Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 411

The house under the snow is in the way of receiving the protection fee and the Yi Taichang, and you are too uncomfortable, so the two sides have always been safe.

Now You is a head of the new company, but is not a novel anime business. It is a real industry company. This company belongs to the government, and a two Members are tossing at all. what.

You want to give a member of the members, it is also very easy to do, someone in the hand is a good job, representing a lot of public opinion.

The father of Snow also knew that this kind of thing, said helplessness after sighed: "Mr. Zhenwei can be such a relaxed management company. I feel a lot of things that I am busy with the company. The future is a big problem. ! "

The construction company of the snow is only a medium-sized business, and this medium-sized company is really nothing in Japan.

In addition to several construction giants, the remainder is small and medium-sized enterprises, the number can be said to be hundreds of thousands!

A large number of construction companies, which make the construction industry fierce, the contract price is slightly declining, and the labor costs have been rising, the project is deteriorated, and the financial situation of large enterprises is generally poor, especially the top 50 large business orders sharply, profit margin low.

The bankruptcy of construction companies has increased by six hundred and thousands of construction companies in almost every year.

Even the giants of those construction industries are constantly layoffs and metastasis.

The main problems are also the population issues and the large number of construction industries will be built, and many porridge are less.

There are more people in the circle, so naturally to starve to death, they can let the remaining people live.

The commercial battlefield is such a simple thing, the resources are the place where the fart is, unless there is another large earthquake or the tsunami, or most construction companies have to go bankrupt.

If you look at the old photos, you will find that Japan and the present Japan are basically not much different from 30 years ago.

It is conceivable that how many construction companies have done these years, and how much is bankrupt.

If the person under the hand, if there is no living, then the company will soon be bankrupt, and the workers are gone, and this Member will not be.

However, there is no way to the point, the next home is the relationship between the local name, the development is not bad, and the hand is not lacking.

As a member of the county, some government projects, and then contracting to their own companies, this kind of thing is the thing that local employees liked!

Come over these years, because there is a relationship of Membership, the home of the snow is very good.

Everyone is blowing each other, and Gu is too nor to talk about snow naked, even if there is anything to say to the lady under the snow.

After eating almost the same, You Taishi took the initiative.

This time, the parents of Snow, and Ye Shan people are rushing, and You is too saying that there is a child to take care of the family, so the other side nodded and said.

This is the normal process. It is not normal when you promise to leave before you have to eat.

When Yang Nai is, the active delivery of the blessing and Beitani is outside.

This is the beginning of death ...

"It's okay here, Yang is you go back, we will go casually."

After you walked into the neighborhood, I looked at Yang Nai. This woman who followed him was too annoon.

Yang Nai Station is in the same place, his hands laughs behind him too, "I still think of your family to eat, then here is here."

You didn't want to talk to her, frowning looked at this woman, and the other party was obviously looking for things.

Yang is indeed looking for things, saying softly with the loved appearance of the problem: "You don't want to discuss snow or something? Why didn't you say it?"

"There is no need to say, I will slowly explain with Snow, and your mother does not make things that blocked the snow."

You is too lazy to say, this time just let the lady know their attitude, this is enough.

"This is!" Yang Napoti nodded, she didn't care about this matter.

At the same time, the sun is a gentle Waiting for Beli Duldanti, the other party is still a faint expression of politeness.

Yang is a smile, then take advantage of Gu to pay too much, quickly open his hands and hold the prostitute.

This is a positive hug, and the body of Snow is too tight, and his hands are also touched on the back of the you.

"Hit a greeting ~" Yang Nai after holding the mother, it is very natural to explain this behavior.

When You was, he didn't think of Yang Nai's milk, and you were too worried about Yang Nai's brain!

I am horses!

You was too shouted in his heart, and he quickly looked at the vinegar tap.

When Belino is jealous, I will lose my sense of reason and lose the perception of the outside world.

And this is the most important state, and the Belotanti in this state will not control the power in his body!

These power will not attacked people ... Is this possible?

The power representing the wind turns into four weeks, the air around the Belino Titi in a sluggish and stagnant is distorted.

In addition to the hotel, there is a high-end apartment. I saw a crack from the foot of Bé de Dradanti, so that the nearby high-rise building wall appeared on the walls of a dozen meter cracks!

Just one or two seconds!

You was too suddenly opened the Yang Nai, and quickly pulled the hand in front of Belino.

Whenever, Belino is not hurting.

Because of this, the Yang Yanyi is not aware of the power around Belino.

After being slammed by Gu, Belodandi suddenly recovered awareness, although some doubts were confused, but he still exposed a gentle smile.

"Just hit a greece, is it like this?" Yang Nai quickly stood quickly after being pushed, and it was very uncomfortable.

You said that he sighed and didn't want to explain anything. "You look after you."

Yang Nai heard, I saw it, and I was shocked after I saw a tall crack on the building nearby.

"What is going on? Just happened yet ?!" Yang is a careful back of two steps, it is too dangerous, this building may fall.

Belinoi is also surprised to look at this vertical cracking crack, "I am so powerful, but why do you want to destroy it?"

You is too speechless, every time, Belot Drady does not know her own problems at all.

"Nothing, it may be that the quality is too bad, it is too dangerous here, we will go."

You Oh La Duldanti's hand, I will go out soon.

When I just chatted, I know some things from the father of Snow Nime. For example, many places in the city are built by their company, which is in recent years.

Now this place has such a big problem, disregarded ...

You is too talent, if it is not a nail, how can there be this kind of thing?

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