"This has to refer to the special structure of herbivorous freshwater fish, which is technically called throat teeth or cheek teeth.

The teeth grow on the pharyngeal bone, and the fish swallows the food down the throat before starting to chop it up. "

Hearing Aoki's explanation, the girls showed a sudden realization.

Even the passers-by who were watching together not far away could not help but extended their thumbs in praise.

"You know a lot, little brother. You can save the tour guide money by following you."

Aoki smiled and didn't respond, but continued talking to Sanjiu beside him.

"So don't worry about being bitten by them, just feed it with confidence."

With Aoki's encouragement, Sanjiu nodded.

Tear out a small piece of the food in your hand and put it in the palm of your hand.

I dipped my hand into the water and saw a group of freshwater fish surrounding me.

"It feels like these fish are giving me a massage! It's amazing~!"

When the other girls saw this, they also followed suit and dipped their hands in the water.

"Really, my palms are itchy, I feel so comfortable."

"Wow~! I can't see my hand, it was eaten by a fish~!"

"Fool Yotsuba, don't say such shameful things, okay? I'm blushing for you!"

"Ah, this experience is really amazing. If it wasn't for the teacher to explain it, I really wouldn't dare to try it."

Yihua's words expressed what the five sisters thought.

Everyone couldn't help but admire Aoki a little more.

At a young age, he not only has a vast amount of knowledge, but also has a first-class teaching level.

More importantly, such an excellent boy looks very good at the aesthetics of girls.

It has to be said that it is a great honor to have such a person as their tutor.

After feeding the freshwater fish with the last bit of food on hand.

All the items in the aquarium are considered to be experienced.

Although I only experienced one project with Aoki.

But the group of four still felt the joy of going out with him.

Carry a handsome model guide with you.

Not only can you learn knowledge while playing, but you can also take it with you to keep your eyes peeled.

This is probably a good thing that you can't find with much money.

This made them feel motivated for the next test.

I must get the highest score next time!


The flowers will be added, and I will try to add two more chapters today. If it is too late, I will make up for the follow-up. Don't worry about it~*

[13] Obviously it was me first (plus)

Everyone followed the crowd out of the aquarium.

Looking at the time, it was exactly twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

The midday temperature rose suddenly, even standing in the shadows could not relieve it.

Aoki looked around and suggested to the five sisters behind him.

"It happens to be lunch time, why don't we find a place to rest first?

The temperature is too high right now, and if you don't pay a little attention, you will suffer from heat stroke. "

Hearing Aoki's suggestion, the five sisters nodded in agreement.

The sunlight reflected from the ground almost made them unable to open their eyes.

Not to mention going out in such a temperature.

However, it is not easy to find a rest shop in such a place.

I searched around the aquarium and couldn't find a suitable store.

In desperation, Aoki suggested that they escape the heat in Kaifeng dishes.

Although it is a fast food restaurant, it is better than the supply of air-conditioning.

In this weather, it is also a good choice to have a cold drink with the air conditioner on.

Walking into the store, Aoki asked a few people to find a place to occupy it.

He took a flower and went to the counter to order.

The reason why she chose to bring a flower is because she is more stable than other sisters.

When ordering, they will take into account their respective preferences, saving time to waste food.

As Aoki expected.

As the eldest sister in the family, Yihua is familiar with her sister's preferences.

Ordered their favorite things for them in an orderly manner.

It didn't take long for the two to walk back to the table with two full plates of food.

Sitting at the dining table, Ichika whispered beside Aoki.

"I'm so sorry, Aoki-sensei, we should have invited you out to play.

In the end, it's really embarrassing for you to spend money to buy us something to eat. "

Aoki shook his head with a smile and said in an indifferent tone.

"It's not even a fraction of the tutoring fee.

Don't take it too seriously, the most important thing when you come out to play is to have fun. "

Seeing that Aoki was so free and easy, Yihua also smiled and said nothing.

But her next move was beyond Aoki's expectations.

I saw Yihua picked up a french fries and lightly dipped them in some ketchup.

Then he raised his slender hand and handed the fries to Aoki's mouth.

The left hand did not forget to gracefully roll up the hair that was hanging down from the ear.

From Aoki's first point of view, Ichika at this time has an indescribable charm.

"Eh~! What are you doing, Yihua?"

Yotsuba's voice caught the attention of all the girls.

They followed Yotsuba's line of sight and said in surprise.

"Uuuuuu~! Yihua is so bold!" Sanjiu blushed and watched secretly.

Er Nai put her arms around her chest and looked at the scene in front of her with a flat expression.

No one noticed that her hands were shaking slightly, maybe she was too shy.

May stood up in a hurry, trying to stop Yihua's bold move.

And Ichika said with a smile while propping her cheek with her left hand and holding the fries in her right hand.

"You all stole everything, so shouldn't I leave something for the teacher to eat?"

After hearing Yihua's words, the girls realized that they did scrape everything clean.

Usually they are different, rarely order a lot of things on the table.

So when Aoki and Ichika brought something.

They habitually took away what they liked to eat.

Noticing this, the girls bowed their heads in embarrassment.

Pushing the thing in front of Aoki, like a little girl who made a mistake.

Seeing Ichika winking playfully at her, Aoki understood what she meant.

Shaking his head with a smile, he said to the girls in front of him.

"When you see something you like, it's normal to want to monopolize it.

What's more, this is originally for you to eat, so there is no need to be embarrassed.

When you meet someone you care about, you will think about sharing what you like with him.

It's just that you haven't met them yet, so you don't have any awareness of this. "

Aoki's unintentional words just hit the sensitive hearts of the girls.

They didn't share what they liked with the people they cared about just now.

Only one flower usually does not show the mountains and waters, but it seizes the opportunity at the critical moment.

I didn't expect my eldest sister to hide so deeply, and I thought she was the least worried opponent.

Thinking of this, the girls looked at each other in distress.

Seeing that the scene became a little embarrassing, Aoki hurriedly said.

"What are you doing, let's eat first! You're not hungry after walking around all morning?"

After all, he picked up a glass of Coke and drank it.

Unexpectedly, Sanjiu lowered her head directly after seeing it.

White smoke came out of the top of the head, and it seemed that the machine was about to crash.

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