If you don't show up, you are a cannon fodder!

"Bang bang bang." The next time he rushed to the physics teacher's office, Chuan Qiao was drinking coffee leisurely.

"Hey, classmate, do you have something to do? Don't get excited." Chuanqiao Guisheng was startled by Ye Ye's movement, and the coffee in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"You are Teacher Guisheng Chuanqiao, right?" Ye Ye asked. Guisheng Chuanqiao was very recognizable, and the appearance of a pure diaosi was very conspicuous in the academy.

"Yeah, is there something wrong with my classmate?" Putting the coffee on the table, Takashi Chuan was as kind to the classmates as in the original book.

"Give me the address of Revolution Machine Valvrave No. [-]." Ye Ye said straight to the point.

"Oh, interesting, what do you want to do?" Chuan Qiao asked with interest. The revolutionary machine valvrave has five finished products, and the developers are not there. The semi-finished products are no longer useful to them. If not If it's a matter of confidentiality, I'm afraid they can sell it for iron.

"Don't ask so much, just tell me the address." Ye Ye stared at Guisheng Chuanqiao, if Guisheng Chuanqiao didn't say anything, he would use drastic means to force Guisheng Chuanqiao to say it.

"Okay, since you're interested, I'll tell you, it's on the fourth underground floor." A hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and Takao Chuan Qiao said, although he was a watcher, he was actually more opposed to this plan, otherwise he would also I won't be following Qingren's group all the time in the later stage.

"The password is six ones." Looking at Ye Ye's back about to disappear, Chuan Qiao suddenly remembered that he forgot to tell Ye Ye the password.

"Understood." Ye Ye's voice came from afar, and Guisheng Chuanqiao smiled dumbly.

Takashi Chuan Qiao didn't know why he told Ye Ye the address so readily, maybe it was because he thought it was funny for a while. ..

【Extra】Chapter Two No. [-]

Chapter [-] Machine No. [-]

"That's it." The semi-finished product No. [-] was still unassembled, and Ye Ye found all the parts.

"The α intelligent system is activated, the infinite is activated, the valvrave is reorganized, and the second unit is formed." The infinite core is the infinite power converter, but the former is just re-named by Ye Ye.

"Zheng." Ye Ye's chest emitted white light, and a fist-sized sphere of light popped out of it, which was the external projection of the infinite core and the inhabited alpha system.

The true Infinite Core and Alpha System have been fully integrated with Leaf Page's soul.

A ray of light shot straight into the center of the valvrave, and the light spread, and from time to time the valvrave was surrounded.

The infinite core turned in the air, and the energy in its light became more and more. The valvrave was rebuilt under the light, and the missing parts were also slowly born.

"Clang." The valvrave was completely generated, and a sound of metal intersecting sounded, and the light on valvrave instantly burst into white and disappeared into the void.

"In the alpha system injection, the infinite core link, the host soul link, the link is successful! The revolutionary machine valvrave 2 is successfully generated" The huge body floated in the air, and the halo of wings like an angel rippled behind it.

Jumping into the cab, Ye Ye looked at the screen.

"In order to start valvrave, don't you stop being human?" It's the same topic.

"Yes." The finger tapped on the 'Yes' option, and a device popped up on the seat and finally stopped at Ye Ye's erect neck.

The two probes ejected two needles and pierced Ye Ye's neck until they reached the aorta, and a mysterious force transformed Ye Ye.

"The mysterious power is detected, and the infinite core power is automatically converted, please name it." The alpha system sent a prompt. Now the alpha system resides in the infinite core, and its function is equivalent to the intelligence of the infinite core.

"Rune power." Ye Ye said, rune power is even smaller than an atomic information particle. Even DNA, memory, and blood are made of runes, but it is the most original power of the human body.

In the original work, the power of the runes in just a mouthful of blood made five valvraves fight with all their strength for a long time, and the power of the runes can be seen from this.

"Successful naming, rune power!" The infinite core poured out huge power into Valvrave No. 2, and the rune was the power source of Valvrave.

The white radiance shone, and the valvrave No. 2 was infused with the power of the runes, shining like a war angel.

"What a powerful force." Ye Ye was intoxicated by the feeling of fulfillment. Under the transformation of the Infinite Core, Valvrave No. 2 has created a soul link with Ye Ye. It can be said that Valvrave No. 2 is another body of Ye Ye.

at the same time.

"This is the seventy-seventh unit of Dior's first crystal ball. Please indicate the ship's registration. Please report the ship's registration." Outside the crystal ball where Sakisen Academy is located, a spaceship is approaching.

"This is the gs277621 flight." The spacecraft expressly said, "Please approve entry."

"The ship's registry was confirmed, and entry into the port was approved. The two students who transferred to Sakimori Academy were on board, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

Ship enters port.

"Welcome to Unit [-] of Dior. The weather in this unit is good today," said the two receptionists.

"Hey, doesn't it mean that there are only two transfer students here?" The receptionist looked at Al Alfre and his party with confusion.

"Zheng." A small knife popped out of Elf's hand, and two knife lights flashed, and the receptionists were all cut off their throats.

In order to get familiar with all the power of Valvrave No. 2, Ye Ye drew an afternoon.

"Boom." At this moment, the ground shook and the cannonballs continued to sound. Ye Ye knew that the Dorsia Army was coming.

The white light erupted, and Ye Ye drove the valvrave 2 to the underground passage, which was directly connected to space.

"Tang Dao." Ye Ye's set weapon for Valvrave No. 2 is the Tang Dao, two Tang Dao!

Tang Dao quickly slashed horizontally in the air, and a white energy slash directly cut the steel protective door in half.

As soon as the door opened, Ye Ye drove the Valvrave 2 into space as a white pop.

"Dorcia Army, it's really here." Countless Dorcian fleets were lined up in space.

More than a dozen mass-produced Valvrave rushed to Sakisen Academy, and their purpose was the valvrave, a strategic weapon in Sakisen Academy.

The Vafi is a mass-produced weapon from Dolcea, which can be used both in and out of the atmosphere.Equipped with a large shield "Iron Demon", weapons can be changed with both hands.

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