Now I just hope the other two Valvrave units come to the rescue, otherwise they won't even be able to escape.

"Is that kind of machine very powerful?" Haruto couldn't help but asked looking at Al Alfre's expression, the power of Valvrave No. [-] machine made him more confident.

"In the Dorcian Army, this is the most powerful space weapon. You can still handle one, but not now, especially since they are still a team that is very familiar with." Elf's eyes flashed. A ray of light.

As a member of the former team, he is very familiar with the formation. The Sidiar-class destroyer that appears now is using their former formation. The driver does not need to guess that it must be Adelaide. Yi et al.

"Ye Ye, is this your fuselage?" Rukino Saki drove Valvrave No. [-] to Ye Ye's Valvrave No. [-].

Looking at Ye Ye's gorgeous body, Rukino Saki has some envy, which is much more handsome than her Valvrave No. [-] machine.

"Well, this is my fuselage, the second fuselage." Ye Ye nodded, then turned to look at the incoming Wa Fei army.

"Sakura, let's deal with them now." The silver-white wings of the angel's wings trembled, and several lasers shot out, followed by explosions and flames.

"Okay." Rukino Saki activated his weapon "SpindleKnuckle" again, the multi-leg thrusters worked at full force, and the speed of Valvrave No. [-] was greatly increased.

In the body of the Dorsia Army, the Valvrave No. [-] easily dodged the attack and attacked, and the powerful mobility made the Dorsia Army a headache.

"Well? Do you want to catch Qingren? That's not possible." If Qingren was caught, everything would be messed up.

Seeing that the Sidial-class annihilation weapons surrounded Haruto's Valvrave No. [-], the movements of the Valvrave No. [-] became more and more flustered.

"Clang." The melee weapon Tang Dao around his waist was unsheathed, and there was a wave of space, and Ye Ye suddenly appeared behind the Sidiar-class annihilation weapon that was surrounding Haruto's Valvrave No. [-] machine.

"No, this formation is for all-round defense and attack." Alfred in the Valvrave No. [-] unit looked tight.

He is the person who is most familiar with this formation, and he also has the method of cracking, but it is difficult to do it next to the Valvrave No. [-] unit.

"I knew you would appear, go die." The thick laser rushed towards Ye Ye's Valvrave No. [-] machine, very close.

Even y leaf pages are too late for space transfer!

However, Ye Ye was not afraid. The angel wings behind his Valvrave No. [-] body had the ability to bounce back any laser. Except for live ammunition, Ye Ye could be said to be directly immune to lasers.

"Wow!" The angel's wings stretched out to surround Ye Ye's Valverave No. [-], and the laser was bounced off by the angel's wings.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ye's figure appeared, and the Tang Dao in his hand cut off the muzzle of the Sidiar-class annihilation weapon that was about to attack.

Then another knife cut off its arm, the laser penetrated its body, an escape pod fled into the distance in an instant, and a Sidiar-class annihilation weapon was defeated.

Ye Ye didn't go after him, there would be no threat if he didn't have a body, Ye Ye went after him lazily.

"Good chance, you can break through quickly." Alfreh called out the flaw, and Haruto hurriedly drove the Valvrave No. [-] to escape from the opened gap.



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[Extraordinary] Chapter [-] The Dolcia Army retreats!

Chapter [-] The Dorcian Army retreats!

"Do you want to escape? Leave the fuselage behind!" Ye Ye drove the second valvrave machine and slashed out with a Tang knife.

The Sidiar-class destroyer of the Dolceian Army was dismembered by Ye Ye, and only a few escape pods were left.

These few people disgusted Colonel Kane in the later stage, and Ye Ye was happy to keep them for Kane.

"There are these Wa Fei, but you can't keep them." Seeing Wa Fei retreating, Ye Ye sneered at the corners of his mouth, the angel's wings were maximized, and a space was covered with white light.

The power of runes was output in large quantities, and countless white light balls were formed on the side of Ye Ye's valvrave No. [-] machine, and then the beams shot out instantly.

Whether it is unmanned or human, Wa Fei is penetrated by the extremely penetrating light beam, and flashes rays of light in the universe!

"Let's retreat." Colonel Kane said, he still has a follow-up method.

"Retreat." Haruto, who was sitting in the red valvrave No. [-] unit, breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the Dolcian army go away.

His popularity is already ninety-four, and even if he continues to fight, he won't be able to hold on for long. Because of Ye Ye's intervention, Qingren has no chance to use his belly-cutting sword!

"Xiao Saki, let's go." Ye Ye's idea was to be the person behind the scenes, and let Qingren do things that make public appearances.

He knew what kind of trouble he would be in if he found out the driver's identity. Rukino Saki nodded and drove the valvrave number [-] to follow Ye Ye's valvrave number [-].

The two of them drove the aircraft away, ignoring the words of Haruto Nakano who passed through Valvrave No. [-] aircraft.

"Who are they?" Haruto frowned as he looked at the departing Valvrave No. [-] and Valvrave No. [-], and wanted to get acquainted.

"They must belong to your academy. The Dolceian Army discovered this machine in your academy, which means that there must be more machines hidden in it." Alfred was very keenly aware of something. Battlefield analysis and battle command are what he is best at.

"Well, forget it, let's go back first." Haruto didn't think too much, and drove the valvrave No. [-] body, Haruto flew towards his academy.

"They've all been evacuated." Going back to the basement of the academy, I listened to Takao Chuan Qiao say.

Ye Ye smiled, and as expected, the soldiers stationed here also retreated, and now there is no soldier left here!

"I didn't expect you to be able to exert the performance of the valvrave body so well. This is really beyond my expectations. Are you interested in letting me check it?" Although Shengqiao Guichuan is not that kind of fanatical researcher, he is very concerned about Ye Ye. He unexpectedly developed a desire to study, of course, Guichuan Sheng Qiao would not force Ye Ye.

"You don't need this." Ye Ye said, his situation was fundamentally different from other people's, and even if he studied it for others, he would not be able to study anything.

"Ye Ye, you are so handsome." The hatch of Valvrave No. [-] opened, and Nosaki Rukino, who was wearing a green battle suit, jumped into Ye Ye's arms in surprise.

The close-fitting battle uniform said that Rukinosaki's figure was perfectly revealed, a touch of softness was constantly rubbing on Ye Ye's body, and the slightest fragrance emanated from Rukinosaki's body.

"Ah ah ah, seeing you and your young couple are so hot, I can't hurt the uncle who doesn't have a girlfriend." Guichuan Sheng Qiao doesn't make light bulbs here.

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