Is Yuichiro Suzuki trying to express his dissatisfaction?

Ye Ye knew that Claw was in a branch in this city. Since they didn't choose to evacuate, he would be rude to respond to Suzuki's Unification.

As a qualified boss, he should let his subordinates leave the city in time after he was beaten up.

It takes enough time to boil a pot of water.

"Big sister, Xiaolong is really stupid, there is no water in the pot." Rem smelled a strange smell, then turned on the electric kettle, and then said to Ram.

"If Rem didn't find out, the master would not be able to drink tea when he came back, and Xiaolong needs to be punished." Ram also narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiaolong and said.

If it had sweat, it must have been dripping like rain.

Toshiro Suzuki actually has some merits. Tochiro Suzuki has various abilities, one of which is the ability to give his own energy to others.

It is more popular to say that Suzuki Yuichiro can rely on this ability to create unlimited superpowers, and the superpowers created depend on how much energy he gives.

Some of the superpowers in the claws were created by Yuichiro Suzuki. Their superpowers are not as good as some of the more powerful natural superpowers, but they are numerous.

ps: Carvin is over, there are four more updates today, paralyzed. ..

Chapter [-] Strange...weird?

Chapter [-] Strange...weird?

But when Ye Ye came to Claw's station, things seemed to be a little different.

The smoke of gunpowder floated into the air, and the former base was all turned into a burning ruin, and then one after another corpses were lined up, all of them were superpowers, and each of them died extremely miserable.

Most of them lost an important complement on their body.

"This is a bit horrible." Ye Ye couldn't bear to watch the current scene.

And, more importantly, Ye Ye looked into the depths of the smoke of the ruins, where a monster-like guy with a huge capital was sleeping soundly.


Ye Ye now seems to have three question marks on his head.

Okay, is this an experimental product?

Ye Ye didn't even have to think about it, this monster-like guy must be the culprit.

"There's a surviving guy?" The monster-like guy opened his eyes and looked at Ye Ye with a twisted face in horror.

Hot eyes, really hot eyes.

Yes, let you experience what is called halal.

Ye Ye's cheeks twitched, and he was completely unable to say how hot this guy had eyes.

In an instant, the entire area turned into ice and snow, the entire building was covered with a thick layer of frost, and snowflakes kept falling from the sky.

The temperature is also getting lower and lower, it has already reached below zero, and even it is still falling.

Ye Ye turned his back, a real man never looked back at Bingsha.

"Wow!" As if countless ice cubes collided and intersected, Ye Ye didn't have to guess, the frozen place was completely shattered by the ice.

It's unfortunate for these guys.

If it was Ye Ye, at most they wouldn't feel any pain to die. Now, Ye Ye don't have to think about it, most of the people in it died probably because they couldn't bear the pain of broken eggs.

A wave of distress.

However, the appearance of this monster also gave Ye Ye a little warning, not only the spirit, but it seems that the follow-up will only be more exciting.

This kind of monster has appeared, and there will definitely be more monsters with various patterns.

This is Ye Ye's intuition.

Ye Ye felt that it was necessary for him to start another business.

Well, go back and hang up the sign.

When they returned to the office, the black tea that had just been brewed was already in the cup waiting for Ye Ye's return, and the warm air proved that this cup of tea had just been poured into the cup.

As for Ram and Rem, Ye Ye already knew that they were teaching Xiaolong underground.

Xiaolong is also miserable. No matter how many times he is unbearably humiliated, the fierceness of the killing stone will be smashed into the ground by Ram with one punch. When he comes out, it is also Rem's Lei's meteor hammer that greets it.

However, it seems that the murderousness of the killing stone is about to be wiped out.

In fact, Ram and Rem are also for its own good. Every time they abuse it, it can stimulate the ferocity of the killing stone, and can help it kill the ferocity of the killing stone, so that it will no longer go mad because of the ferocity of the killing stone.

After drinking this cup of black tea, Ye Ye lay comfortably on his grandfather's chair again.


The rules of the world have changed a bit.

Ye Ye felt this clearly afterward.

The appearance of weirdos is the result of a change in the rules. In just three days, there have been reports of many weirdos appearing in the world, and the final whereabouts of those weirdos are unknown.

This world is not as simple as it seems. It seems that in this city, there is that blond boy and that mushroom head boy.

Although the mushroom head boy is the only one, when he uses that deep-level superpower unconsciously, he has already broken his own limiter and can be called a 'god'.

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