

[Please support everyone, please subscribe and automatically subscribe, please subscribe to all, everyone is cute together, I will present it in one chapter, there is still an update, it is a dating volume, and I want to enter the Yatoshen Tohka The plot is over, and there will be added sprites that did not appear in the original work~~~~~~~~~~~] ..

【Extra】Chapter [-] The army is coming!

Chapter [-] The army is coming!

"Ye Ye, it seems that the Elf you mentioned is very daring." Rukino Saki naturally discovered the people who were patrolling the outside world.

These are the students of the academy, and they are all ordinary people. After becoming a magician, the perception of Ruki no Saki is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

"Don't worry about him, he can't find it here. Even if he finds clues and finds out about it, he won't be able to get in. Anyway, this is not the only passage, let him guard it." Ye Ye said.

This time, El Alf made a miscalculation. How could the passage only be on the ground of the passage, and there is still a secret escape route. It's good to leave the escape route at that time.

"Let's go, do you want to go to the bar?" Liukino Saki said with a smile, Ye Ye nodded, then Ye Ye looked at Lianfang Xiaolujing, naturally he couldn't leave her behind.

Although it seems that it no longer excludes the outside world, but this is only superficial. In fact, Lianfang Xiaolujing is still very fragile, so Ye Ye must pay special attention.

"Xiaojing, come here." Ye Ye said.

Lianfang Xiaolujing raised her head when she heard Ye Ye's voice, and when she saw Ye Ye beckoning, she walked out of Valvrave No. [-] and walked towards Ye Ye.

"What's wrong?" Lianfang Xiaolujing asked.

Ye Ye talked to Lianfang Xiaolujing again, and then Lianfang Xiaolujing nodded, she didn't want to leave Ye Ye's side, she would be stable only when Ye Ye was by her side.

"Saki, let's go." Ye Ye said.

Rukino Saki nodded and walked out of the escape channel together. This channel is known only to the teachers of the academy, and no one else will understand.

Because it was a secret passage, apart from the necessary lights, there was only the monitoring facility here. Ye Ye took out his communicator and took a look at it. The communicator could also be said to be a student ID.

"This is the outside world." Lianfang Xiaolujing looked at the sky.

After she came to the academy, she closed herself up. Apart from seeing it in the video, it was the first time she saw it with her own eyes.

"Well, let's go, no one will find out here." Ye Ye said.

The emergency passage is connected to the last side of a shrine, which is very hidden. Unless someone points it out, it is impossible to find it.

"This place is already abandoned." Lianfang Xiaolujing followed Ye Ye and Liukino Saki. Indeed, this place was already abandoned, and it was the same bar.

In the second half of the night, the Dorcian army began to attack, and they did not observe the so-called three days.

Of course, Alfred did not believe in the so-called three days. Valvrave No. [-], Valvrave No. [-] and No. [-] were also dispatched.

Like the original, the pilots of the two bodies are still Yamada Raizo and Haruto's friend Inuzuka Kuma. In the original work, both of them have reasons for having to drive the body.

Their best friend and favorite were killed by the Dolceian Army, implicated in an invasion led by Colonel Kane in the original.

Now because Ye Ye said that Kane was killed, their reason for wanting to drive the body has disappeared. It seems that the world has been modified, and the two pilots are still two people.

"Ye Ye, the battle has begun." Guichuan Sheng Qiao left a message to Ye Ye's communicator, Ye Ye replied, and now they have returned to their base from the bar.

When the other three valvrave machines started to operate, Ye Ye knew that the war had begun, and immediately Ye Ye returned with Ryukino Saki and Lianfang Kouji.

"Ye Ye, I'll take a step first." Rukino Saki entered the cab of Valvrave No. [-].

After starting the valvrave No. [-] machine, Ye Ye opened the passage to the universe, and Rukino Saki drove the valvrave No. [-] machine and rushed out.

"Xiaojing, let's go." Ye Ye then looked at Lianfang Xiaolujing and said, Lianfang Xiaolujing nodded and entered the valvrave No. [-] machine, started the No. [-] machine, and Lianfang Xiaolujing also rushed out.

"This is, this purple body actually still has a valvrave body, three bodies, it seems that necessary measures have to be taken." Alfred said.

He didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to know who the pilots of the three aircraft were.

"Six valvrave aircraft, plus Haruto's belly-cutting sword, we will definitely win this time, as long as we defeat the main battleship, then the rest will be easy to deal with." Al Elf said, on the side Xiangzi looked a little depressed.

Shoko's father is in the main battleship, which means that to defeat the main battleship, she must kill her father, but there is no choice.

"Green, purple, and a silver one." Three units, the most important one is the silver one, and he and Haruto will become the most important combat power.

"Ye Ye, come quickly." Ryuki Nosaki sent a message to Ye Ye, Ye Ye smiled, the bracelet emitted a white light, and the second valvrave machine took shape in the light.

"We want to eat more rune power." Pino and prue sent a message to Ye Ye, they also felt that it would be good to stay here, at least there was no shortage of rune power.

"Very good." Leaf pages transmit the power of runes, and pino and prue want to absorb the power of runes. This is the best situation.

"Phew." The space fluctuated, and Ye Ye appeared in front of the flying Valvrave No. [-] and Valvrave No. [-].

"Xiaojing, Xiaosaki, let's go."



[Send another chapter, there are still two chapters of updates in the evening, please support, please support, please subscribe and automatically subscribe, there are still two chapters of updates in the evening, it's a date fight night knife A volume of God Tohxiang, I can't see it in the book review area~~~] ..

【Extra】Chapter [-] I have a big move, don't you be afraid!

Chapter [-] I have a big move, don't you be afraid!

"Very good, the silver fuselage is also here." Alfal looked a little excited when he saw Ye Ye's valvrave No. [-] on the screen, and then turned the microphone Alfr connected to the communication.

"You hear me, I'm Al Elf, the commander of your battle this time." Al Elf said.

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