Ye Ye glanced at the banned stairs leading to the cave below. The stairs looked very dilapidated. Under the sun and rain, there were gaps in some places, which was extremely dangerous.

Ram and Rem didn't say anything this time, and they both felt the thing in the cave. In Ram and Rem's vision, the cave was distorted, and one by one shining spirits floated. Enter this twisted cave, and then come out through another hole, continuing such a ritual.

"Let's go."

Ye Ye also withdrew his gaze and said to Ramrem.

At the same time, he was looking at the mansion, and the voice of the witch's spell was whispering in his ear.

It seems that Shibuya Kazuya has already started to act because of his own words, or that Eijiro has been manipulated by spirits to go berserk and captured by them.

However, take a look and you will know.

Ye Ye took Ramrem back to the mansion, and then found Shibuya Kazuya and the others.

The priestess had just come here, and was invited by Shibuya Kazuya.

Just got here and started working.

The sorceress Matsuzaki Ayako was wearing a formal shrine costume, with an altar in front of her. Then, in front of the altar, a middle-aged man with a strange red expression was roaring. He was bound by ropes, and now he was crawling towards Matsuzaki Ayako like an earthworm. past.

The others were standing behind Matsuzaki Ayako, looking at the middle-aged man.

"Has it already happened?"

Ye Ye came over and looked at this middle-aged man, the protagonist Ye Ye reminded Shibuya Kazuya, Eijiro.

"But fortunately, the master reminded him in advance that this is the reason why the spiritual manipulator Mr. Eijiro did not manipulate any damage. When we rushed over to find Mr. Eijiro, he was already manipulated, and he picked up the kitchen knife and started to kill. Fortunately, we Arrive in time." Shibuya said.

His eyes were somewhat solemn.

Since the first one is possessed, is there a second one?

Matsuzaki Ayako chanted the mantra, and the speed of her speech became faster and faster.

Eijiro's body, who was already less than a meter away from Matsuzaki Ayako, twisted suddenly, Matsuzaki Ayako opened her eyes and said the last sentence.

The fox-like spirit that emerged from Eijiro roared with resentment, and charged towards Shibuya Kazuya.

Shibuya Kazuya's expression didn't change, and he looked at the fox-like spirit rushing over.

"No!" Lin suddenly shouted at this time, and Shibuya Kazuya's body stiffened.

Ye Ye could clearly feel that the power within Shibuya Kazuya came to a sudden stop.

Are you afraid of causing any damage to Shibuya Kazuya's body?

Ye Ye realized that after a careful feeling, Shibuya Kazuya had some incompatibility with the power in his body, and this kind of incongruity would cause Shibuya Kazuya to use this power to backlash against himself.

Ram stepped out one step, obviously three meters away from Shibuya Kazuya, but he reached it in an instant. The fox-like spirit was cut off by Ram with a knife, and then the whining dissipated.

Eliminate the spirit!

"As expected of the maid of the master, she has such power, so simple is to get rid of this spirit."

Shibuya Kazuya also thanked him, although he was expressionless and didn't feel any sincerity.

Although they knew that Rem was not easy in the last cooperation, but they had never seen Rem's true strength. This time, Ram Xiaolu had a hand, and they also guessed the power of Rem, who was Ram's sister.

Family is not easy.

A leaf page is already unfathomable, and Ram and the others can't see through it. If they cross a distance of three meters in an instant, it is impossible to shrink the ground into an inch.

However, shrinking the ground into an inch is not easy to use, at least even Lin, the inheritor of the orthodox Taoism, still can't do it.

"Pay attention to the other people in this family. Since the first one is possessed, there may be a second one, and there may be a third one. If you don't take good care, you will lose your life. "

Ye Ye glanced at Shibuya Kazuya and the others, and after leaving these meaningful words, he took Ram and Rem away.

Shibuya Kazuya was left with a thoughtful expression on his face. ..

Chapter [-] Bystander!

Chapter [-] Bystander!

"This is a dream?"

Taniyama Mai walked in a fog, and Shibuya Kazuya's figure changed from blur to clear not far away.

The ability to see the memory of the spirit and put yourself into it.


Taniyama Mai has the ability to be regarded as an advanced psychic medium, and he has not fully awakened yet. If he is fully awakened, maybe he can be compared in terms of psychic medium ability.

Ye Ye's figure stood in the air, watching the development below.

It's an accident.

Suddenly I noticed the fluctuation of the spiritual power of Mai Taniyama, so I sensed it and took a look. I didn't expect to be directly involved in the dream world created by Mai Taniyama's ability.

What Taniyama Mai and Shibuya Kazuya are doing now is the story of two spirits possessed by the Yoshimi family. Then, Ye Ye continued to watch, and the spirits from those two children finally developed to on the memory of other spirits.

Although the two memories are connected, in fact it is only the need for the connection between the two memories. Mai Taniyama saw the profound memories of all the possessed spirits in this house.

The memory of why they died.

From the very beginning, Ye Ye watched the development of things with a bystander attitude.

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