To describe Wa Fei in one sentence is cannon fodder.

In the original work, Haruto drove the No. [-] machine to easily kill several Wa Fei. In the later plot, Wa Fei hardly appeared, and there was indeed a soy sauce.

Ye Ye didn't stop him. Without these weapons, I'm afraid the plot would go beyond Ye Ye's imagination.

"Launch." The wings on the back vibrated, and dozens of white laser beams crossed.

The white laser beam was like a penetrating spear, and several warships were penetrated and exploded.

Attracted by hatred, the Dolceian Army's attention was attracted by Ye Ye.

"What is that? It's Dior's strategic weapon. How is this possible? Isn't it still under development?"

This is cheating!

"Focus on shooting, hurry, don't let him survive." The commander roared, countless lasers shot away, and all the fleet pointed their cannons at Ye Ye.

"Can't hit!" Valvrave's speed is beyond imagination, the power of runes is sprayed, and the power of white runes slashes one after another in the starry sky.

Wa Fei came out in full force, and its shape was different from that of Wa Fei just now.

"It's unmanned." Ye Ye chuckled, and Tang Dao cut Wa Fei in half.

Wa Fei is divided into human type and unmanned type, the difference is the difference in color.

The blue ones are humanoids, and the red ones are humanoids.

The Revolutionary Army was the first book I planned to write, but I didn't write it in the end. Let's write it now. Don't associate it with the text..

【Extra】Chapter [-] The First Battle

Chapter [-] The First Battle

"Walkit-classspaceheavycruiser (the large general-purpose warship of the Dolceian Army) is fully prepared, and the large-scale city-breaking fortress cannons are charged and aimed." The commander said.

"Launch." With an order, countless thick laser cannons surrounded Ye Ye with a dead-end attack.

The angel's wings vibrated and turned into a shield to surround the valvrave No. 2 machine. The power of the glazed white runes turned into a barrier package, and the laser cannons were bounced off.

"Useless." Ye Ye laughed, his rebuilt valvrave 2 had the ability to reflect light like a mirror.

When the Alpha system was developed, it was an intelligent system specially prepared for the body. The body it set had absolutely no dead ends, and the infinite core was also the same. Although it was unknown what happened during the crossing process, the alpha system and the infinite core and leaf page Soul fusion, but the meaning of the alpha system and the infinite core itself has not changed, so the valvrave No. 2 machine will be repaired, and the valvrave No. 2 machine repaired by it integrates all the mecha settings of the alpha system, plus the inexhaustible energy, and now valvrave No. 2 can be said to be the most well-deserved most powerful mecha.

The white beam of light erupted, and the angel's wings were like infinite cannons. A large number of tiles were killed in space, and a number of warships were hit and penetrated.

"No, sir, our weapons won't work against them."

"Damn, what kind of weapon is this?" the commander shouted in anger.

"Then send our ace." The hatch of the command room was opened, and Colonel Kane, who had a blindfold in his left eye, walked in.

"Secretary." The commander saluted, and Colonel Kane was the highest commander of the operation.

"En." Colonel Kane nodded. "This thing is not something that ordinary weapons can deal with. Immediately send a Sidial-class annihilation weapon."

"Yes." The commander replied, and he immediately ordered that a huge armed aircraft like a warship appeared in space.

The Sidial-class destroyer is a giant space mobile weapon driven by the Dolceian ace pilot.Like Wafei, the armament is diverse and can be replaced.

In the original work, the valvrave machines were suppressed with powerful firepower, and their power should not be underestimated, and they were equipped with escape cabins.

"Dior's chops, don't be arrogant, let you see how powerful my Dolcia ace pilot is." The Sidiar-class annihilation armed plane headed towards Ye Ye.

The firepower of the Sidiar-class annihilation weapon is very strong, and the huge body is equipped with a variety of weapons, and it can destroy even an asteroid with its full strength.

But it has a fatal weakness, that is, its movement speed and agility are not as good as valvrave.

"Go to hell." The ammunition was poured out, and countless laser shots were fired. Ye Ye's tongue was stunned by its firepower. It was indeed the body that could suppress the valvrave in terms of firepower in the original book.

The angel wings behind valvrave No. 2 fluttered, and all the close ammunition and lasers were shot flying.

Even the shield of the No. 2 machine in the original book is not as hard as the wings of the Ye Ye No. [-] machine, not to mention the flexibility of the No. [-] machine.

"Zheng." The Tang knife was unsheathed, and Ye Ye wanted to try the feeling of close combat.

The power of the rune erupted, and the No. 2 aircraft approached the Sidial-class annihilation weapon of the Dolceian Army at an extremely fast speed.

The power of the rune's power is undeniable on the knife, and neither laser nor Wa Fei is the enemy of its unity.

"Come on, I won't lose to you in melee combat." The Sidiar-class annihilation weapon is equipped with two robotic arms, which are prepared for close combat.

"Come on." The white runes flashed, and Ye Ye's figure flashed twice in the air to the Sidiar-class annihilation weapon.

The Tang knife slashed, and a crack flashed with sparks of electric light, and the armed machine was slashed by Ye Ye.

"I'm going, it's so hard." Ye Ye slashed down with a single strike and quickly retreated to avoid the attack of the armed machine. In the original book, it was obvious that a single punch could smash a deep hole, and a single strike would cut off half of his body. made a mouth.

"Sure enough, the protagonist is drinking hard every day because of Jin Kela, this treatment! Hey." Ye Ye sighed, the protagonist's halo was indeed sharp.

"You bastard, you dare to hurt me." The armed plane rioted, and the pilot cursed all over the sky. As the ace pilot of Dolcea, he was slashed by a pilot from a neutral country, which would become the biggest stain in his life.

With a fatal jet of laser, the pilot drove the armed plane to chase Ye Ye in space.

"It's really troublesome." Ye Ye pouted, although at the level of Unit 2, this kind of firepower could not cause damage to Ye Ye, but who would like to be bombarded with shells.

"Kill you." Mysterious symbols flashed one by one, and Unit 2 instantly disappeared in place.

Each valvrave has a special ability, and the No. 2 machine is to travel through space.

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