The news that came back from his subordinates, the branch has been turned into a field of ice, the extreme cold, and a few people who went to inquire, one accidentally stood on the ice and was frozen into ice in an instant. The good thing is that after the ice cube is broken, it will be fine, and it will not cause any harm to the people inside.

But after coming out, it was like taking a cold shower in winter and being blown away by the cold wind. It was sour and refreshing.

The branch was in a very secret place, and ordinary people would never find that place. Ye Ye also deliberately left these things there as a gift to the claw organization.

As soon as he heard the ice, Suzuki's face turned black.

This level of ice superpower is possessed by his lifelong enemy.

He still can't forget the scene where he was hanged and beaten by Ye Ye, no matter how he improved his strength, let him improve and improve again, it was just a punch to Ye Ye.

This kind of pain, he has always kept in his heart and dare not forget it.

He, who was already alone and seeking defeat, rekindled his original motivation.

However, the psychological shadow that Ye Ye casted was not something that could be solved by gas power.

When he remembered it, he felt a dull pain in his cheek.

The five cadres around also didn't dare to speak, and looked at each other in dismay.

They also once thought that Suzuki Toichiro was invincible, but the fact gave them a slap. On that day, Suzuki Toichiro returned to the headquarters with a scar on his face, his face was gloomy, and his body was swaying as if he had suffered something. The blow is normal.

Although I didn't dare to ask, I could vaguely guess something after investigation.

"For the time being, give up that city, don't let any members go to that city, that's not a level you can touch." Although he was angry, Suzuki Yuichiro tried to calm his mind so that he didn't look so strange. .

"There is a superpower with high potential in that city, a primary school student, who is already the best among superpowers you created to defeat the boss."

"Do not care!" ..

Chapter [-] Blowing Snow!

Chapter [-] Blowing Snow!

Ye Ye still didn't know that he had been designated as the enemy for life by Suzuki's Unification, and he informed the world's greatest enemy.

Even though there are always powerful monsters appearing now, they are not in the eyes of Suzuki Yuichiro because he is stronger than them.

However, Ye Ye was the only one who could beat him down.

Now, Ye Ye has reached Akiba City.

A girl in a green uniform was waiting anxiously at the appointed place. From time to time, under her control, the airflow in the air swept the rocks into a tornado and shattered a tree.

She is also an extremely rare superhuman.

Moreover, it is not a level that can only bend a spoon at most, and it can be said that there is not much difference between a level without superpower, but a level that can really cause great damage to the atmosphere.

"Isn't the wind that I manipulated?" The sudden storm made her stunned. Just as she was about to use her ability to stop the wind, a huge shadow fell from the sky, and the hideous dragon head really startled her.

"What the hell." Subconsciously, the tornado, accompanied by the gravel, condensed the extremely powerful Lan and slammed into the ferocious dragon.

But in the next moment, the dragon opened its mouth wide and bit Lan fiercely, her proud trick was eaten like this.

Moreover, listening to the rattling voice from the dragon's mouth, her complexion also changed.

"Are you my employer? I thought it was a girl."

Fubuki couldn't believe his eyes, there were still three people sitting on the body of such a wild beast.

Moreover, this ferocious dragon even showed such a pleasing appearance, and the flattery in his eyes also made Fubuki have the same reaction as Ye Ye, disgusting.

"You, are you a master?" Chuixue told himself that such a young face is unlikely to be what a famous master should look like, but the dragon beside Ye Ye kept reminding him that he could conquer such a man. Guy, that must be the master.

"Yeah, otherwise who else would come to such a remote place to meet with you." Ye Ye said, which made Fuxue a little embarrassed.

"Introduce myself, my name is Fubuki. As you can see, Master, I'm also a superpower, but it's not very powerful." Fubuki looked embarrassed, and then formally introduced himself.

"In other words, you have seen a superpower who is more powerful than you?" Rem interjected at this time.

"It's my sister, my ability is really nothing compared to my sister." Fubuki had a bitter face.

"That's no wonder you asked for help, that organization has the ability to turn your sister into an experimental body." Ram pulled the suitcase and jumped off the dragon's back and said.

Before Chuixue was always mysterious, Ye Ye thought she was going to play some tricks, but after seeing me, Ye Ye knew that she thought too much.

Fubuki's clothes are definitely not poor people.

"I can't beat that organization by myself." Fubuki clenched his palms and bit his lip. It seemed that he should have gone to that organization, but he must have been repelled.

"Although you are too young, Master, but since you can conquer such a monster, then you must have the strength that matches your reputation. I hope Master can help me rescue my sister and destroy that organization by the way. " Fubuki bowed his waist deeply.

This is the first time Fubuki has made such a move.

Although she has always lived under the shadow of her sister, she understands why her sister chose to become the other party's experimental body, or because she wanted to prevent her from being poisoned when she was a child more than ten years ago.

Compared to her, it was obvious that the older sister with stronger superpowers was more favored by that organization.

The reason why she can live to this day is also for her sister.

In the past, that organization was only because of threats, but now, Fubuki felt even more gloomy, and the gap in strength was too great.

Apparently something was researched from her sister.

Now she has a comprehensive grasp of her super powers, but she is no longer an opponent of that organization.

"Is that organization called Claw?" Ye Ye asked.

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