objections.

There was no wind here, and the nervous and hurried breathing of the two made Ye Ye laugh, as if he were some kind of monster.

However, this was originally what Ye Ye wanted.

If I really want to say, in this human society, he does belong to the ranks of monsters, not just him, all superpowers belong to this ranks, just wearing the appearance of a human being.

After two blinks, the employer nodded and took out his phone, his fingers trembling perhaps because his heart was beating too fast.

At this time, they showed embarrassed expressions.

"Here, no signal..." They had to say this embarrassing thing.

"Remember to hit my card later." Ye Ye didn't worry that they would default on the bill. He snapped his fingers, causing a blizzard that swept the sky and then hid in the blizzard that blocked almost all of his sight.

The two also quickly reflected that they climbed into the undamaged car and lifted the accelerator, leaving wheel marks on the snow and disappearing in the blizzard.

This method is already divine.

Unbelievably, Ye Ye had already returned to the office.

Ram and Rem sensed Ye Ye's return, one came with a cup and hot water, the other with a teapot and black tea, and then as if they had cooperated countless times, in just ten seconds The steps of brewing black tea are done, and the slow steam begins to float with the aroma of tea.

Ye Ye is a very enjoyable person, just like he is sitting on a red sandalwood seat that exudes a relaxing natural fragrance.

Not only that, the table is also expensive rosewood.

The tea set is specially made by someone.

Ye Ye enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by fragrance.

"Ram, Rem, I'll leave this little guy for you to train." Ye Ye lay on his grandfather's chair, stretched his limbs comfortably, and a blue ball appeared in his hand. Inside, it seemed to be Q The version of the dragon spirit whimpered inside like a wronged puppy left out by its owner.

Finally, I got excited when I saw the outside world.

Although it is a spirit, its wisdom is comparable to that of ordinary people. Although it was enslaved before, this connection has been cut off by Ye Ye.

Ye Ye also doesn't need this kind of slavery, wouldn't it be better to train him?

It can also relieve the boredom of Ram and Rem.

"Hoo, ho ho!" The cute dragon spirit roared, but it couldn't break the seemingly thin blue film.

"A spirit?" Ram looked at it and was a little surprised: "Is this what the master went to work for today? It is indeed a very powerful spirit."

Although it was sealed by Ye Ye, Ram and Rem could still feel the power of this spirit.

"After all, for the purpose of waste utilization, this little guy feels that he will earn a lot more as a gatekeeper than killing him, so I just brought it back. You two are just bored and panic, and I just want to give you some training, as long as you are in Underground, do whatever you want with it." Ye Ye was playing with the fist-sized ball in his hands, twisted with three fingers, then turned it sharply, and ejected it into the air with force. When it fell, one finger was very clever. Click on the center of rotation of the ball that wraps the dragon, and let it spin on your fingers.

The shrunken Demon Dragon Spirit also stumbled and stumbled inside, but the balance was not broken at all.

Spirit can only have specific weight and strength by relying on spiritual power under the subjective consciousness. Now the spirit has been sealed by leaf pages, and it has no quality at all.

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