The one shown above is Valvrave [-], and now Valvrave [-] is at sea at the base of the Dorcian army and wants to attack.

"Okay." Ryuki Nosaki nodded excitedly, and wanted to try the feeling of controlling Valvrave No. [-], and this time the battlefield was in the universe.

"Oh, Ye Ye, what are you doing with Rukino Saki?" Takashi Kawasaki was making a record of the machine, and he asked when Ye Ye and Rukinosaki came over.

"The war has already begun, and it's time to show up." Ye Ye said, and he let Ryuki Nosaki enter the driving of the fourth unit of Valvrave.

There was a metal crash, the green power of the runes flashed, and Valverave No. [-] was activated.

"The power of the runes is starting to decrease. It seems that I need to replenish it for you." Feeling that the Valvrave No. [-] was consuming the power of the runes, Ye Ye put his hand on the No. [-] Valvrave machine.

The Valvrave body consumes the power of runes. If it does not replenish and consume itself, it will cause anemia or memory loss in a long time. In the end, all memory will disappear and become an empty person.

The green ray of rune power shone through the consumption of Valvrave's No. [-] unit, the radiant replenisher. Chuan Qiao, who was on the side, was astonished, and even the power of runes could be used. He found that he still underestimated Ye Ye.

"It was the power of runes just now, I didn't expect you to be able to manipulate it freely." Chuanqiao Guisheng sighed a little, and he also knew some inside stories.

"Bang." Suddenly the ground shook, and there was a faint sound of battle.

"Chuanqiao Guisheng, open the passage, Xiaozaki and I are going out." Ye Ye said, Chuanqiao Guisheng nodded and came to the side for a while to operate.

After the Valvrave No. [-] transport, it came to the passage covered by the yellow light film, and beyond the passage was the universe.

Rukino Saki couldn't wait to drive the Valvrave No. [-] machine and rushed out through the green hard afterglow in the universe.

The appearance of Valvrave No. [-] attracted the attention of the Dolceian Army. Rukino Saki drove Valvrave No. [-] into the battlefield, and the special equipment "SpindleKnuckle" equipped on both shoulders was removed.

The power of the runes in the arms paid attention, and the "SpindleKnuckle" immediately began to rotate, with green hard light surrounding it.

Ryuki Nosaki threw it, and the spinning SpindleKnuckle crossed and crossed the tile flying in the universe, and the tile flew into two halves immediately, and Ruki Nosaki controlled the flight direction of the weapon in the body.

At the same time, the multi-legged propeller behind itself is constantly clicking in the universe, and every time it will make a ripple in the air,

The speed of the Valvrave No. [-] machine increased instantly, and its flexibility was still dodging in an orderly manner in the hail of bullets.

"The green machine, who is she." Haruto, who was fighting, saw the No. [-] Valvrave machine driven by Ryuki Nosaki.

"Idiot, get out of the way." Elf, who was kidnapped, saw a laser beam towards Valvrave No. [-] and they couldn't help shouting.

Haruto was stunned for a moment, then reacted and stepped up to dodge, and a laser flashed past!

"Damn, there's actually another one, and the previous one already has three units." The commander's face was ugly, and it was already difficult to handle one unit now, so let's get another one.

"Why, aren't you moving?" Guichuan said, looking at Ye Ye, in the basement of the academy.

"Of course we have to attack." Ye Ye stretched out his palm to reveal the bracelet on his wrist and gave the α system an order.

The silver-white light shone, and the second unit of Valvrave appeared, and then the second unit of Valvrave rushed out of the ground and came to the battlefield through the passage.

"It's Wa Fei again, it's really annoying." Ye Ye attracted most of Wa Fei as soon as he appeared. After all, they still remembered what happened last time.

"Death to me." The silver-white wings were spread out from the back, and countless lasers shot out. Even if Wa Fei said that the shield was raised, it would not help. The laser shot through the shield and the body, and dozens of bodies exploded in the universe. .

Immediately after a wave of space fluctuations, Ye Ye activated the special ability of Valvrave No. [-] - travel through space.

In the central battlefield, the figure of Ye Ye's body, Valvrave No. [-], suddenly appeared, followed by white laser beams that went to say that Valvrave was cleaned up.

"Little Saki, don't be reckless." Ye Ye said when contacting Valvrave No. [-] machine. Now that Rukino Saki is reckless, Ye Ye is not afraid, because his machine cannot be defeated, but under the attack of multiple machines The Valvrave number four couldn't stand it.

Especially in the Dorcian army, there is a strategic weapon such as the Sidial-class destroyer.

Although it is not as good as the Valvrave body, it is also very powerful. If there are multiple sieges, other than Ye Ye, other Valvrave bodies will be very difficult to fight!

"Ye Ye! This machine is yours, this is the second machine?" A pop-up window appeared.

The figure of Rukino Saki appeared on it. Hearing Rukino's surprised voice, Ye Ye smiled. He also knew that his body was really eye-catching.



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【Extra】Chapter [-] Battle in Space!

Chapter [-] Battle in Space!

"It's the silver machine. I didn't expect him to come out again. Damn it, all the Sidiar-class annihilation armed planes have been dispatched. This time I must leave them in space." The commander shouted with a flushed face.

Several huge bodies with many yellow bodies appeared in the space. This is the so-called Sidial-class annihilation armed aircraft of the Dolceian Army. Its firepower can be said to be the top existence in the armed aircraft.

"Master Kane, don't you stop them?" In the base in space, Master Kane watched everything that happened in the universe.

Seeing this, the secretary on the side couldn't help but ask. The last time Ye Ye beat them back alone, it was just a Valvrave machine.

Now, two more Valvrave units have appeared, and each of them has decent combat power. Even if it is not as good as Ye Ye's second Valvrave unit, it must be relatively close, which made the secretary very worried.

"No, I have to see how great the real power of the body is." A Sidiar-class annihilation weapon may be worried by Colonel Kane.

But now there are several units, and the drivers of each unit are very familiar, and the combat effectiveness of the assembled team should not be underestimated.

All-round attack, even if Ye Ye moved in space, it was still too late to attack, which was why Kane let it go.

"This is a Sidiar-class annihilation weapon, there are so many, it's not good!" Inside the Valvrave No. [-] aircraft, Elf's face changed greatly.

As a former ace, he was also a former pilot of the Sidiar-class destroyer, and he was very familiar with the combat power and firepower of the Sidiar-class destroyer, Alfredo.

One Sidial-class annihilation weapon is no match for the No. [-] Valvrave, but if there are more than one, the No. [-] Valvrave will surely be suppressed.

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