"I understand, as long as we don't kill them, we'll let us train them?" Ram and Rem both came to nature at the same time, and smiled when they saw the dragon spirit in this blue ball of light.

Well, that's what they like too.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Ye Ye looked at the magic dragon spirit in the blue ball of light with a pessimistic look, then threw it out and was firmly caught by Rem.

The underground is an area opened up by Ye Ye. It can be regarded as another small world that is isolated from the world by Ye Ye. No matter how hard you try, there will be no noise. It can be said that it is the best place to tune the demon dragon. .

Ram and Rem can also let go of their hands and feet and play with the prosperous version of the dragon.

According to the degree of black belly of Ram and Rem, it is estimated that when the next time they see the magic dragon, the attributes of the magic dragon will already be close to Erha Gouzhong.

"Ding" sound reminded.

Ye Ye smiled and knew that the money had arrived.

Those two guys weren't stupid enough to not give money, and Ye Ye never thought that the two of them would default on his payment.

Unless they don't want to live anymore. ..

Chapter [-] Super Power Prologue!

Chapter [-] Super Power Prologue!

Linghuan Xinlong wiped his sweat, then looked up at the sky and took a long breath. He really worked hard to earn that money.

Not for anything else, but to get into that field.

As long as you get the weapon given by the master, then you must be able to truly enter that field.

Linghuan Xinlong is working hard for this.

For this reason, Linghuan Xinlong doesn't know how many jobs he has worked, but all day and night work schedules are full, except for the fixed eight hours of sleep time for himself.

Eating and going to the toilet is a race against time.

This life has been the past year.

Linghuan Xinlong walked out of the bank with a smile, it's almost time, it's finally time.

"Would you like to practice another skill?" Linghuan Xinlong thought in a good mood, and then stopped abruptly in a small alley.

"It's too dilapidated, this building." In the hutong, the ground was covered with cracks and depressions like a cobweb, as if it had suffered a powerful collision.

Not only that, the wall also has a huge hole, and the twisted steel bars are particularly hideous.

Linghuan Xinlong shuddered, and quickly did not walk away. He was still a little confident in his sixth sense, and had a bad feeling, so he should not stay here.

After Linghuan Xinlong left, in the hole in the building, a blond boy surrounded by golden light grabbed an unconscious middle-aged man and walked out.

"Did someone pass by just now? But fortunately it didn't come, Claws, it's a terrifying organization, it seems to be more careful, but no amount of this kind of stuff is not enough for me to fight, I'm the protagonist." The blond boy looked scornfully. He glanced at the unconscious middle-aged man who was twice his height, and then threw it aside, the bag in his hand was loosely swayed back on his shoulders, and he left leisurely.

On the other side, a boy with a mushroom head, like a demon, absorbed the power in the atmosphere, and then stretched out his fangs at the delinquent boy who hurt his younger brother.

Ye Ye watched all this quietly in the office.

Ye Ye noticed whether it was the blond boy or the mushroom-headed boy.

The blond-haired boy also has strong superpowers, but what caught Ye Ye's attention was the mushroom-headed boy. If his superpower was to stand up, even that Suzuki Toichiro would not be a match.

Moreover, the super power that the boy exerted after he lost consciousness.

Ye Ye was a little interested.

Although this city is not a place where superhumans are rampant, it has gradually become interesting.

However, that guy Suzuki Yuichiro is indeed a middle-aged person, and this time, the sub-leaf page is completely confirmed.

Because of the claw organization.

Maybe others don't know, but Ye Ye also spent some time investigating the claw organization.

An organization composed of hundreds of superpowers, the leader of their organization is the Suzuki Yuichiro who was out of the shadows and beaten by Ye Ye.

This organization actually wants to rule the world. It is indeed an organization created by Suzuki Yuichiro. The atmosphere of the middle two is deeply rooted in this organization.

However, after being hanged and beaten by himself, he still dared to let his own organization members come to this city to arrest people. How should Ye Ye evaluate Suzuki's second-grade illness?

"Go, boil me a pot of hot water." Ye Ye caught a glimpse of the little dragon at his feet who was curled up like a puppy for a nap.

Saying that, Ye Ye also kicked it.

"Hoho~~~" The demon dragon spirit who was trained as a gatekeeper - Xiaolong let out a roar that he didn't want to, but under Ye Ye's arrogance, he still went to boil water.

It's just a spirit, still a child, please let me go, no one understands Xiaolong's sadness.

Isn't it my duty to be a gatekeeper? Why do you call me as a servant? Isn't there Mr. Ram and Mrs. Rem?

Of course, it means complaining in his heart.

It believes that if Ye Ye and Ramrem and the others learn of their thoughts, they will be greeted by an inhumane 'training'!

To say it is exercise is actually a one-sided abuse of it.

After protesting a few times, it also learned to behave.

Fluttering his wings, he slowly turned on the switch of the electric kettle, and Xiaolong waited slowly.

Seeing that Xiaolong obediently started boiling water for himself, Ye Ye nodded his head, put on a trench coat and hat, greeted Ram and Rem, and left the office.

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