Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book to listen to Dad's words Chapter 412

It can be sure, in the next few years, the new business in the snow will be very short.


Chapter 012 is a companion

"According to our reporters, an engineering accident has occurred in a 25-story high-end residential area near Chiba Prefecture today, which should have an earthquake resistance, and the construction time is not more than 7 years. A serious quality problem, the wall surface has a huge crack of up to 16 meters! "

"According to the nearby residents, I feel that the earth is shaking, and the high-rise buildings will start shaking. At that time, there were a large number of residents who were celebrating the New Year in the room, and they quickly evacuate after the accident."

"At that time, there was no seismic trace, and there was no deep seismic depth after the earthquake. After the expert's identification, this time the house building is not an earthquake."

"Experts analyze, this situation is ..."

You was shut down the TV and stationed.

After Beli Duldanti, I started to be busy with the dinner in the kitchen, and I didn't care about the crack seen before.

For Beli Dradie, it is more important than eating, and her curiosity is not high.

"Forget it ..." You didn't bother Beli Dradanti, this matter is so good.

After turning off the TV, I feel that there is nothing, and You is too tall to another room.

The family under the snow is definitely to be accountable, but what is the relationship with the bless?

It takes you very cheap, but also deliberately target Goddess, now being awarded, it is something you find.

You may not have the kind of power, so someone else hit himself, it is a sense of consciousness.

It can't be born because the other party doesn't know what it is, it will spare this person who deliberately provoke himself.

I am not a good person, why do you want to take the standard of saints to ask others?

You's temptation is very good, I have forgotten those breakdown when entering the vine in the vine.

"Xiangzi, what is busy?"

You said that it was closed, in case it was seen by others.

Fujiwara Xiangzi glanced too, and then continued to watch the phone.

"Nothing, chatting with sunflowers."

You walked over. At this time, the vine is sitting in the chair and looking down at the tablet on the leg. You are too low after the nearby, and I also saw Tongshan in the video.

You is too smiling in the following: "Kwai, come over at night? I haven't give you a lucky money yet ~"

Tongshan Kwai is lazy to lying lazy lying on the bed, sidelight against the scene, so it seems more charming.

After listening to the words of the Tan, Tongshan ganyi looked at the eyes, "Give me the lucky money? Hey, what are you doing?"

"Of course, your father is." You is also a smile and give a response, not in the lazy tone of the Tong Shanki.

Fujihara is very speechless for these two severe patients, one is a woman with a serious love, one is a teenager with love motherhood, from a sense of meaning.

Today, Fujihara is still thinking that You is a teenager with a serious love.

This conclusion has been made.

First of all, the mother of the mother is from the parents, and lacks maternal love.

Although it is greatly raised by my sister, it is precisely because it is more important to value the gentle and care of the elderly.

After the sister is killed, although it is a father who is raising three prostitutes, there is some performance as a father.

But this is still unable to hide the desire of the deep heart!

This is one of them, and there are very many proofs to prove that the vine is the thoughts of the vine.

From the people who prefer you, you can get a lot of favorable evidence.

Belinoi, this motherhood can't be seen, but in the younger, it is indeed a feeling of taking care of the child. It has unconditional movements and protecting Gu. It is simply loved him too much.

The head is cool, yourself, Tongshan, Urud, these are people than those who are too old.

There is also the woolen-Raewe, although the age is similar, but the Nava Laixiang is a body or character, and is extremely tasteable.

The cold river Jiangchun discipline is too little, but this girl is taking care of the rest of your brother sister, is a woman who is responsible for a sense of responsibility.

You said that the Lord of the Cold River Jiang Spring Cape is an idea of ​​admitting the vine.

Anyway, no matter how it is so explained, even if You is now talking with Tongshan, it is said that the tablet is talking. The vine is still thinking that You are too moral sex.

This kind of thing explains more, there is no need. A lot of things that you are too doing are not very good, and it is not bad.

Fujihai Zhizhi stood up and went to the side. When you were sitting behind the fragrant, he sat in the place where the fragrant sitting.

Under the body, you can feel the body temperature that is just accumulated, just like a young chick, the woman in the family has different fragrances.

When I was sitting down, I smelled the smell. After sitting on the place where I was sitting, I was holding the computer with my hands and chatted with Tongshan.

The chat is not to avoid the other two in the room.

Tongshan, Dad, Dad, Dad, did not stop.

Compared to a headache, Fujira, the squat, the other side, the head of the photo, is a slight smile, and it is not blamed for this kind of thing.

"Then I have passed now."

When Tongshanki chatted with Guys, I was taking a fire, I was ready to take a break in Youshi.

You Too looked at the time and stood up and said: "Then I will pick you up, wait for me at home, soon it will come."

After the Tongshan Mei heard, he smiled and said: "That's more, let Beldu Drady cook late, otherwise it is too anxious."

Fujihara sighed, can't stand these two people. "Belucanti is there, the children are not very hungry today, don't eat too early, but don't play too much, I really thought Is this villa? "

The head of the hands also put down the chess of the hand, said to the blessing smile: "In addition to Belinoi and the young bullish, the rest should be clear."

You Yu frowned, so fast?

Fujiwara Xiangzi saw the expression of Yu Tai, explained: "It's not all known, at least now I am just suspected that Lai Xiang, Kwai, Spring Jioni, as for me and the temple, in the eyes of the two children, as for sand summer estimates I only suspect a few people. "

This kind of thing knows that it is known, but I can't manage the you.

The two children are completely uncompetitive, and now it is the default, it can only grow up as soon as possible.

Shaxia is also the default, this is good.

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