"Someone will come to us, just wait. By chance, Guichuan will come to us to participate in the battle, at the request of that Elf." A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Ye's mouth.

This Alfr should have discovered a lot, a lot of clues!

"En." Rukino Saki nodded excitedly, and he was able to fly as much as he liked in the valvrave No. [-] aircraft. This feeling is really good.

"Xiaojing, what are you doing inside?" Then Rukino asked, she had already accepted Lianfang Xiaolujing, after all, she had already handed it all over to Ye Ye.

And a powerful man with three wives and four concubines is not something unacceptable to Rukino!

"I'm still familiar with Valvrave Unit [-]." Ye Ye said.

After getting the sixth machine, Lianfang Xiaolujing was interested slowly, and relying on his own talent, now Lianfang Xiaolujing has already controlled the ability of Valvrave's sixth machine.

The ability of valvrave No. [-] machine can be said to be an electronic killer. Relying on all kinds of things to guide this special equipment, let the top pierce the control object, that is, the machine, it can automatically erode the electronic circuit and force the opponent!

Although there is a time difference because of the object, it is always scary enough in this technological war.



[Please subscribe and automatically subscribe, please subscribe all, this chapter was also sent on the mobile phone, I feel better to send it earlier, well, it is still raining here for the author, and it is at least three days, it is really a bunker, the electricity will be tomorrow I should come back, please say comfortably~~~~~~】 ..

[Spoiler] Chapter [-] I will fight!

Chapter [-] I will fight!

"Crack." The channel behind opened, followed by a voice.

Ye Ye looked to the back, it was Guichuan who was born, that is, only he could come in, and Ye Ye gave him permission.

According to Ye Ye's understanding of Guichuan Shengqiao, now Guichuan Shengqiao just wants to see how far they can go. You can still trust Guichuan Shengqiao.

"Ah ah ah, Ye Ye-jun, stay safe." Gui Chuan Sheng Qiao walked over, then said with a smile, looking at Lianfang Xiaolujing in Valvrave's No. [-] machine, Guichuan Shengqiao was again surprised. .

It wasn't that Ye Ye was surprised to find a driver for Valvrave No. [-], but Lianfang Xiaolujing, she actually came out, and she showed such an expression, it was incredible.

"Ah, isn't this classmate Lianfang Xiaolujing? It's been a big change after a while." Guichuan looked at Lianfang Xiaolujing skillfully, and the feeling was completely different from before, what happened to Ye Ye? did it.

Guichuan Shengqiao is also familiar with Lianfang Xiaolujing. The consumables of Lianfang Xiaolujing are all sent by Guichuan Shengqiao. Otherwise, according to the situation of Lianfang Xiaolujing at that time, I am afraid that even if he starves to death, he will not come out. of.

"Teacher Guichuan Shengqiao." Lianfang Xiaolujing responded.

Compared with Guichuan Shengqiao's valvrave No. [-] machine, it is more attractive. Guichuan Shengqiao is only confirmed, Lianfang Xiaolujing has indeed changed, and it has changed for the better.

"Then Mr. Guichuan, you are here to persuade me to participate in the battle with the Dorcea Army." Ye Ye didn't intend to speak politely to Guichuan. Nodding.

He wasn't surprised that Ye Ye guessed that Guichuan had a good chance.

"Since Mr. Page knows everything, then I won't go into details. This time there is a big crisis. If you don't take action, Mr. Page, we may not be able to survive." Guichuan said eloquently.

"You don't want to see that our academy was destroyed by the Dorsia Army." Gui Chuan Sheng Qiao said, Ye Ye waved Gui Chuan Sheng Qiao to stop.

"Don't worry about this, I will participate. You can rest assured." Ye Ye said, and Guichuan nodded his head.

"When the time comes, I will be driving the valvrave No. [-], with the valvrave No. [-] driven by Kosaki, and the valvrave No. [-] driven by Xiaojing. Six valvrave units should be enough." Ye Ye said.

Guichuan Shengqiao breathed a sigh of relief. Each valvrave body has different abilities to deal with different battles. If there are six together, they will not be defeated, even if there are so many people on the other side.

In addition, Haruto's valvrave No. [-] still has the ultimate nirvana. With this slashing sword, Ye Ye and others, there is no need to worry about this battle.

The master who designed this kind of collective is Guichuan Shengqiao. He also participated in it at the beginning, and he is naturally familiar with the body.

The six valvrave units were originally developed as a team, although the second unit has changed.

But it didn't affect their cooperation at that time.

The six valvrave bodies gathered together are absolutely invincible on the space battlefield, and he is also developing a cooling device that can make the body active longer.

The longer the time, the greater the combat effectiveness of the valvrave body.

"Well, since Mr. Page has agreed, that's fine. I'm here to deliver the letter this time. I'll still come to contact Mr. Page when I leave." .

"In a short period of time after this war, the Dolceian army's combat power in space will be insufficient." Ye Ye thought to himself, in this case, Doel Elf will start the next plan, and there will be more destruction. Ercia.

But this is not bad, Ye Ye didn't intend to stop Alfred.

Destroying Dolcia is not bad for Ye Ye, on the contrary, now Dolcia is eyeing him, and Ye Ye is in favor of destroying Dolcia.

"Ye Ye, do we need to prepare now?" Rukino Saki said.

Ye Ye nodded, and Ryuki Nosaki walked towards her Valvrave No. [-] unit. She wanted to check the equipment on the No. [-] unit.

Lianfang Xiaolujing and Ryuki Nozaki were both infused with some rune power by Ye Ye, which allowed them to maintain sufficient combat power in battle, which is worth mentioning.

This can be shared, which means that all valvrave units are not lacking in the power of runes, and Ye Ye is also a hidden help for Qingren and the others.

"They agreed." Guichuan Shengqiao walked out of the passage, Alfred leaned aside, Guichuan Shengqiao was startled, and then said to Alfred.

"They're here," said Al Alfre, who had been following Guichuan's birth.

"Ah ah ah, I didn't expect to be put together by you. Indeed, they are here underground, but whether you can find them depends on your luck." Guichuan Sheng Qiao said indifferently.

That place is very hidden, and even if Alfred finds it, he can't go in.

"Hmph." Alfre left with a cold snort. He decided to monitor the place closely and send someone to monitor it!

The instrument probably won't work.

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