In ancient times, people or creatures parasitized by demons would be regarded as witches, monsters and the like. Thinking about the burning of witches and those monsters that eat people in ancient times, the relationship between humans and demons was not very harmonious.

In order to protect their own safety, the magicians have established an organization, which is the "101-member Council".

Now they have invaded the bodies of most powerful or wealthy businessmen. Once they all move, Dolcia may tremble three times. This is a force that cannot be ignored in society!

"Sakisen Academy, man-made magic envoy!" The more he read the information, the worse the expressions of the members of the One Hundred and One Council became.

This violated their taboos. No wonder Kane would personally lead the team to eliminate them. However, the current situation seems to be that they will be eliminated if they fail to be eliminated.

But whether it's for revenge or to eliminate hidden dangers, the [-]st Council will not let the man-made demons grow up, of course, there is no need to grow, the current Ye Ye has the power to destroy Dolcia!

"What is the green light just now, and that white light beam!" Ye Ye's battle was an obstacle from Haruto's Valvrave, so Haruto didn't see the complete situation.

"Forget it, I'll finish my work quickly!" Haruto drove the Valvrave No. [-] to the surrounding passages.

At this time, the Sidiar-class annihilation armed plane of the Dolceian Army rushed out, and the pilot was still the teammates who used to be El Alf!

Although it was blocked by the Sidial-class annihilation weapon, relying on the already familiar Valvrave No. [-], Haruto managed to completely cut off the surrounding passages.

The independence of the Dyson Ball is ready, and after repelling an armed plane, Haruto no longer rushes towards the Dyson Ball, the mission is completed, and there is no need to fight the armed plane to the death.

"Damn, he actually let him run away again." Adelai couldn't help scolding as he watched Valvrave's No. [-] machine, which was getting faster and faster.

At this time, Ye Ye's Valvrave No. [-] appeared behind Adelaide's armed machine. The Tang knife was unsheathed, and the light flashed through the armed machine, which was divided into two parts, and the escape pod rushed out instantly.

Ye Ye didn't let him escape anymore. Originally, he kept them just to disgust Chief Kane, but now the situation has changed, and Chief Kane has already been dealt with by him, so it is useless to keep them.

It just happened that I saw it now, and it was solved together. This kind of thing is still easy, and the two are not at the same level at all!

"Don't try to run this time!" The white beam passed through, and the escape pod turned to ashes. Seeing this scene, the other bodies quickly retreated.

Although they really want to take revenge, they are unable to do it now. They know Ye Ye's fierceness best. Even the strength of the whole army is broken in Ye Ye's hands!

"Don't even try to run!" The white angel wings unfolded, and several beams instantly shot their armed planes through the ability of the armed planes to lose their mobility, and several escape pods rushed out.

Although the events of Adelaide are still vivid in my mind, it is better to use an escape pod instead of waiting to die in the collective. At least there is still some hope in the escape pod, but in the body, there is no hope at all!

"I can't run." The beam shot out again, and none of the escape pods escaped in Ye Ye's hands.

Ye Ye's Valvrave No. [-] is a perfect machine for long-range and melee combat, and with this spatial ability, even if they were to run, they would never escape Ye Ye's palm.

Their end was doomed from the beginning...



I've updated a chapter, I'm sleeping, I can't stand it, I'll be more detailed at night, please subscribe and subscribe all, please subscribe automatically, everyone, let's be cute together, my goal is to get on the twitter account ! ! ! ..

【Extra】Chapter [-] The independence of Sakimori Academy!

Chapter [-] The independence of Sakimori Academy!

"Student Rukino, you seem to be a very famous idol before, right? We want to invite you to perform at the party, but I don't know about Rukino..." Haruto walked in front of Rukino Saki a little embarrassed. said.

After the battle, Sakimori College declared its independence to the outside world. With the emergence of a big killer such as the Valvrave machine, there was no opposition from either side.

Except for the Dorcian army who wanted to destroy the Valvrave body and kill people like Haru and Ye Ye, the other obstacles were to recruit Haru and Sakimori Academy.

Shoko became the prime minister, and some of the other classmates also held some official positions, and some of them were thriving.

This is the embryonic form of the Third Galactic Empire. Perhaps they did not expect that independence for a temporary reason would become a behemoth in the back.

"Ye Ye." Rukino Saki looked at Ye Ye for advice, and Haruto also said to Ye Ye, "Ye Ye, I'm just going to perform, classmate Rukino will not have any problems."

Ye Ye and Rukino Saki were paired together. Everyone guessed that the relationship between Rukino and Ye Ye was unusual. Of course, this kind of thing was passed on in private, after all, the two did not indicate that they were dating.

"Yeah." Ye Ye nodded, and Ye Ye was also in a good mood, so Haruto's suggestion was successful. Ye Ye also had something to do when Ye Ye went to the party.

The matter of Lianfang Xiaolujing was delayed for some time due to the invasion of the Dorsia Army. Now Ye Ye has to deal with the matter of Lianfang Xiaolujing.

This kind of girl can make people feel pity and love. Taking advantage of the fact that Lianfang Xiaolujing has not been cured by Xiangzi, let Ye Ye come, otherwise, it will be a hundred times more difficult to conquer after curing!

"Sure enough, it hasn't been discovered by Shoko." When he came to the house made of cardboard boxes, the light of the computer inside flickered.

Also, now that Shoko has become the prime minister, there are a lot of things to do. How could he have time to hang out here? In the original book, he accidentally discovered that Lianfang Xiaolujing could not exist.

"Oh!" In the cardboard box, Lianfang Xiaolujing was clicking the mouse to look at the recent college records. With this center, Lianfang Xiaolujing could know immediately what was going on in the college.


"Is there still a machine, as expected, I just know that this group can't have only these few machines." After the three Valvrave machines appeared, Alfred has been inquiring about the traces of Valvrave in the academy.

After all, it is also a top spy, so some records of Valvrave were discovered by Alfre, and finally tracked here.

This is the place where the Valvrave bodies are stored. There are No. [-] Valvrave and No. [-] Valvrave bodies, and the No. [-] Valvrave body has been transferred by Ye Ye.

Machine No. [-] is the body of Lianfang Xiaolujing. Only Lianfang Xiaolujing can control it. Valvrave No. [-] has high requirements for computer machine manipulation. In Sakisen Academy, only Lianfang Xiaolujing can do it. Bar.

"Is there only two? It always doesn't feel right." Alfr frowned as he looked at the yellow Valvrave No. [-] and the blue Valvrave No. [-], and his keen sense made him Something always feels wrong.

"Are there two missing, which two?" There is a position on one side of the Valvrave Unit [-] and the Valvrave Unit [-]. Alfred is sure that there should be four units here, and then Thinking of the two Valvrave machines that appeared in the battle, Alfred was brought into a misunderstanding.

"Fortunately, there are still two left. It seems that the other two Valvrave drivers need to speed up their investigation. The five aircraft will become the most powerful deterrent!" Al Elf said to himself.

A Valvrave can determine the direction of a war situation. Wutai can be said to be looking at it. With this kind of combat power, his plan will be better implemented, and the chance of disintegrating Dorsia is also greater. !

"Let's find a master for these two units now." Looking at the two Valvrave units underneath, Alfred smiled.

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