A man who broke his own confinement and truly entered the realm of God, Saitama.

The underground man, the sky man, the sea man, and the claw who wanted to attack the earth were shattered by the power of the boy who subconsciously broke through his own shackles. It can be said that many, many things happened.

Ye Ye has also been in this world for a long time.

It's also time to go back.

Ye Ye was also tired, traveling through countless worlds without a fixed place to live.

Now he just wants to guard his own girl and give birth to a litter of babies.

Self-motivation has long been exhausted in countless hours.

There are also some agreements that I have not completed.

Ye Ye left with Ram and Rem.

Back at Kaguya's side, time is also developing, Gensokyo also appears, the war on the moon, and so on.

Ye Ye spent a long time in this world, accompanying Kaguya and the others.

Leaf Pages has a plan.

Incorporate Gensokyo into your own world.

In that world, even monsters or gods can exist without human cognition.

This plan also went well.

Back in the spirit world, looking at Esdes with the same face, Ye Ye remembered that the world he had experienced at the beginning still had a step-by-step process.

I'm back, this time, I don't plan to leave again...

ps: It’s over. This book has been up and down for more than two years. This is my first book in Feilu, and it was also a serious book that I wrote at the beginning. It is also a book that feels very naive. so.

It has been in the pit for so long, and I can't go underwater anymore, it should have ended a long time ago =. = Forced to continue life until now. ..

【Extra】Chapter [-] Crossing

Chapter [-] Crossing

In the 71st year of the real calendar, 70% of the total population lived in the era of the universe. At this time, two major forces coexisted in the world - the "Dorcia Military Covenant Federation" developed from the military alliance and the expansion due to trade agreements. The "Rim of the Atlantic United States (ARUS)".

"It hurts? Where is this." Ye Ye covered his forehead and stood up. The huge amount of information made his mind break apart.

"Ye Ye, a second-year student at Saki Mori Academy, what is this all about?" Ye Ye was surprised after reading the information in his head.

Transcended, reborn.

"Why do you feel so familiar?" Ye Ye's mind floated a name "Shi Yuqingren".

"Isn't this the world of the revolutionary machine valvrave, Shoko, Haruto, Yamada, isn't this the protagonist and other protagonists, am I crossing this world?" As a nerd, I am still very impressed with this classic machine battle.

"Then I have a chance to be immortal." Ye Ye's eyes lit up, this world has such creatures as demons, and the protagonist and others in the original book also obtained immortality because they became artificial demons.

Demons are called "beings on the inside of the world" in this world.The appearance is no different from ordinary people, but on the body there will be a Mitsubishi model or a four-leaf clover-like wheel, similar to a coat of arms.In addition, the magician's inherent ability "magician's power" refers to some special abilities.

Immortality and immortality (the body will age, so the body must be replaced regularly. The body has a strong self-healing ability.), the powerful magician has the power close to magic, and can make actions such as flying and blocking bullets.

"The α intelligent system is activated, and the infinite power converter is activated." Ye Ye was taken aback, aren't these two things he is developing.

The infinite power converter has the function of converting any power, and it can be said that it is a perpetual motion machine.

The Alpha System is modeled after the Full Metal Frenzy, and it grows in power based on the user's emotions.

"Very good, I didn't expect these two things to follow me. It's a pleasant surprise." Ye Ye smiled. In this revolutionary world, human life is the most worthless thing. If you want to survive, you must obtain revolution. The machine valvrave, Ye Ye planned to steal Yamada's qualifications, but now it looks like he doesn't need it anymore. With these two things, it's easy to make a revolutionary machine valvrave using the failed products.

According to the plot, in addition to No. [-] to No. [-], there is also a semi-finished No. [-] in the revolutionary machine. These are kept in the basement, and the person who knows the specific location is Takashi Kawasaki.

Takashi Kawakawa is a physics teacher at Sakimori Academy and a student of Tokisaki Haruto's father.

His actual identity is the chief researcher of the Fourth Special Research Institute of the Gior Army, and he once served as the tactical commander of the pilot group. Responsible for the work of the monitor.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing, Chingren, go down with water, Chingren, oh oh." The two groups of people on the playground were making a fuss. It was the first scene in the plot. Whoever eats more gets the use of the playground. right.

"Qingren is doing well." Shi Zhengqingren swallowed the food in his mouth with difficulty, and the boys around him cheered.

"Just keep eating like this."

"Qingren is good."

"That's it, the outcome has just begun." The boys onlookers cheered Ye Ye.

"Hmph." Shoko next to Shi Yuqing snorted coldly.

"Looks like we'll have to act quickly, this place will be attacked tonight." Not far away, Ye Ye looked at this familiar scene and felt a sense of tension in his heart.

Tonight, the El Alf [-] team will invade the academy, and the Dolcea Army will invade in a big way.

"Hey, Ye Ye, where are you going?" When he saw Ye Ye hurriedly running towards the teacher's building, he couldn't help but ask in the Lianfang lane just after walking to the square.

"It's nothing." Ye Ye waved his hand and said, in his memory, his relationship with Lianfang Xiaolu Lijian was quite good.

The protagonist and his party are also good friends, but the incident with Rukino Saki is a bit troublesome!

But now Ye Ye couldn't control so much anymore, anyway, they all couldn't die before the plot missions.

But Ye Ye is different. Ye Ye has not appeared once in the original plot, which makes Ye Ye feel a great sense of crisis.

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