"What happened." The scream came from his valvrave number one.

Haruto walks to the front of Valvrave No. [-]!

A member of parliament from the official government was trying to control the Valvrave No. [-] machine with a few soldiers, but something terrible happened to the person sitting on the machine.

"No, this is not the same as when I was there!" From the screen in the hands of the congressman, Qingren saw the inside of his body, which was completely different when he entered the body!

"Boom!" Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and the congressman's face changed greatly. This is the Dyson Sphere being attacked, which means that the Dorsia Army is here!



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【Extra】The prelude to Chapter [-] Independence!

Chapter [-] Independence Prologue!

"Dorcia Army!" Ye Ye stopped outside the hut made of cardboard boxes.

It seems that because of his arrival, the original book was disrupted, and now the Dorsia Army has come to the Dyson Ball ahead of schedule.

If you're not mistaken, Colonel Kane will also participate in the battle, so everything is easy to handle, and pino's request can also be fulfilled!

"Forget it, let's fight back the Dolceian Army first. The purpose of Colonel Kane should be the Valvrave machine. Haruka and Kosaki can't fight against him. It seems that I have to take action." Colonel Kane is a demon The envoy is not an acquired demon like Qingren and Ye Ye. He is a congenital demon, and his powers on runes are indeed much more precise than those of Qingren and Ye Ye.

"Since the invasion has already begun, it means that Colonel Kane is now thinking about the place where the Valvrave machine is stored. I have already obtained the second machine of Valvrave, which means that Kane's target is also the third machine of Valvrave and the second machine. Unit [-] and Unit [-]." Ye Ye used the power of runes to put a layer of protection on Lianfang Xiaolujing's paper house.

Immediately after that, the power of green runes covered the whole body, and Ye Ye's body floated up thinking about the place where Valvrave's body was stored.

"Ye Ye, where are you now, the Dorsia Army has invaded the underground of our academy." Rukino said to Ye Ye through the communicator in the academy. blockade.

"Where are you now!" Ye Ye asked, the picture on the screen changed, this was the cockpit inside the Valvrave No. [-] aircraft.

This is the safest place. There is no order from Rukinosaki. Unless it is violently destroyed, no one can open it. It can be said to be a very safe place.

And relying on the Valvrave body, even if Rukino Saki has little experience, he can still escape by relying on ultra-high mobility!

"In the cab of the Valvrave No. [-] machine." Ryuki Nosaki said, and Ye Ye nodded. "Stay inside. If someone comes to steal the Valvrave machine, you can stop him."

Colonel Kane's move was faster than expected. Ye Ye heard a cry of exclamation as soon as he finished speaking.

"Ye Ye, someone is coming. It's from the Dorsia Army. I want to stop him?" asked Ryuki Nozaki, and Ye Ye said, "It's better to stop him!"

It seems that Colonel Kane also used the power of runes, otherwise he would not be able to get there so quickly, of course, there must be the credit of pino's brother prue.

Valvrave's development is only successful because of them, and they are the most clear about the feeling of the Valvrave body.

"I'll go over now!" Ye Ye almost turned into a green streamer.

"Sure enough, there are still a lot of machines, prue, which one do you want!" The person who came was Colonel Kane, and in his hand there was a crystal core floating in the air exuding the power of runes.

This is the embodiment of prue, the face of a man in blue clothes looms, pino's brother prue!

"The pilot is in the green body!" prue clearly sensed the rune power on Ryuki Nosaki's body and the strangeness of Valvrave's No. [-] machine.

"There is still a driver!" Colonel Kane was a little fortunate. If he was directly attacked by Valvrave, the chances of this body surviving would be very small.

Even with the power of runes, there is a very small chance. Although even if this body is damaged, he can still find the body, but the effect of the current body is very large.

It can be said that his future plans are inseparable from the identity of this body. If this delays the task of the parliament, he does not want to become a sinner of the parliament!


"Damn, we have to leave quickly!" The terrified expression on the faces of the parliamentarians sent by the government on the playground could be seen, and Haruto was stunned, looking at the congressman Haruto who was preparing something to escape and asked quickly, "You are not sent by the government. save us?"

"Save you? Stop joking. If I hadn't been interested in your body, I wouldn't have come to this dangerous place." The congressman was also flustered.

After he finished speaking, he regretted it. The students on one side gathered around, and Alfred watched all this from the back. Naturally, this was all in Alfal's calculations!

"What, you have to abandon us and run away, you can't do this."

"Sure enough, you shouldn't trust the government. Damn, you want to take away our hope."

This is exactly the effect that Alfred wants, and his next plan can also be launched. With the big killer such as the Valvrave body, Alfr will use this power to subvert the regime of the Dorcian Army!

"Go away, do you want breakfast?" The congressman picked up a submachine gun and fired a burst of fire. He also wanted to get out of here quickly without thinking about the consequences of shooting.

Fortunately, no one was injured, but the students of the academy were all enraged by him.

Haruto also rushed towards his Valvrave body. Although he was guarded by soldiers, Haruto had the ability to undead and transform his body, so he still took back his Valvrave body.

When Valvrave's body moved, the congressman was honest, and he also had self-knowledge, how could human beings fight against such a body.

"We want to be independent! Since the government wants to abandon us, there is no need for us to rely on the government!"



The second chapter will be delivered, and there is another chapter at [-]:[-]. The text time is at [-]:[-] and [-]:[-]. There are still four chapters updated in the early morning, and the tenth update is like this. Well, please subscribe and support me. If you have subscribed to [-], otherwise the editor will not recommend it to the cover......  

【Extra】The Fourteenth Beginning of the War of Independence!

The War of Independence begins in Chapter [-]!

Valvrave No. [-] is dispatched!The Dyson sphere has channels connected to other Dyson spheres. This time, Haruto's mission is to completely destroy these channels and make the Dyson sphere where he is an independent existence.

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