With the performance of the Valvrave [-], this is completely possible, and the Valvrave [-] will also deal with some enemies in space.

"It's not good, Qingren, the underground of the academy was also attacked." Qingren, who flew into space, was shocked, and then he wanted to control Valvrave No. [-] to return, but immediately after the communication was turned on, Ye Ye's voice came out .

"Hello, pilot of plane [-], you don't have to worry about the academy, I will solve it." This communication made Haruto very strange.

A window popped up, and what was displayed on it happened to be the scene of the green Valvrave No. [-] fighting a group of Valvrave.

In this way, Qingren took a sigh of relief and flew into space. It is impossible for a machine like Wa Fei to defeat a machine similar to his.


"Kane, come again!" In the underground Ye Ye and Kane confrontation, both of them were green light shining, the power of the rune fluctuated.

Ye Ye didn't use the second Valvrave machine. He wanted to steal some applications of the power of runes from Colonel Kane. With a system, he could completely parse them and learn them as quickly as possible.

"Damn, I miscalculated." Colonel Kane looked at Ye Ying with a gloomy expression.

He never expected that Ye Ye's rune power was so powerful, much stronger than him, and Colonel Kane felt like he was being teased.

prue was very disturbed, he felt his sister's breath, right on Ye Ye's body, it was pino's breath, and the crystals were trembling slightly.

"Kane, he has my sister's breath on his body, and my sister is in his hands!" prue said hurriedly, and the color of Colonel Kane was even more solemn.

He had an agreement with prue to help him find his sister, but now that prue said that his sister was actually on Ye Ye's body, it was troublesome.

Although his control over the power of runes is much stronger for Ye Ye, the power of Ye Ye's runes can crush his terror.

Just the tip of the iceberg of Ye Ye's rune power gave Kane the mentality to retreat, an absolute advantage!

Even if his control over the power of runes is higher than that of Ye Ye, Ye Ye can crush him with the power of runes alone, not to mention that the degree of control of Ye Ye is also increasing.

This level of learning was something he had never heard of before, and Colonel Kane knew that if Ye Ye wouldn't be destroyed, their demon family would be replaced sooner or later.

"Damn, now we have to retreat first. My own strength is not enough to fight him, not to mention that the other party is the driver of the Valvrave machine. If the machine is used, I am afraid that we will not be able to leave if we want to." Colonel Kane did not expect this. The times turned out to be unsuccessful.

But now as long as you can save your life, it is already very good. The big boss in this original book has fear.

"No, where's my sister!" prue resolutely rejected it, and the embodied crystal trembled constantly on Kane's body, and it seemed that he was about to rush towards Ye Ye.

"It's brother!" Pino in the Valvrave body also felt the breath of prue, and then pino sent a message to Ye Ye that he wanted to be reunited with prue.

"Perhaps my siblings can take my body to the next level!" At first, Ye Ye also had the idea of ​​prue eradication.

But now there has been a slight change. A pino can increase the function of the body. With the addition of a brother, the body may still be able to increase. In this case, it is okay to leave prue.

"younger sister!"

"Brother!" Both of them were images projected in the air, but then Chief Kane grabbed the crystal and turned it into a green meteor and rushed towards the outside world. The image was interrupted and pino angrily urged Ye Ye to take her brother grab it back.

Captain Kane forcibly blocked the video, which made Pino angry. In Pino's opinion, anyone who interrupted her and his brother's reunion should be removed mercilessly.

"Want to run?" I still don't know how to use the power of runes to travel the leaves in space, but the Valvrave machine is much stronger than the power of runes.

The silver light flashed through the Valvrave No. [-] machine, and the white hard light was sprayed in the air in an instant, the space fluctuated, and the Valvrave No. [-] machine disappeared in the air!

"Is that you? A silver-white body!" The silver-white Valvrave body appeared in front of Colonel Kane in an instant. Colonel Cain confirmed that the driver of this Valvrave was Ye Ye just now.

A trace of powerlessness is felt, the silver Valvrave body has the ability to space, even if his speed is fast, it can't compare to the Valvrave body that shuttles through space!

"It's impossible for me to die here." Colonel Kane's face was ugly and he planned to fight to the death.

"It's my sister!" prue broke out, and a streamer rushed into the second unit of Valvrave. Ye Ye didn't stop it. When Kane recovered, prue would have long been out of his control!

"Okay, Colonel Kane, no, I should call you a magician. I am honored. You will be the first magician to die in my hands. Next..."



I beg everyone to subscribe, it's a little bit pitiful, today's tenth update will be completed before tomorrow morning, and then tomorrow will be the fifth update, which will not be less, it's just like this, the new book has been suspended, huh, I'm really a fool, lazy It's a disease that has no cure! ! ..

【Extra】Chapter [-] Killing Colonel Kane!

Chapter [-] Kill Chief Kane!

"Okay, Kane, you can die!" The white holy light flashed on the second Valvrave machine, and Colonel Kane's face was ashen.

He couldn't escape this disaster. Although the demon can still find his body again, how could Ye Ye give him a chance? He is a demon, and Ye Ye is also a demon.

Although Ye Ye is an acquired demon, but he is more powerful than a decent demon, how could he escape under such circumstances!

"Damn!" All his achievements came to nothing, and Colonel Kane's face was a little decadent when a beam of light passed through his body and turned to ashes, and a collection of green runes that ordinary people could not see escaped into the distance.

This can be said to be the soul, the soul of Colonel Kane!

Ye Ye, as a demon envoy, naturally saw the fleeing Kane's soul, and the surrounding space fluctuated, and the wine night driving Valvrave suddenly stopped Colonel Kane.

The power of the runes quickly erupted and wrapped the soul of Colonel Kane in it. Under the power of Ye Ye's runes, Colonel Kane's soul turned into a trace of afterglow and disappeared!

"Kane was killed, who is so bold and dare to kill our demon!" In the secret headquarters of the earth demon, they noticed it when Kane disappeared for the first time.

The faces of each magician are full of anger. There are not many magicians left, but now there is one less. For the 101-member council of the person who killed Colonel Kane, they gave birth to an unprecedented situation. Killing intent!

The Council of 101 is an organization of demons, an organization on Earth. Their source is from the universe, and they are a group of beings that only have consciousness but have no body.

The spacecraft they were in crashed on Earth, and they lost contact with their parent star and couldn't return to it.

Since they do not have physical bodies, they can only take the bodies of earth creatures as parasites, calling themselves "magic angels", and they continue their lives by constantly changing their bodies.

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