It can only be judged by behavior and so on.

If I remember correctly, there should be something about opening the eyes in Taoism.

A family, four of them were possessed, and they were at the dinner table without any flaws.

Ye Ye really thought it was a little funny.

The eldest son, two young children, and a child-in-law, the four members of the Yoshimi family were possessed by spirits.

If Ye Ye hadn't instructed Ram and Rem not to act rashly, Ram and Rem would have already acted against these chilling smarts.

The middle-aged man who was possessed by the evil spirit suddenly became violent, and the wine glass slammed onto the table.


Yoshimi Hazuki's father, Yoshimi Katai stopped the irritable clan.

"Why did you call these people!" Eijiro stood up directly and said loudly with anger on his face.

It wasn't just the Yoshimi family who died.

Ye Ye was very clear when he first came to this place. The curse came from this house, no, it came from this area, not just against the Yoshimi family.

Not to mention that Ye Ye still went to the association to investigate the matter about the Yoshimi family, and even knew some things.

The reason why Yoshimi's family found so many people was because of a sense of security.

After all, the few related personnel who were invited to remove the spirits also died with their family.

However, the people of this clan did give Ye Ye a lot of goodwill. This man, Eijiro, was angry because he knew about it, so he was angry that the clan called Ye Ye and a few people.

And haven't made it clear to them yet.

"It's better to say it clearly." Eijiro sat down with his wife's comfort, but the anger in his tone did not diminish at all.

Yoshimi Kazuya put down the tableware under Shibuya Kazuya and the others, and sighed silently.

Then he explained what happened at the beginning. Not only the people of their family died, but also the three people who were recruited by their family to exterminate the spirits died at that time.

Ye Ye ignored their quarrel and instead focused his gaze on the two children holding hands.

His eyes seemed to see through their bodies, straight into their souls.

The two children felt a little uncomfortable, and vaguely, the temperature began to drop.

"I'm stuffed."

"I'm full too."

The two children stood up, shouted and immediately wanted to run outside.

When he left his field of vision, the little boy turned around, his eyes were extremely cold.

"That man gave me a very bad look."

"Did he find anything?"

"Sure enough, it's better to kill him first, otherwise there will always be a feeling of insecurity."

"Is the world-famous master of removing spirits? It's really disturbing, let's get rid of it first."

The two children walked in the dark passage, their eyes flashed with light that did not belong to human beings, and they talked in a tone that didn't matter and didn't care about life at all.

"Have a chance to solve their problems, don't you think it's too boring to solve them now?"

Ye Ye held down Ram and Rem who were about to get up, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

This place is much more interesting than he imagined. There are so many spirits, but it is very rare. ..

Chapter [-] Possession!

Chapter [-] Possession!

This family...

Ye Ye was speechless when he discovered that just after the separation from Yoshimi Zhangwen and his family, a few more of their family were possessed.

"Junior, pay attention to the man named Eijiro. The spirit in his body is now controlling him. What to do is left to you. I'll go out and confirm some things."

After greeting Shibuya Kazuya who came over and invited him to participate in the discussion, Ye Ye took Ram and Rem past Shibuya Kazuya, without giving Shibuya Kazuya a chance to ask.

Ignoring Kazuya Shibuya and the others, Ye Ye took Ram and Rem outside the house and stood on the edge of the cliff, his eyes locked in one direction, thinking of looking down the cliff.

A long and narrow stair meanders to the sea under the cliff, and a vague passage is at the focal point of the stair.

The sense of peeping comes from this place.

A very powerful pseudo-god.

That's right, it's a pseudo-god, a pseudo-god that evolves after a thing accepts belief. In this country, it's not uncommon for such a pseudo-god to appear, but such a powerful pseudo-god is rare.

In the humble shrine, a palm-like piece of wood was quietly displayed in it, Ye Ye could feel it, and all the spirits around were dominated by it.

Ye Ye has also determined that the culprit that caused the curse of Yoshimi Zhangwen's family is this guy with the same palm.

Although it wasn't as serious as Yoshimi Zhangwen's family, the sense of sight of this matter still overlapped with a curse that Ye Ye dealt with before.

This kind of enshrined pseudo-god, as long as it is not neglected and worshipped, there will be no problem. It seems that now, it is estimated that the Yoshimi family has not continued to worship this pseudo-god.

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