The only pity is that this is not something he can manipulate himself, otherwise, it is really invincible.

No matter how powerful Suzuki Toichiro is, he still can't break the boundary. At best, he is only a person with a big limiter. .

Breaking that layer of boundaries, you can't break that layer of boundaries, these are two dimensions.

These are the basic rules of this world.

But until now, apart from the mushroom-headed boy who can break the boundary unconsciously, I have never seen anyone who can break that boundary.

But it is definitely not too much, and the whole world can break this kind of limit is estimated to be no more than one-handed, Ye Ye is talking about this world, not this planet!

According to the rules of this world, even in the universe, the mushroom-headed boy's deep-level consciousness is capable of breaking boundaries, and it belongs to the ranks of crabs.

The deep-level ability to absorb all the energy of nature is enough for him to absorb dark energy in the universe and live forever.

However, it is a deep-level consciousness, and this state is not permanent. It is like being in a coma and will eventually wake up.

But to be fair, bad habits or some stress can actually lead to weirdos, and it's weird enough to become weird-looking weirdos just like evolution.

For example, a guy who likes to eat crabs may become a crab monster, such as the big cock monster that Ye Ye killed...

Ahem, how did that big dick freak become a freak, is it because his capital is too small, so he has a revenge mentality.

Ye Yejue himself seemed to have solved a puzzle.

There will only be more and more weirdos, and perhaps, superpowers will also come to the table in the future.

After all, it's not just those with natural superpowers, those martial artists also have extremely good abilities, and there are more and more weirdos, which can't be dealt with by official technology alone.


Suddenly, a notification came from the phone, and Ye Ye's eyes flashed with surprise. He had just announced the eccentric settlement service on the firm's website, so he has a job so soon?

ps: Temporarily join One Punch Man, otherwise it would be too monotonous to rely on [-]% psionic power. ..

Chapter [-] Rescue!

Chapter [-] Rescue!

It doesn't matter how much the reward is, I hope I can rescue my sister who was tested on humans, and destroy this organization. Note: This organization has a lot of weird people like those on TV.

Then there's the phone number and things like that.

An organization with weirdos?

In fact, it is clear from the eccentric leaf page that most of these things should have intelligence, especially the eccentric who turned from human beings will retain the intelligence of the human beings. Of course, it is not ruled out that reducing intelligence and enhancing strength exception.

So it's not surprising that organized weirdos are.

Although he felt that the remuneration mentioned by the person who left the message was nothing but a blind eye, Ye Ye still planned to go out for a walk.

"Is it in Ye Qiu City? It's two cities apart!" Ye Ye called over the phone, and he also learned the specific information through the thick and shoddy voice in his ears.

There was a girl on the opposite side, no matter how she changed her voice, she still had the essence to be justified by Ye Ye.

This further confirmed Ye Ye's thoughts. It was estimated that revenge was nothing more than a blind eye. Of course, it was just a guess.

"Master, are you going out again?" Ram and Rem came up with the half-dead little dragon. The little dragon's lifeless expression seemed to be taken by Aruba, and it seemed to have no gender.

Ye Ye also told Ramrem about the job he had just received.

"Let's go, Ram, Rem, just take this opportunity to take you out for a walk." Ye Ye said, Ram and Rem also nodded and smiled and went back to change into new maid outfits, which were also sorted by the way. Take off the suitcase.

"Change me back to your original appearance." Ye Ye saw that Ram and Rem had sorted out, and also kicked the half-dead little dragon.

The one who took them to Yeqiu City was naturally Xiaolong.

"Roar?" It still didn't understand what Ye Ying wanted to do to make it back to its original form, but it still turned back to its original state with a flattering expression on its face.

It was also fortunate that the open space behind the office that Ye Ye bought had a high enough wall and a large enough open space, otherwise, there was really no place to make it back to its original state and carry them away.

Although there is enough space underground, the entrance is only one tenth of the original size of Xiaolong.

I don't know how Suzuki Toichiro will look when he sees that his original pet has become his own. It took a lot of effort to make the little dragon look like a dragon.

I'm really going to piss off Suzuki Toichiro, the man of divine condemnation.

After knowing that he was going to be used as a leg strength, Xiaolong didn't show any unhappy expressions, and the training effect of Ram and Rem was getting better and better.

When Ram and Rem came up with the suitcases, Ye Ye couldn't help but feel a chill with the flattering in his eyes.

"Okay, use your ability to hide yourself and our figure, and let me fly quickly." Ye Ye slapped it directly on the head.

"Roar." It was a response, and the wings on the back slammed violently, causing a gust of wind, and then slowly carrying the three of Ye Ye, the little dragon took off.

The appearance and physique of the Western Dragon itself, the wind that swung its wings violently was not small, at least the surrounding of the office was affected.

But the wind came and went quickly.

The three of Ye Ye, who were transparent in the eyes of others, were carried towards Akiba City.

Originally, people without special abilities just couldn't see the spirit, and Ye Ye and the three of them were deliberately cared for, and they had the same effect.

In this city, the only people who noticed the dragon were the blond boy and the mushroom head boy.

However, at this time, they were already flying very high, and they just felt that they had read it wrong. How could it be a creature like a giant dragon.

Here, Toichiro Suzuki has already received the news that the entire division has been destroyed.

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