"Wow~! May is also too bold, whispering to the teacher on the first date?"

"Uuuuu, I should have been sitting there originally, so I'm not reconciled~!"

"Ahhh, sister, I also want to experience the feeling of whispering."

"Is that so? My dear sister Ichika."

"Hey~! What are you doing, Erno, stop! Your ears are so itchy!"

The audience beside him was looking at this group of suspicious people with strange eyes.

Even though it was indoors, he was still wearing a sun hat and black sunglasses.

Those who didn't know thought it was a group of blind people who came here to listen to the sound.

"Ah? The show is over? I didn't even pay attention to it and it's gone? My ticket money..."

"Look, May and the teacher are leaving, hurry up and follow!"

"I said don't blow Erno in my ear again, sister, I'm going to be angry!"

"Isn't this what you want to experience, I'll give you enough experience~!"

After watching the dolphin show, Aoki and May continued to move forward.

On the road, May was still chattering about his feelings.

Aoki, on the other hand, listened with a smile on her face, and occasionally said her personal views.

In a good atmosphere, the two walked to the next attraction.

"Wow~! Teacher! Penguins, penguins! You can actually see penguins here!"

Looking down May's line of sight, I saw a group of penguins paddling leisurely in the water.

"Teacher, don't penguins live in the North Pole? Why are they here?"

May excitedly grabbed Aoki's hand and kept asking questions, but upon seeing this, he had to explain with a smile.

"Classmate May, I need to correct a problem for you.

The most famous creature in the Arctic is the polar bear, and penguins live in the Antarctic. "

Hearing Aoki's explanation, May stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

That cute appearance made Aoki take a second glance.

"The penguin is not the only one, the penguins living in Antarctica are usually referred to as emperor penguins.

In fact, there are also native penguins in these areas of Africa, such as the rockhopper penguins you see now.

They are called rockhopper penguins because of their habit of jumping on rocks.

The difference between these penguins, you can understand the difference between the South China tiger and the Siberian tiger. "

The professional explanation like a tour guide made May learn new knowledge again.

"Teacher, I feel like you can become a tour guide. No, you are more professional than the tour guide!"

After receiving praise from May, Aoki smiled and patted her head, and replied in a flat tone.

"Professional tour guides may not be as good as me, but I am not as good as others when it comes to motivating tourists.

We cannot just focus on one strength and ignore other influences. "

It's a pity that May, who was killed by touching his head, couldn't hear what Aoki was saying.

Her brain was like a mush, and she completely lost her ability to think.

After speaking, Aoki also found that his behavior seemed to be too intimate.

He put his hand back without a trace, took out his mobile phone and took a few pictures of the penguins.

It can not only cover up the embarrassment just now, but also leave some good memories by the way.

I have to say, Aoki's handling is perfect.

Of course, if there is no suspicious group of four who are watching secretly from behind.

"Maybe has a cat-like expression on his face. Is it really that comfortable to be touched?"

"I don't envy, I don't envy, I don't envy... woo woo I'm so envious~!"

"Sister Yihua, do you want to experience the feeling of being a cat? I can help... Ah, what are you doing, Yihua!"

"Isn't that to give my lovely sister a taste of being loved, don't run away, I haven't touched enough yet!"

The noise was so loud that it attracted the attention of other passers-by.

When Aoki heard the familiar voice, she turned her head strangely.

Looking at the suspiciously dressed foursome not far away, the corners of his mouth twitched.

'Playing or you young people can play...' Aoki muttered silently in his heart.

He turned his head, intending to ignore the scene.

But he didn't expect that May, who was behind him, also followed his line of sight.

With just one glance, she saw through the disguise of the suspicious foursome.

"Who will explain to me why you are here?!"


11 chapters have been updated on the first day, and there is not a single drop left. Thank you again for your great support.

For the sake of my hard work, why don't you give me some flowers, comments and encouragement to encourage new writers~!

The more you vote, the faster the update will be, no matter how you count it, it's a sure-fire business, right~! *

[12] Suddenly have the motivation to test the highest score (plus more)

Seeing their whereabouts being revealed, the group of four looked at each other awkwardly.

Yihua was then pushed out by the others to face May's anger.

"Ah... What a coincidence, May, I didn't expect you to come here too."

May stared at Yihua with an embarrassed smile on her face, and then sighed helplessly.

"If you want to track, you need to be more professional, wearing a sun hat and sunglasses in this dark place.

Are you worried that others won't doubt you?Or do you think I'm an idiot? "

"Oops~! Aren't we worried that the teacher is plotting bad things~!"

Aoki's legs softened when he heard this, and he said quickly.

"You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. When I'm locked in, who can I go to?"


Seeing the aggrieved expression on Aoki's face, the five sisters couldn't help laughing.

May also understood the intentions of the sisters, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said.

"Okay, okay, don't do this kind of stupid thing next time, it's embarrassing, okay?"

Seeing that May didn't mean to blame them, the group of four secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He took off the sun hat on his head and threw the sunglasses into the hat.

Aoki looked at it with the help of the dim light and found that each of them was well-dressed.

Whether youthful, mature, intellectual, or noble, they show their own characteristics.

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Aoki took the initiative to come out and say.

"What day is today? Why is everyone like a princess from a fairy tale?"

Hearing Aoki's heartfelt praise, the group of four couldn't help but smile.

May, in dissatisfaction, pinched Aoki's arm, causing him to grin in pain.

Yotsuba took the opportunity to step forward, looked at Aoki with a strange look and said.

"Aoki-sensei, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

His tone seemed to care about Aoki, but he was actually making fun of May.

The thin-skinned she immediately retracted her hand after hearing this.

With a light snort in his mouth, he let Aoki go.

Under the spoiler of Yotsuba, it is not easy for May to make any small moves.

The two sides merged into a team, and Aoki continued to explain some marine knowledge with the five sisters.

Follow the crowd and continue to move forward to a place where you can feed fish.

The staff handed out some special food to each visitor.

Visitors can lean on the fence and feed the fish in the pool with their food.

Sanjiu picked up the food in her hand and wanted to throw it to the underwater fish, but she didn't dare to do it.

She watched the fish jumping around, worried that they would bite them.

Aoki noticed her abnormality and walked up to her and asked.

"Sanjiu-san, what's the matter with you? Your face doesn't seem very good."

"Ah... Teacher, I'm fine, I just don't dare to get too close..."

Seeing the fish in front of Sanjiu fluttering, and combining the expression on her face, Aoki roughly deduced what she was thinking.

"Don't worry, these are herbivorous freshwater fish. They don't have teeth in their mouths, so you can feed them with confidence."

"Eh? Is that so? How are these fish going to eat?"

Hearing Sanjiu's question, the girls beside him also raised their ears and listened.

They were also curious how the fish would chew their food if they had no teeth.

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